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Overview of Judges. Faithful. Unfaithful. Time frame: 300 – 350 years covering 13 judges 7 times they fall away from God 7 times they were oppressed by their enemies 7 different heathen nations 7 times they cried for help to God 7 times they were delivered from their enemies .
Overview of Judges Faithful Unfaithful Time frame: 300 – 350 years covering 13 judges 7 times they fall away from God7 times they were oppressed by their enemies7 different heathen nations7 times they cried for help to God7 times they were delivered from their enemies
Joshua 24:20 "If you forsake the LORD and serve foreign gods, then He will turn and do you harm and consume you, after He has done you good.“ "When a Christian reads the book, he is impressed with the way in which it underlines the truth that rebellion against God brings punishment, but repentance brings restoration.“ Key word: confusion Key verse: Judges 17:6 In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes. Also 21:25
2 Timothy 3:1 But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, 4 traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!
Galatians 1:6 I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel, 7 which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed.
Author: is not named but most believe it was Samuel 1. The work is from a single individual. 2. The life of Samuel fits into the historical time-frame because the narrative was written before Jerusalem was captured and after Israel had a King (Judg. 1:21; 17:6). 3. The author also knew that the Tabernacle had been moved from Shiloh, an event that took place in Eli's priesthood (Judg. 18:31). 4. The book appears to have been written by a prophet because it harshly condemns the leader's wrong-doings. 5. Hebrew tradition historically supports Samuel as the author.
3 specific sins of Israel. 1. They did not drive out the Canaanites. 2. They practiced idolatry. 3. They married pagan wives. Practical lesson we learn from the book of Judges 1. we are always just one generation away from apostasy.
Judges 2:7 So the people served the LORD all the days of Joshua, and all the days of the elders who outlived Joshua, who had seen all the great works of the LORD which He had done for Israel. 8 Now Joshua the son of Nun, the servant of the LORD, died when he was one hundred and ten years old. 9 And they buried him within the border of his inheritance at Timnath Heres, in the mountains of Ephraim, on the north side of Mount Gaash. 10 When all that generation had been gathered to their fathers, another generation arose after them who did not know the LORD nor the work which He had done for Israel.
We need to begin in the home with our families. Deuteronomy 11:18 " Therefore you shall lay up these words of mine in your heart and in your soul, and bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. 19 "You shall teach them to your children, speaking of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. 20 "And you shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates, 21 "that your days and the days of your children may be multiplied in the land of which the LORD swore to your fathers to give them, like the days of the heavens above the earth.
Deuteronomy 4:9 " Only take heed to yourself, and diligently keep yourself, lest you forget the things your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life. And teach them to your children and your grandchildren, 10 "especially concerning the day you stood before the LORD your God in Horeb, when the LORD said to me, 'Gather the people to Me, and I will let them hear My words, that they may learn to fear Me all the days they live on the earth, and that they may teach their children.' We don’t want to be like Eli.
We must teach this new generation the importance of leadership. Judges 2:18 And when the LORD raised up judges for them, the LORD was with the judge and delivered them out of the hand of their enemies all the days of the judge; for the LORD was moved to pity by their groaning because of those who oppressed them and harassed them. 19 And it came to pass, when the judge was dead, that they reverted and behaved more corruptly than their fathers, by following other gods, to serve them and bow down to them. They did not cease from their own doings nor from their stubborn way.
2 Timothy 2:1 You therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. 2 And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. 2. True repentance that comes from the heart will bring you back into favor with God.
Judges 10:10 And the children of Israel cried out to the LORD, saying, "We have sinned against You, because we have both forsaken our God and served the Baals!" 11 So the LORD said to the children of Israel, "Did I not deliver you from the Egyptians and from the Amorites and from the people of Ammon and from the Philistines? 12 "Also the Sidonians and Amalekites and Maonites oppressed you; and you cried out to Me, and I delivered you from their hand. 13 "Yet you have forsaken Me and served other gods. Therefore I will deliver you no more. 14 "Go and cry out to the gods which you have chosen; let them deliver you in your time of distress." 15 And the children of Israel said to the LORD, "We have sinned! Do to us whatever seems best to You; only deliver us this day, we pray." 16 So they put away the foreign gods from among them and served the LORD. And His soul could no longer endure the misery of Israel.
3. We can accomplish great things in the name of God even if we are small in number. Judges 6:15 So he said to Him, "O my Lord, how can I save Israel? Indeed my clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my father's house." 16 And the LORD said to him, "Surely I will be with you, and you shall defeat the Midianites as one man.“ Philippians 3:17 Brethren, join in following my example, and note those who so walk, as you have us for a pattern.
4. If you play with fire you are going to get burned. Judges 16:16 And it came to pass, when she pestered him daily with her words and pressed him, so that his soul was vexed to death, 17 that he told her all his heart, and said to her, "No razor has ever come upon my head, for I have been a Nazirite to God from my mother's womb. If I am shaven, then my strength will leave me, and I shall become weak, and be like any other man.“ 1 Corinthians 15:33 Do not be deceived: "Evil company corrupts good habits
A few notable points 1. This book has 2 beginnings.A. Short lived faithfulness after Joshua’s death.B. The beginning of their backsliding. 2. The oldest Parable in the world. Judges 9:7-21 3. The rise of a women leader Judges 4 4. The first idolatrous priest Judges 18:30 Romans 15:4 For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope.