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Presentation technique. A perfomance in three acts. 1st Act - Indonesian Columns and their Ancestors.
Presentationtechnique A perfomance in threeacts writtenby Dr. Klaus Schwerdtfeger
1st Act - IndonesianColumnsandtheirAncestors • TravellingthroughIndonesiaduringIdulAdar I recognizedthatquite a lotofwealthyIndonesianshaveused all kindofpillarsasconstructionelementoftheirhouses. I becamecuriousabouttheoriginalsandlookedup in theinternet. • The Greeksweretheoneswiththemost extensive useofcolumns
1st Act - Indonesian ColumnsandtheirAncestors 2 • Therewerethreemainclassicalorders 1. theDoricorder The Doric order is the oldest and simplest of the classical orders. It is composed of a vertical cylinder that is wider at the bottom. It generally has neither a base nor a detailed capital. It is instead often topped with an inverted frustum of a shallow cone or a cylindrical band of carvings. It is often referred to as the masculine order because it is represented in the bottom level of the Colosseum and the Parthenon, and was therefore considered to be able to hold more weight. The height-to-thickness ratio is about 8:1. The shaft of a Doric Column is always fluted.
1st Act - Indonesian ColumnsandtheirAncestors3 2. theionicorder The Ionic column is considerably more complex than the Doric. It usually has a base and the shaft is often fluted (it has grooves carved up its length). On the top is a capital in the characteristic shape of a scroll, called a volute, or scroll, at the four corners. The height-to-thickness ratio is around 9:1.
1st Act - Indonesian ColumnsandtheirAncestors 4 2. The corinthianorder The Corinthian order is named for the Greek city-state of Corinth, to which it was connected in the period. However, according to the architectural historian Vitruvius, the column was created by the sculptor Callimachus, probably an Athenian, who drew acanthus leaves growing around a votive basket. In fact, the oldest known Corinthian capital was found in Bassae, dated at 427 BC. It is sometimes called the feminine order because it is on the top level of the Colosseum and holding up the least weight, and also has the slenderest ratio of thickness to height. Height to width ratio is about 10:1.
2nd Act - IndonesianColumns andtheirAncestorsSame, same but different – 1 • The ancestorslookvery different • Indonesians likecolumns • noorder (sorry) • clearorder
2nd Act - Indonesian Columns andtheirAncestorsSame, same but different – 2 DoricIonicCorinthian Three main classical orders
2nd Act - Indonesian Columns andtheirAncestorsSame, same but different – 3 • Vertical cylinder, reducing to the top • No base • Simple capital • Always fluted • Ratio height-to-thickness 8:1 The doricorder
2nd Act - Indonesian Columns andtheirAncestorsSame, same but different – 4 • Slender vertical cylinder, • Base (Fundament and Steps) • Capital is a spiral scroll-like ornament (volute) • Not always fluted • Ratio height-to-thickness 9:1 The ionicorder
2nd Act - Indonesian Columns andtheirAncestorsSame, same but different – 5 • Slender fluted vertical cylinder, • Base (Fundament and Steps) • Elaborate decorated capitals • Ratio height-to-thickness 10:1 The ionicorder
3rd Act – The Secretsofgoodpresentations • theclaim • theframe • theaim • thecontent
The Claim • Presentations • are soft skills • whichshouldbe • toughtateveryfaculty • usedbyteachers • usedbystudents
The aim • I presentmysubject • togetyourattention • togetaccesstoyourlong time memory
The Frame • Useyourbody • variateyourvoice • moveyourbody • useyourhands • walkaround • makebreaks
The Content 1 • Use • visualelements • simple words • max. fourtopics • positive sentences • thehandoutforexplanations need - necessity avoid - do not use
The Content 2 Repeat yourtopicsthreetimes !!! • Askquestionstothelisteners • Allowquestions • Avoidquestionsplaced on yourfoils • Avoiddiscussions • referto time after presentation
Epilogue • Presentationsareuseful in teachingandbusiness • A goodpresentationinvolves thewholepersonandtheaudience • Useyourbody • Formulatecleartopics • Engagetheaudience
Terimahkasih foryourattention
Addition • Collect your thoughts • Assign them to foils • Formulate your speech – put it on the handouts • Filter the headlines and topics – put on the foil • Search for appropriate pictures or cliparts