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Evangelism One by Pastor Dan Domke. Evangelism The First Love of the Church. A look at the Revelation – What does Jesus say about evangelism to the Ephesians?. Did you bring your bibles? . Ephesus: Rev. 2 V. 4 4 Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken your first love.
Evangelism One by Pastor Dan Domke Evangelism The First Love of the Church.
A look at the Revelation – What does Jesus say about evangelism to the Ephesians?
Ephesus: Rev. 2 V. 4 4 Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken your first love. But! “You Left your first love!" Remember this applied to them and to us the church as a whole. It may not or it may apply to us in general or even specially! Your first love - was for God! You have not kept Him first in your life. First commandment issue. This is the most important thing in our lives; love for God, first! All other of the sins listed by Jesus to the Ephesians follow! These sins follow from a weakening of love for God! The Churches First Love
T h e S i l e n c e Another problem is that we’ve bought into the postmodern, relativistic philosophy that all religion is the same and created by man in his own imagination. Or, we as a congregation we are turned inward and we are more about keeping the status quo, surviving, and afraid of the change new people will ultimately bring with them, than we are concerning about saving souls. The biggest reason for ‘silence’ is that we are not convinced that there is a hell, that God will punish the sinner and the sin. And we are not convinced that the bible is really true. • Fear of being asked what you believe. B. Fear of not knowing the answer to questions asked. C. Fear of breaking the cardinal rule that you never speak about religion and politics. D. Fear of being accused of pushing your religion. E. Fear of making someone uncomfortable.
B r e a k i n g t h e S i l e n c e
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JHS8adO3M&feature=bz303 What might come of a simple act of witness.
The word witness comes from the Word – Martyr. One who is an eye witness to a event. Acts 1: 8 W i t n e s s Who did the action? E v a n g e l i s m J e s u s C h r i s t EV ANGEL ISM Eu = good Angel = message Suffix to form action nouns like Evangelism, Baptism, etc Evangelism is a Good Message in action. The good news is that Jesus died on the cross to forgive our sin. A good message in action. Evangelism is a word when broken down into its Greek parts means Good Message. T h i s i s t h e G o s p e l
The Church Proclaims the action…what is it we proclaim? E v a n g e l i s m T h e G o s p e l
Paul says to Timothy to do the work of the evangelist. Evangelism 2 Tim. 4:5 As for you, always be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.
Kennedy Evangelism Explosion Confuses – Law and Gospel Uses Law as motive to come to repentance. But has some great illustrations for dialoguing with people. Models of Evangelism
Dialogue Evangelism I, by Leroy Biesental Very similar to Kennedy, but Law Gospel issues repaired. Is LCMS. Models of Evangelism
Dialogue II, Evangelism Models of Evangelism
Creation Evangelism Acts 17:22-34 Models of Evangelism
The Colombo Method A question Method – You ask the question. Models of Evangelism
Law – Gospel Method Models of Evangelism
Telling Your Story – Confessing the faith Or the Gospel according to you - Model Models of Evangelism
The Witness Model Models of Evangelism
Confessional Evangelism Page 258 in Luther’s Small Catechism – The interleaf edition. Salvation Outline Mark you bibles to use them in your Witness - Evangelism Models of Evangelism
Confessional Evangelism God Loves you! – John 3:16 You are a sinner – Romans 3:23 Models of Evangelism
Confessional Evangelism 3. God punishes sin. Romans 6:23 4. Jesus took our punishment. Romans 5:8 Models of Evangelism
Confessional Evangelism 5. Jesus rose from the dead. I Cor. 15:3-4 6. Jesus offers forgiveness of sins and eternal life to those who believe in Him. Acts 16:30-31 7. Salvation is free – a gift from God. Eph. 2:8-9 Models of Evangelism
Web Evangelism Models of Evangelism Person 1 Person3 Person 2 Person4 Person5 Person 6 Person7 Person8
The terms “to confess and “confession” have rich Biblical meaning. Discuss the significance of the following passages: Matthew 10:32 (Confession is an important part of the Christian’s relationship to Christ and response to the same.) Acts 24:14 (The Apostle Paul is a fine example of confessing the Christian faith.) Confessional Evangelism
1 John 1:8-9 (The confession of sins is an important part of the Christian’s everyday life.) 1 John 3:2, 15 (Confessing Christ as true man and true God is important. Note the wonderful promise connected with this doctrine.) Confessional Evangelism
The Lutheran Reformers recognized the importance of this Biblical term. In the “Epitome to the Formula of Concord” alone the term “confess” (or one of its forms) is used no less than forty times. It either stands alone as a synonym for “teach” (S.A. Part III. I) or is used in the bold and powerful phrase: “We believe, teach and confess” (Epitome Article I - VII and X). In short, each time the term is used it signals the correct exposition of a Biblical truth. Confessional Evangelism
Bible Verse Model Give a Marked Bible Use your own marked Bible. Models of Evangelism
Approach #1: SCRIPTURE TEXT MODEL • James 2:10 - If you break one part of the Law, you break all. • Gen. 17:1 - "Walk before me and be you perfect.“ • Rom. 3:23 - All have sinned. • Rom. 6:23a - Sin separates from God.
Rom. 6:23b - God's gift of life must be received. John 1:12 - This gift of life must be received. Mark 1:15 - The necessity of repentance and faith. Rev. 3:20 - Receive Christ by faith, He stands at the door of your heart. APPROACH # 1: SCRIPTURE MODEL
Man is a sinner - Ecclesiastes 7:20 is spiritually dead - Ephesians 2:1 is unable to save himself - Colossians 2:13 Approach #2: DIALOGUE MODEL
God is just, and must punish sin - Deuteronomy 32:4; Romans 2:6 is merciful, and forgives sin - Psalm 103:8, 10-11; Romans 5:8 Approach #2: DIALOGUE MODEL
Christ is the all powerful, all present, all knowing God-Man - Matt. 17:5; 28:18-20 He lived and died and rose again that we might have forgiveness of sin in Him, and have new life in Him now, and the promise of life eternal in Heaven - II Corinthians 5:15; Galatians 2:20 Approach #2: DIALOGUE MODEL
Faith is not just temporal faith, or believing that everything will come out all right - James 2:19 is trusting in Jesus Christ alone as your personal Savior - Acts 10:43; 16:31; John 20:31 is worked in the heart by the Spirit through Word and Sacrament - Romans 10:17; Titus 3:5-6; Matthew 26:28 Approach #2: DIALOGUE MODEL
Law S_______O_____ S___. Gospel S_______O_____ S____________. LAW AND GOSPEL hows ur in avior hows ur
Discipleship: a way of living! race • ______the_______(I Corinthians 9:24) • ________the ______(I Timothy 4:8) • _____ ______ ______of the _______. (Colossians 3:16) Run Training body daily intake Word A
You may be sharing Christ with others, but are you growing? Are you feeding yourself on a daily ingestion of the Truth of God's Word? _____________ ________ ________ ___________________ _______________ _______________________. PRINCIPLE #9 Keeping up your Home-work Stretch Your Intellectual Muscles
In your life witness, __________ __________________to___________. ______a__________. PRINCIPLE #10 keep looking God Be servant
A _______ is a man or ______________ of __________. ___________ is an essential part of witnessing. PRINCIPLE #11 witness woman Prayer Prayer
____________ is not a _______________ of ________________. _________________ does _____________ the ____________ for your witness. I wish I had never done that! The Jesus bat - The story of D. Druckenmiller Jail for six months may be necessary. PRINCIPLE #12 Prayer means grace Prayer open door
Tract One Evangelism Making Contact with people Increase visitors to the congregation Providing lists of people to the Tract two people Tract One and Tract Two Evangelism • Tract Two Evangelism • -- Training Evangelists (Doing the ministry of Evangelism) • -- Calling on people • -- Intentional Evangelism
Sequential Evangelism by Rev. Dan Domke
To see souls saved from damnation. To see minds and hearts brought to repentance. To see faith and trust grow in the Word of God. To see Churches of Word and Sacrament Planted. All this without using worldly means to reach the lost. The Goal is to Evangelize and…
Truth Stands By itself What is true is always true Believing something does not make it true Truth stands by itself. The Goal is to Evangelize and…
7 “But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds of the air, and they will tell you; 8 or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish of the sea inform you. 9 Which of all these does not know that the hand of the LORD has done this? The New International Version, (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House) 1984. Creation EvangelismJob 12:7-9
Natural Law Arguments Tract Two Evangelism Apologetics Existence of God Creation Awareness of Sin Law Gospel Evangelism. Ten Com. Guilt & Conviction Baptism and On going Discipleship World View Tract One Evangelism A B C D • Equipping the Church for Witness and Evangelism and for doing Pre-Evangelism. • Confronting the culture with the truth. C. Proclaiming the Gospel. Grace and Mercy. D. Then Baptism and Discipleship. The Harvest for the Kingdom. Entry Points to a persons life.
Four Components of a thinking persons journey to faith. 1. A Time for Questions. 2. A Time for Answers 3. A Time for Evidence or Truth – Asking Is it True? Knowing why we believe what we believe. 4. A Time for Commitment – Or the time of conversion through the Gospel
MODEL OF ADULT CONVERSIONAnd What Precedes and Follows It GOD’S ACTION WITNESS ROLE RESULT IN THE PERSON Sanctification Fellowship+5 - Service and Witness Teaching Law (3rd use) +4 - Growth In Knowledge and Life Fellowship +3 - Baptism Sanctification Support, Gospel +2 - Confession Fellowship, +1 - Evaluation and Assurance New Birth: Conversion Gospel 0 - Faith – Repentance Conviction Law, -1 – Sorrow over sin Persuasion -2 – Recognize personal need Speak Divine Law -3 – Grasps implications of facts General Conviction Law -4 – General Awareness Natural (Law) Revelation Law through Creation -5 – Awareness of God’s Existence -6 – Does not believe in God