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Ireland. What have the lands of British community contributed to the culture of Europe?. The location of Ireland.
Ireland Whathavethelands of British community contributed to theculture of Europe?
Thelocation of Ireland Ireland belongs to thearchipe-lago of the British Isles. Its area is 84 406 km² . Thewaters of Atlantic Ocean are surroun-ding Ireland inthe North and West. In the East and the South-East,Ireland isseparatedfrom Great Britain by an Irish Sea, Saint George's Channel and the North Channel.
Administration 3,9 milion people live in Ireland. Themaincitiesare Cork, Galway, Limerick and Dublin (a capital). Ireland isdividedinto 4 provinces and 32 shires.
National Anthem SinneFiannaFáilA táfégheall ag Éirinn,buiondársluaThartoinn do ráinigchugainn,Fémhóidbheithsaor.Sean tírársinsirfeastaNífhagfarfé'ntioránnáfé'ntráilAnocht a théamsabhearnabhaoil,Legean ar GhaeilchunbáisnósaoilLegunascreachfélámhach na bpiléarSeolibhcanaídhAmhrán na Fiann.
History The first traces of settlement in Ireland come from 80thcentury BC. The first people on theislandwere hunters from Europe. They bequeathedneolithic tombs like Newgrange. In the 5th century the island was converted to Christianity by St. Patrick.On 1January 1801, Ireland and England combined together creating theUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.
Newgrange One of the biggest tombs made by human. Every year during the winter solstice,tourists visit this monument very numerously, wanting to see a spectacular craft of theancient civilization.
Irish mythology Irish mythologycontainsMythologicalcycle, Ulster cycle, Fenian cycle and Historicalcycle. In the first of them one of the most importantreferencesisLeborGabálaÉrenn . It ‘s a alias-history of deravingprovenance Irish fromNoah.
Leprechaun He comes from Irish Mythology. He is an Irish goblin. Leprechaun is 93 cm high. Mythology proclaims that goblin is carrying two pouches. One contains a silver coin, and thesecond contains a gold coin. The gold coin always changes in ash or dry leaves if somebody takes it .
Banshee She comes from Irish Mythology, too. Sheforetellsdeath. Bansheealsobringsnightmares, sitting on teirchest, whilepeopleare sleeping. Sheis an intercessorbetweenthe land of thespiritworld and the land of people.
Church of Ireland Province of AnglicanChurch. Itworksin Ireland and North Ireland. Till the 1stJanuary 1871, Church of Ireland was the official church in thecountry. Then thechurch was disconnected from the country.
Flag of Ireland - Irish Tricolour PeoplesupposedthatgreencolourmeantCatholics, orangecolourmeantProtestants and whitecolourmeant a peacebetweenboth of them, theotherinterpretationqualifiesorange as a allegiance, greensymbolizes republic and whitemeanspeace.
Saint Patrick – Patron of Ireland Saint Patrick was thebishop and apostle of Ireland, missionary, organizer of religious life in Ireland.When he was 16 years old,he was captured and sold into slavery. His symbol is a greenclover.
Saint Patrick's Day In Ireland this day is free from work. Every year on 17th March people wear green clothes and organize festivals and street parades. This festivalis also celebratedin Poland but it isn’t as cheerful as in Ireland.
Monuments Adarecastle Perfect example of the medieval castle with the fortification.It was a veryimportantdefensive point of count’stribeDesmond.
Monuments AltamontsGardens Known as the most romantic garden in Ireland. Altamontis an enchanting blend of formal and unformalgardenslocated on a 100 acreestete. Itisoftenreferred to as 'the jewel in Ireland's gardening crown' .
Monuments Ardfertcathedral Built on the site of a monastery founded in the 6th century by St. Brendan the Navigator. The cathedral is located in the village of Ardfert, County Kerry.
Monuments AthenryCastle This castle dates from the 13th century. It is in the three-storey manner.
Monuments AughnanureCastle The castle was built by the O'Flahertys in the 16th century. Aughnanure is one of over 200 tower houses in County Galway, constructed mainly by Gaelic and Anglo-Norman land owning families. The tower lies close to the shores of Lough Corrib, and translates to "the field of the yews" in Irish.
Sports Twocharacteristicsports; hurling and gaelicfootbolcomefrom Ireland. Hurlingis a variant of hokey on thegrass and alsotheoldest team game. Gaelic football is an intersection of rugby, basketball, football and volleyball.
Irish clothes The traditional Irish dress containts five elements. Theseclothes are characterizing intensity and the big contrast of colours.
Irish stepdance Everyone knows the lively national dance of Irishmen. But not everyone knows why it is being danced without the participation of hands. Hands in the dance are left along the body and itsymbolizes a division of the island. Supposedly Irishmen will raise hands only when Ireland is united.
Writers Yeats William Butler Irish poet Yeats William Butler haswrittenwordswhichperfectlyaregivingthespirit of this country back: „Not importantwhomyouaresupposed to be. Lean to thebottom, whenyou want drinks. Sing, dance, go ahead , discover Ireland inyourself. "
Irish Painters George William Russell He was not onlypainter but alsopoet, writer, mystic, philosopher and journalist, founder of the Irish theosophical movement. His painting Bathersisthe most famous of all his paintings.
Music Next to thetraditionalmusic, Ireland isfamous for the rock stage. U2 The most famous rock band comingfrom Ireland. U2 isknown on allovertheworld
Knowndirectors Irishmenareconnected not onlywithliterature, but alsootherfields of art John Ford He was famous for both his Westerns such as Stagecoach, The Searchers, and The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, and adaptations of such classic 20th-century American novels as The Grapes of Wrath.
Made by: Ania Szatkowska Wioleta Mgłowska Iweta Kosakowska
References http://jezykownia.pl.tl/Irlandia-cz-.-1.htm http://wycieczkipoirlandii.pl.tl/ZABYTKI-IRLANDII.htm http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitologia_irlandzka#Cykl_Ulsterski http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Podzia%C5%82_administracyjny_Irlandii http://dziennikparafialny.pl/2014/patryk-swiety-patron-irlandii/ http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ko%C5%9Bci%C3%B3%C5%82_Irlandii#Wierni_Ko.C5.9Bcio.C5.82a_Irlandii http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irlandia