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Chapter 23

Chapter 23. Section 1 – War in Europe The more land you have, the stronger your country is. Why Were They Already Mad?. Germany took land from France France wanted it back Everyone was worried about their neighbor getting bigger. Imperialism. These countries kept colonizing other lands

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Chapter 23

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  1. Chapter 23 Section 1 – War in Europe The more land you have, the stronger your country is

  2. Why Were They Already Mad? • Germany took land from France • France wanted it back • Everyone was worried about their neighbor getting bigger

  3. Imperialism • These countries kept colonizing other lands • The more land you have the more power you have

  4. Militarism • A big nation needed protection • Germany and Russia had the biggest Armies • Germany and Great Britain had the biggest Navy.

  5. Nationalism • Italy and Germany challenged older nations like France and Great Britain • Small groups that had been taken over by them demanded independence.

  6. Alliances • By 1914 two major alliances had been created • On one side were Germany,Austria-Hungary and Italy • Great Britain, France, Russia, and Serbia on the other side

  7. Summer, 1914 • Austria Hungary included the Slavic state of Bosnia • Serbia claimed Bosnia since they were also Slavic. • In June of 1914 Archduke Franz Ferdinand, and his wife visited Sarajevo in Bosnia to try to improve relations with the region. • A group of college students from Serbia created a plan to assassinate the Archduke

  8. Bosnia • Capital – Sarajevo • Belonged to the Austro-Hungarian Empire

  9. Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand • Was going to inherit the throne • Assassinated by this GUY- Gavrilo Princip

  10. Nationalism • A feeling of intense loyalty to your country

  11. Ethnic Groups • People who share a common language and traditions

  12. Germany • Wanted to expand just like the U.S. and Britain had • We opposed this idea

  13. Militarism • Building a bigger, badder, faster, stronger, Army

  14. Great Britain • An island nation in Europe • Had the worlds best Navy

  15. Alliance System • Defense agreements among nations

  16. Triple Alliance • Germany • Austria • Italy

  17. Triple Entente • An understanding among nations • Britain • France • Russia

  18. Balance of Power • Prevents any single country from controlling any others

  19. The Balkan Peninsula • What is a peninsula? • Where is the Balkan Peninsula?

  20. Allied Powers • Britain • France • Russia

  21. Japan and Italy • Joined the Allies because they hated Germany • Soon, Italy would join us also

  22. The Battle of Marne • Saved Paris from invasion by the Germans

  23. Trenches – Trench Warfare • Ditches dug for hiding and fighting

  24. Trench Foot • When the skin on your foot gets so wet it rots

  25. Battle of Verdun • One of the longest and nastiest battles of WWI • Started by the Germans

  26. Battle of the Somme • Started by the Allies

  27. New Technology • Poison Gasses • Better Guns • Tanks

  28. WWI Machine Guns

  29. WWI Tanks

  30. Barron Von Richtofen • The Red Baron

  31. Eddie Rickenbacker • American Bi-Plane pilot who killed the Red Baron Show clip from “Flyboys”

  32. Zeppelin • A steel blimp used to spot enemy troops • Also a band from the 1970’s

  33. German U-Boats • Submarines that could float above and below the water

  34. Chapter 23 Section 2

  35. American Neutrality • President Wilson wanted to remain uninvolved • Most people disagreed

  36. Picking Sides • Most Americans were immigrants • They took the side of the Central Powers

  37. Propaganda • Advertisements that can change a person’s mind • The U.S blockaded and boycotted all German goods

  38. The Lusitania • The Germans sank it • They said it was a warship • It was a passenger ship carrying weapons

  39. The Zimmerman Telegram • Germany asked Mexico to attack the U.S and keep us occupied here • Hopefully that might keep us out of the WWI

  40. Autocracy • Being ruled by one person with unlimited power

  41. The End of Neutrality • America enters the war • April 2, 1917

  42. Selective Service Act • Requires that all men register to be drafted at age 18

  43. Chapter 23 Section 3

  44. Supplying the Troops • Americans rationed everything • Food • Panty Hose • Metal

  45. Convoys • Groups of ships that led supplies safely into Britain

  46. Russian Withdrawal • Russia had to fight a civil war with the Bolsheviks • The communists overthrew the government • They promised peace, bread, and land to everyone

  47. Vladimir Lenin • Led the Bolsheviks and overthrew the Russian government

  48. Treaty of Brest-Litovsk • Russia gave Germany all of Poland and the Ukraine • Germany just got a lot bigger

  49. We start whoopin up on em’ • The American forces were led by General John J. Pershing

  50. Chateau Thierry • Site of first WWI battle for the U.S. Army

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