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Međunarodni dan borbe protiv korupcije

Međunarodni dan borbe protiv korupcije. Novinarski dom, Zagreb 9. prosinca 2013. United Nations Convention against Corruption International Anti-Corruption Day 9 th December. ENGAGING THE PRIVATE SECTOR IN THE FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION What’s at stake? ● Market distortion

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Međunarodni dan borbe protiv korupcije

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Međunarodni dan borbe protiv korupcije Novinarski dom, Zagreb 9. prosinca 2013.

  2. United Nations Convention against Corruption International Anti-Corruption Day 9th December

  3. ENGAGING THE PRIVATE SECTOR IN THE FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION What’s at stake? ● Market distortion ● Environmental damage ● Economic instability ● Human Rights violations

  4. WHAT WE’RE DOING ABOUT IT ● Level playing field ● Ethics and good practice ● Working with Business Associations ● Robust anti-corruption behaviour

  5. BUSINESS INTEGRITY ● Anti-corruption programmes ● Ethical guidelines ● Self-evaluation tool ● Anti-corruption reporting

  6. FINANCIAL INTEGRITY Problems: ● Conflicts of interest ● Undue influence Solutions: ● Greater transparency ● Greater accountability

  7. BUSINESS INTEGRITY ● Anti-corruption programmes ● Ethical guidelines ● Self-evaluation tool ● Anti-corruption reporting

  8. TOOLS ● Business Principles for Countering Bribery ● Research and Reporting ● Integrity Pacts

  9. IMPROVED BUSINESS & INVESTMENT CLIMATE Government, Private Sector and Civil Society

  10. 2003. UN: donošenje Konvencije 2004. Hrvatska: ratifikacija 2005. Stupanje na snagu Korupcija- nadnacionalni fenomen koji utječe na sva društva i sva gospodarstva, tako da je za njenu prevenciju i kontrolu ključna uspostava međunarodne suradnje

  11. 177 zemalja 70 % - ispod 50 bodova

  12. 5 mjesta 2 boda

  13. Hrvatska 48 Svijet (prosjek) 43 EU (prosjek) 62,6

  14. Indeks percepcije korupcije (IPK): ● Zasniva se na stavovima stručnjaka. ● Odražava percepciju upućenih promatrača o korupciji u javnom sektoru i politici Globalni barometar korupcije (GBK): ●Procjenjuje stavove šire javnosti o korupciji. ● Ispituje iskustvo pojedinaca sa (sitnim) podmićivanjem.

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