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Michigan GED ® Computer Based Testing (CBT) & 2002 Close-Out Frequently Asked Questions . Keenan M. Wade Manager Workforce Development Agency State of Michigan. Background and Overview
Michigan GED® Computer Based Testing (CBT) & 2002 Close-Out Frequently Asked Questions Keenan M. Wade Manager Workforce Development Agency State of Michigan
Background and Overview • The State of Michigan is participating in the Computer-Based Testing (CBT) Project, which is a part of the GED® 21st Century Initiative™ • Primary mission is to better prepare Michigan adults who do not possess a high school diploma for college and careers • Michigan’s current GED® testing system is transitioning to CBT • Current 2002 GED® test series will phase out at the end of 2013 • New GED® test will launch January 2, 2014
Registration and Testing Cut-Off Dates for Current 2002 GED® Test Series Current Paper-Based 2002GED® Test Series • Registration – November 30, 2013 • Testing – December 20, 2013 Current Computer-Based GED®2002Test Series • Registration & Testing cut-offs based on local testing centers hours up until December 31, 2013
Registration and Testing Cut-Off Dates for Current 2002 GED® Test Series & Accommodations Get Them In ASAP
31 GED® Computer-Based-Testing (CBT) Centers active • About 50-60 in application/contract phase • About 80-90 CBT sites expected
Which organizations are currently authorized by the Workforce Development Agency (WDA) to apply to become GED® computer based testing (CBT) centers? All currently approved paper-based Michigan GED® testing centers and some other organizations on a case-by-case basis such as Michigan Works! Agencies
When should testing centers start implementing CBT? Testing centers must start implementing the CBT version of the 2002 Series GED® immediately, in order to ensure that the new GED® test will be available to examinees in January of 2014
Will centers need to offer both paper-based and CBT based 2002 Series GED® during 2013? • Established paper-based centers will need to offer both the paper based and CBT versions of the 2002 Series GED® • To avoid split testing records between the CBT and paper-based databases, examinees that started on paper need to complete their battery of tests on paper for the time being • Combined CBT/Paper-Based scoring coming (piloting at active CBT sites) • New CBT centers (not previously providing paper-based testing) will only offer CBT to new testers
How long does it take for a testing center establish CBT? • The entire process to implement CBT could take three (3) to five (5) months. • Can get it done faster • Contract negotiations, infrastructure and technical issues can slow process down
What are the first steps in the application process to become a GED® CBT testing center? • Get approval from the Workforce Development Agency to implement testing (currently approved paper-based centers do not need approval to start process) • Go to the Pearson VUE website: http://www.pearsonvue.com/PVTC/. Review the readiness of your center to deliver CBT, and proceed with the application
How much does it cost to become a Pearson VUE Testing Center to deliver the GED® via CBT? The best case, lowest cost scenario is when a center is already set up to do high-stakes, computer based testing. In this instance, the testing lab will meet or be very close to meeting the Pearson VUE testing lab specifications. The cost to implement the GED®via CBT would include staff time working on the project, the cost of purchasing a security camera, and a digital signature pad. An Enhanced Security Protocol Kit (ESP) containing the camera and digital signature pad is available from Pearson VUE for $450. If several modifications need to be made to the proposed CBT site and/or new computer equipment needs to be purchased, the costs will rise accordingly.
Will GED® CBTtesting centers be required to offer other Pearson VUE exams in addition to the CBT version of the GED® test? • No. GED® testing centers adding CBT are not required to offer additional CBT based exams available through Pearson VUE. • Make it clear in Pearson VUE application process if GED testing is the only desired outcome
How are GED® CBT testing centers paid to administer the GED®? Centers are paid by PearsonVUE. The rate of compensation currently is five ($5.00) per examinee, per testing hour
How much will the GED® CBT cost examinees? • $150 for the entire battery of 5 content areas (or $30 per test). • The $150 price is the median price Michigan examinees pay to take the entire battery for the paper-based GED®.
How do examinees pay for the CBT test? • Test-takers pay for the test with a credit card when they register on-line at gedcomputer.com • In some cases test-takers may have a third party covering their testing fees and a prepaid voucher from Pearson VUE may be used to pay • Some testing centers also allow test-takers to purchase a voucher with cash from the testing center
Can the cost of the GED® CBT for examinees be covered/subsidized by a third party? Yes, a third party can cover GED® CBT exam costs for an examinee by purchasing vouchers from Pearson VUE in advance of testing. Vouchers may be purchased at: http://www.pearsonvue.com/vouchers/pricelist/ged.asp
How will examinees obtain copies of official transcripts with CBT? At this time there are no changes in the way official transcript requests from examinees will be handled. The exception is that CBT testers will be able to obtain unofficial score reports from their CBT Pearson VUE accounts established through the CBT registration process.
What content areas are included on the new test? • Reasoning Through Language Arts (GED® RLA) • Mathematical Reasoning • Science • Social Studies
How will writing be assessed on the new test? Writing will be assessed through Extended Response (ER) written answers in the Reasoning Through Language Arts and the Social Studies content areas.
Do examinees have to take all sections of the computer-based GED® test at one time? No. The current version and new computer-based GED® tests are both 7 hours long. During test registration, examinees should carefully schedule to take different sections of the test at different times
How many CBT test forms are there? • Three (3) unique computer-based GED® test forms are available for each test in the battery of five (5) tests for the current version of the GED® • Three (3) unique computer-based GED® test forms will be available for each test in the battery of four (4) tests for the new GED®coming January 2nd of 2014
Who can administer a GED® CBT exam? • Certified Pearson VUE Test Administrators • Certification is obtained via distance learning in the final step of the CBT application process • Minimum education requirement for Test Administrators is high school diploma or GED
How will examinees’ scores be accessed with CBT? For the balance of 2013 there is no change in the way examinee scores are accessed with one exception. CBT examinees will be able to obtain unofficial score reports through their private accounts established with CBT registration
*Overview of Pearson VUE Criteria to Become a Test Center • Distraction free testing lab or classroom equipped with Internet accessible computers • Designation of a test proctor to become a certified Testing Administrator (TA) through on-line training and examination
Waivers & CBT Youth Candidates • CBT youth (test-takers under 18) will be put in an “Exception Queue” when registering with Pearson VUE • Youth test-taker, parent/guardian or testing center staff must submit signed waiver or present proof of being out of a regular school program for one year to State GED Office • Call or e-mail Keenan Wade/State Office to get Pearson VUE registration account released to complete registration (see contact information on final slide) Mobile Sites • State GED Taskforce working with GEDTS and Pearson VUE to develop instructions for establishing mobile sites • Particularly important for correctional facilities such as local jails Combined CBT & Paper-Based Scoring • Piloting combined scoring at active CBT sites • This will allow paper-based testers to complete testing using CBT
Thanks Keenan M. Wade Manager Workforce Development Agency State of Michigan 201 N. Washington Square | Lansing, MI 48913 Office: 517.373.8281 Mobile: 517.243.0161 Fax: 517.335-3630 Mail to: wadek@michigan.gov