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Introduction to DIRDET (Drug Intervention Record Data Entry Tool). The New Data Set. Today’s training is aimed at users of the DIRDET system and we will be going through the following information: Available resources (Field by field guidance and Frequently Asked Questions)
Introduction to DIRDET(Drug Intervention Record Data Entry Tool)
The New Data Set • Today’s training is aimed at users of the DIRDET system and we will be going through the following information: • Available resources (Field by field guidance and Frequently Asked Questions) • Data Collection & Submission processes • Revised data collection form • DIRDET (online input system)
Background • From April 2013 DIP ceased to be a national initiative and it was advised that DIRWeb would be decommissioned in October • This would potentially leave a gap in national and local monitoring of former DIP functions • PHE agreed to take on reporting and monitoring of CJIT activity • Unfortunately, it was not possible for PHE to take on the collection and reporting of police drug testing data
Field by Field Guidance& FAQs • In addition to this presentation, Field by Field guidance which includes a Frequently Asked Questions section is also available on NDTMS.net https://ndtms.net/Events.aspx?catid=7. This document lists the data items to be collected along with descriptions and format information. • Also included in this document is a data flow diagram and recovery support intervention definitions.
These are the forms that you will be used to seeing and using.
The existing 3 forms have now been replaced with this 1 form to complete.
Please refer to the NDTMS confidentiality toolkit for guidance about consent. Consent must be sought for all clients inputted to DIRDET after 4th November 2013 (includes records from the 18th Oct after DIRWeb was closed). Details of ‘no consent’ clients can be input onto DIRDET but will not be viewable by PHE. Previously NOMS ID but can now be any reference suitable for local identification. DO NOT ENTER IDENTIFIABLE DATA This information was previously collected. If full name details are entered onto DIRDET, only the client’s initials will be submitted for analysis.
Consent & Confidentiality Key guidance documents: • NDTMS Confidentiality Toolkit • Data Protection Act 1998 • Confidentiality: NHS Code of Practice • All services should have a clear confidentiality / data handling policy understood by all members of staff. • The client MUST be given the NDTMS information sheet for clients.
Confidentiality Toolkit The latest guidance is V6_3 This should be used for all new clients.
Obtaining Consent • All clients must give explicit consent for their data to be shared with NDTMS. • This consent must be given freely, either orally or ideally in writing. • The client must be accurately informed of what data will be shared, why, when and with whom it will be shared, and what safeguards are in place to ensure their data is handled securely. • If the client refuses to give consent, this must be accurately recorded in case notes and on your system so that their details are excluded from NDTMS. • Treatment providers should determine whether a young person or their parent or person with responsibility should be asked for consent in relation to reporting to NDTMS according to their protocols for determining a young person’s capacity to give informed consent.
The DAT / Upper Tier LA information continues to be collected.
On DIRWeb only NFA was collected – this field has now been expanded with some further options to choose from.
The options for this field are now just Yes or No. Due date is no longer collected.
Inclusion on IOM & MAPPA offender management schemes continue to be collected. As PPO is now covered by IOM, PPO is not recorded as a separate item.
This question was previously asked, but there are expanded options to choose from. This question is applicable even for those that do not engage beyond the RA (Required Assessment).
For clients with a RA this replaces ‘Drug Test Date’. It has now been extended to be the equivalent of referral date generally for all clients.
♦Theft – shoplifting, ♦Theft – of a vehicle ♦Theft – from a vehicle ♦Theft – other ♦Robbery ♦Burglary – domestic ♦Burglary – other ♦TWOC ♦Fraud ♦Handling ♦Going equipped ♦Possession ♦Supply ♦Attempted theft ♦Attempted burglary ♦Attempted robbery ♦Attempted fraud ♦Attempted handling ♦Begging ♦Soliciting ♦Domestic violence ♦Wounding or assault ♦Other Previously a list to select up to 2 offences – now 1 offence is recorded.
Up to 3 main problem substances can be selected. Frequency of use is no longer collected.
This field was previously collected and options remain the same.
This field was previously collected but there is an additional option to select ‘declined to answer’
This field was previously collected but now requires the number of days, rather than within the boundaries previously required.
This field was previously collected but now requires the number of units, rather than within the boundaries previously required. It also refers to a typicaldrinkingday.
This field was previously collected but was formerly referred to as ‘care plan agreed date’.
Previously the agency name and code were collected – now just the agency code is entered.
Sub Interventions data is recorded retrospectively – what has happened in the client’s treatment either since the interventions started, or since the last sub intervention review took place?
One or a number of these support interventions can be selected to demonstrate the support that has taken place. This data is reported retrospectively & so differs from the current requirements. This data is to be collected at least every 6 months and at closure from caseload.
This data item was previously collected, but was called ‘date case closed’.
When the closure date has been completed, select the reason for closing the case, depending on whether the case was closed prior to caseload or from the caseload.
DIRDET • The data that you have collected on the data collection forms should then be entered onto the DIRDET. The next slides show how to do this. https://www.phe-datagateway.org.uk/Dirdet/Login.aspx
Logging onto the DIRDET You will be given a user name and password to access the DIRDET system. The system is only for your service and you will not be able to view other service’s data. 1 admin account will be set up for your service, and from this, further user accounts can be created for your colleagues to also access the DIRDET system. If no account please email EvidenceApplicationteam@phe.gov.uk
This is the client list screen. You will see this screen when you log onto DIRDET. Your existing client caseload will have been migrated on to DIRDET so that you can see all of the open client records. As you add more client details onto the system this list will increase. You can go to this screen any time by clicking on ‘Client List’
Before entering a new client’s details check first whether or not the client has a previous episode recorded on the DIRDET. You may be able to see the client listed on the screen straight away. If so, click on ‘select’ next to the client’s name. • Or you may need to search for the client’s record. • Select the search criteria; • Type the information you require; • Click on ‘apply’ • You should then be able to see your client’s information on screen to select.
When selecting an existing client you will then be taken to this screen. Click on ‘create’ to create a new episode record for the client.
Or, if the client does not have a previous episode recorded on DIRDET, click on ‘create’ to create a new client record.
Enter the client’s personal details from the data collection form. When you have entered the client’s data click on ‘save’
You will be shown whether or not your data saved successfully. If the data did not save successfully, the validation output will show you where corrections need to be made to your data. This record has failed to save because the client’s date of birth is an incorrect format.
When the record has saved click on ‘Back to Episode’ to start entering the episode information Even if the data does save successfully, always check the validation output in case there are any corrections that can be made to your data.
You will then be taken to this screen. Click on ‘create’ to create a new episode record for the client.
Enter the episode details from the data collection form. There are a mixture of drop down lists to select from, free type text boxes and calendars. Use the scroll bar to enter more data further down the page. To populate the client’s DAT of Residence, enter the client’s postcode and then select ‘lookup’.
Complete the required information and click on ‘save’. Check if there are any validation queries to correct. When the episode has saved successfully, click on ‘Back to Episode’.