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Regression Discontinuity/Event Studies. Methods of Economic Investigation Lecture 21. Last Time. Non-Stationarity Orders of Integration Differencing Unit Root Tests Estimating Causality in Time Series A brief introduction to forecasting Impulse Response Functions. Today’s Class.
Regression Discontinuity/Event Studies Methods of Economic Investigation Lecture 21
Last Time • Non-Stationarity • Orders of Integration • Differencing • Unit Root Tests • Estimating Causality in Time Series • A brief introduction to forecasting • Impulse Response Functions
Today’s Class • Returning to Causal Effects • Brief return to Impulse Response Functions • Event Studies/Regression Discontinuity • Testing for Structural Breaks
What happens with there’s a “shock”? Source: Cochrane, QJE (1994)
Impulse Response Function and Causality • Impulse Response Function: • Can look, starting at time t was there a change • Don’t know if shock (or treatment) was independent. • The issue is the counterfactual • What would have happened in the future if the shock had not occurred OR • What would the past have looked like, in a world where the treatment existed
Return to Selection Bias • Back to old selection bias problem: • Shock occurs in time t and we observe a change in y • Maybe y would have changed anyway at time t E[Yt | shock = 1] – Et-1[Yt | shock = 0]} =E[Yt | shock = 1] – E[Yt | shock = 0] + {E[Yt | shock = 0] –Et-1 [Yt | shock = 0]} • The issue is that “shocks”/treatments are not randomly assigned to a time period
Basic Idea • Sometimes something changes sharply with time: e.g • your sentence for a criminal offence is higher if you are above a certain age (an ‘adult’) • The interest changes suddenly/surprisingly at after a meeting • There is a change in the CEO/manager at a firm • Do outcomes also change sharply?
Not just time series • Doesn’t only have to be time could be some other dimension with a discontinuous change • You get a scholarship if you get above a certain mark in an exam, • you get given remedial education if you get below a certain level, • a policy is implemented if it gets more than 50% of the vote in a ballot, • All these are potential applications of the ‘regression discontinuity’ design
Treatment Assignment • assignment to treatment (T) depends in a discontinuous way on some observable variable t • simplest form has assignment to treatment being based on t being above some critical value t0 • t0is the “discontinuity” or “break date” • method of assignment to treatment is the very opposite to that in random assignment • it is a deterministic function of some observable variable. • assignment to treatment is as ‘good as random’ in the neighbourhood of the discontinuity • The basic idea—no reason other outcomes should be discontinuous but for treatment assignment rule
Basics of Estimation • Suppose average outcome in absence of treatment conditional on τ is: • Suppose average outcome with treatment conditional on t is: • Treatment effect conditional on t is g1(t) – g0(t) • This is ‘full outcomes’ approach
How can we estimate this? • Basic idea is to compare outcomes just to the left and right of discontinuity i.e. to compare: • As δ→0 this comes to: • i.e. treatment effect at t=t0
Comments • Want to compare the outcome that are just on both sides of the discontinuity • difference in means between these two groups is an estimate of the treatment effect at the discontinuity • says nothing about the treatment effect away from the discontinuity • An important assumption is that underlying effect on t on outcomes is continuous so only reason for discontinuity is treatment effect
Now introduce treatment E(y│t) E(y│t) β t t0 t0 t World with No Treatment World with Treatment
The procedure in practice • If take process described above literally should choose a value of δ that is very small • This will result in a small number of observations • Estimate may be consistent but precision will be low • desire to increase the sample size leads one to choose a larger value of δ
Dangers • If δ is not very small then may not estimate just treatment effect • Remember the picture • As one increases δ the measure of the treatment effect will get larger. This is spurious so what should one do about it? • The basic idea is that one should control for the underlying outcome functions.
If underlying relationship linear • If the linear relationship is the correct specification then one could estimate the ATE simply by estimating the regression: • no good reason to assume relationship is linear • this may cause problems Indicator which is 1 if t>t0
Suppose true relationship is: g0(t) E(y│t) g1(t) t0 t
Observed relationship between E(y) and W g0(t) E(y│t) g1(t) t0 t
Splines • Doesn’t need to be only a level shift • Maybe the parameters all change • Can test changes in the slope and intercept with interactions in the usual OLS model • Things are trickier in non-linear models • Depends heavily on the correct specification of the underlying function • Splines allow you to choose a certain type of function (e.g. linear, quadratic) and then test if the parameter in the model changed at the break date t0
Non-Linear Relationship • one would want to control for a different relationship between y and t for the treatment and control groups • Another problem is that the outcome functions might not be linear in t • it could be quadratic or something else. • Discontinuity may not be in the level, it may be in the underlying function
The trade-offs • a value of δ • Larger means more precision from a larger sample size • Risk of misspecification of the underlying outcome function • Choose a underlying functional form • the cost is some precision • intuitively a flexible functional form can get closer to approximating a discontinuity in the outcomes
In practice • it is usual for the researcher to summarize all the data in a graph • Should be able to see a change outcome at t0 • get some idea of the appropriate functional forms and how wide a window should be chosen. • It is always a good idea to investigate the sensitivity of estimates to alternative specifications.
Breaks at an unknown date • So far, we’ve assumed that we know when the break in the series occurred but sometimes we don’t • Suppose we are interested in the relationship between x and y, before and after some date t yt = xt’β1 + εt , t = 1,…,t = xt’β2 + εt , t = t+1,…,T • Assume the x’s are stationary and weakly exogenous and the ε’s are serially uncorrelated and homoskedastic. • Want to test H0: β1=β2 against β1≠β2 • If t is known: this is well defined • If t is unknown, and especially if we’re not sure t exists, then the null is not well defined
What to do? (You don’t need to know this for the exam) • In the case where t is unknown, use LR statistic • When t is unknown: the standard assumptions used to show that the LR-statistic is asymptotically χ2 not valid here • Andrews (1993) showed that under appropriate regularity conditions, the QLR statistic has a “nonstandard limiting distribution.”
Distribution with unknown break(You don’t need to know this for the exam) • Distribution is a “Brownian Bridge” and distribution values are calculated as a function of rmin and rmax • The applied researcher has to choose rmin and rmax without much guidance. • Think of rmin as the minimum proportion of the sample that can be in the first subsample • Think of 1 – rmax as the minimum proportion of the sample that can be in the second subsample.
An example - 1 • Effect of quarterly earnings announcement on Market Returns (MacKinlay, 1997) • Outcome: “Abnormal Returns” • Testing for a break
Issues • How big a window should we choose? • Wider window might allow more volatility which makes it harder to detect jumps • Narrower window has few observations reducing our ability to detect a small effect • How to model abnormal returns • Different ways to model how expectations of returns form • This is akin to considering functional form
An Example – 2 (Micro Example) • Lemieux and Milligan “Incentive Effects of Social Assistance: A regression discontinuity approach”, Journal of Econometrics, 2008 • In Quebec before 1989 childless benefit recipients received higher benefits when they reached their 30th birthday • Does this effect Employment rates?
Issues • What window to choose • Close to 30 years old? Not many people on social assistance • Note that the more flexible is the underlying relationship between employment rate and age, the less precise is the estimate • Underlying function can explain more jumps if it’s got more curvature • Splines can also explain a lot.
Next Time • Multivariate time series • Cointegration • State-space form • Multiple/Simultaneous Equation Models