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Back ground

Ethiopian One Health Experience UMA- UVA International One Health C onference , Uganda Africana Hotel 14-16 Feb by Berihun Afera (Veterinary Epidemiologist, Focal Person of One Health , Mekelle University College of Veterinary Medicine, Ethiopia. Back ground . Ethiopia

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Ethiopian One Health ExperienceUMA- UVA International One Health Conference , UgandaAfricana Hotel14-16 Febby Berihun Afera (Veterinary Epidemiologist, Focal Person of One Health, Mekelle University College of Veterinary Medicine, Ethiopia

  2. Back ground Ethiopia • Second populous (79.8 million) • Covers 1.1million square kms • Consists of 9 regional and 2 city administrations which are further divided in to 817 districts • Capital city – Addis Ababa • Economy – Agriculture 42%, Industry 11% and services 47 % of the country’s GDP • Main exports – Coffee, Oilseeds , Pulses spices, leather and leather products, flowers, etc.

  3. Health Service Organization (Public)

  4. Livestock Health System Description of the administrative structure of delivery of services for livestock health, focusing on surveillance, response and reporting mechanisms for infectious diseases Animal & Plant Health Regulatory Directorate Regional States Agricultural/Pastoral Dev’t office (Veterinary section) Regional Laboratory District/Zone Agricultural offices (By the Vet section) Certain Village/kebelle (Paraprofessionals)

  5. Multidisciplinary Approaches to Tackle different problems in Ethiopia • The existence of DRMFSS (Disaster Risk Management food Security Sector ) in case of any disaster which lead by the Deputy Prime Minister MOA MOH Lead by Deputy Prime Minister MOD EHNRI and NAHDIC MOW

  6. Structural presentation of the National Coordinating Committee during avian influenza Lead by deputy prime minister National coordinating committee Human health expert Animal health experts National technical committee Resource mobilization subcommittee Advocation and communication sub committee Disease prevention and control subcommittee (Veterinary) Disease prevention and control subcommittee (Human) Emergency operation centre Emergency operation centre laboratory Laboratory Education Education

  7. Mekelle University • CVM • CHS • Department of Public health • Department of geology • Department of agriculture • Department of biology International Organizations FAO and CDC Tackling unknown liver disease in Tigray REGIONAL GOVERNMNET Health bureau Agriculture bureau Emergency preparedness unit Federal level MoH MoA EHNRI NAHDIC EVA EPHA

  8. Celebration of world rabies day and Veterinary day together with Vaccination campaign Community based education Other One Health Related activities Collaborative research Example rabies, MBTB, Brucellosis, Trypanosomiasis Community based training and awareness creation using Media

  9. World Rabies day Celebration

  10. Public awareness creation and Vaccination Campaign

  11. Activities carried out following the network created by OHCEA

  12. Cont.. USAID RSPOND Leadership Network facilitator

  13. Curriculum Development Food safety and zoonoses and VPH

  14. 4.Ministry of Environment al Protraction (MoEP) 1.Ministry of Health (MoH) 2.Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) 3.Ministry of Educationh (MoE) 9. Civic Societies EVA EPHA ONE HEALTH ETHIOPIA Country Coordinating Committee (CCC) 6. MU University CVM FPH 8. Health and Nutrition Research Institute (EHNRI) 7. Wild Life conservation Authority (EWCA) 5. JU University FVM FPH

  15. Sensitization Awareness creation on one health concept for both staffs and students

  16. Grant writing training of staffs • Grant writing training for Staffs of the College of health Sciences and Veterinary Medicine All staffs in the training College of health sciences staffs College of Veterinary Med. staff

  17. Government actions of Ethiopia on One Health • Ministry of agriculture and Ministry of health has already included the one health model in their strategic plan • Currently the Ministry of Health of the country is doing the One Health model in the pastoral areas because they are very deficient in both animal and human health skilled manpower and also it is the home of different infectious diseases


  19. Healthy animals, Healthy people and Healthy ecosystem Thank you very much

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