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ELEC 516 Digital VLSI System Design and Design Automation (Spring 2010) Tutorial on VHDL Language -- Introduction and Design Methodology. By Qian zhiliang (Toby) Reference ELEC 516 tutorials of previous semesters by Michael Ling & Hui shao
ELEC 516 Digital VLSI System Design and Design Automation (Spring 2010)Tutorial on VHDL Language -- Introduction and Design Methodology By Qian zhiliang (Toby) Reference ELEC 516 tutorials of previous semesters by Michael Ling & Hui shao “VHDL : Analysis and modeling of digital systems” by Navabi, 2nd edition
VHDL Background • An integrated design environment is useful for better design efficiency in the large digital systems. • Ideal design environment: • High level description of the system which uniquely defines a hardware should be understandable. • Additional details enable simulation and testing is added to the initial description when design processes • The initial description evolves to a detailed description for the final generated hardware • Language is needed to describe hardware in various levels • Why VHDL : • includes facilities for describing logical structure and function of a system from system level down to gate level. • it’s intended as a modeling language for modeling & specification • Now, we can also use it for hardware synthesis
Modeling Digital Systems • Digital systems encompasses a range of system from low-level components to complete system-on-chip and broad level models • A systematic methodology of design : decompose & compose primitive components that performs required function • expressing system requirements in a complete and unambiguous way ( VHDL , SystemC, Verilog, SystemVerilog, C++ ) • test a design to verify the function • Synthesizing an implementation in a target technology ( ASIC or FPGA)
VHDL Features • VHDL is usable for design documentation, high-level design, simulation, synthesis and testing of hardware, and as a driver for a physical design tool. • VHDL are concurrent language. It means that transfer statements, description of components, and instantiations of gates or logical unit are all executed simultaneously. • Hierarchical specification- essential for multi-level hardware language. A design consists of an interface description and a separate part for describing its operation. • The operation of a system or subsystems can be specified based on its functionality, or it can be specified structurally in terms of its smaller sub-components
Other Considerations: • Library Support • VHDL support accessing different libraries • A library stores several specifications or primitives for a function • Sequential Statement • While concurrent components, some subsections may be software like sequentially controlled • VHDL has sequential statements, e.g. case, if-then-else, loop… • Generic Design • To configure the generic description of a component (same function) for different designs • configurable for size, timing, loading and operating conditions.
HDL & software programming language (C++ , Java) • Type declaration and usage • Besides bit and boolean types, VHDL support integer, floating-point, enumerate types and user defined types • Capability to redefine language operators • Ability to define and use of subprograms, e.g. functions and procedures • Timing Control • Schedule values to signals and delay the assignment of values until later time • Handshaking-ability to wait for occurrence of an event or for a specific time of duration • Constructs for clock edge detection, delay specification, setup and hold time specification, pulse width checking, and setting various time constraints should be provided
An VHDL Environment Example Analyzer : a syntax analyzer Synthesizer : mapping a description to a specific or generic library Simulator : according to the timing specification of the library , simulate the output based on the testbench
Synthesis • From high level description to the gate level netlist, it is usually with the help of synthesis tools. • For VHDL, only a subset of the language is synthesizable, and different tools support different subsets. • RTL style code is encouraged because it is synthesizable. • In RTL, it is possible to split the code into two blocks (e.g. process) that contain either purely combinational logic or registers. • FSM is also synthesizable For simulation, we can use the unsynthesizable VHDL or Verilog code in the test bench to generate the stimulus.
Design Methodology Based on VHDL • Top-Down Design and bottom-up implementation • Simulations/Validations
Simulation/Validations • Testbench—Verify the specified functionality of a design. • Provide the stimulus for the Device Under Test (DUT). • Analyze the DUT's responses or stores them in a file.
VHDL Basic Concept • A given circuit is presented as a Design Entity • A design entity consists of two descriptions: an interface description and one or more architectural bodies • Entitydeclaration: ENTITY component nameIS input and output ports physical and other parameters END component name; ARCHITECTURE identifier OF component nameIS declarations. BEGIN specification of the functionality of the component in terms of its input lines and as influenced by physical and other parameters END identifier; • Architecture declaration:
VHDL Basics : • Architectural bodies describes the function of a component which depends on input-output signals and other interface-specified parameters • Several architectural specifications with different identifiers can exist for one component with a given interface description Entity component_i IS PORT(..) ARCHITECTURE behavioral OF component_i IS ... ARCHITECTURE dataflow OF component_i IS ... ARCHITECTURE structural OF component_i IS ... other ARCHITECTURES OF component_i IS ...
VHDL Example: • Comments : -- comments or …comments… • Identifiers : very similar to programming language, has reserve word like “abs” “after” etc which we can’t use to name an entity or architecture • Numbers : 46E09 , 34.0e-08 (integers and real literals are valid form) • Bit Strings : B for binary, O for octal (based 8), X for hexadecimal (base 16)
Example: Count the Number of 1’s in the Input Vector of Length 3 Architecture behavioral of ONES_CNT is begin process(A) variable NUM: INTEGER range 0 to 3; begin NUM :=0; for I in 0 to 2 loop if A(I) = ‘1’ then NUM := NUM +1; end if; end loop; Interface description entity ONES_CNT is port(A: in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); C:out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0)); --- Truth Table --- A2 A1 A0 C1 C0 --- 0 0 0 0 0 --- 0 0 1 0 1 --- 0 1 0 0 1 --- 0 1 1 1 0 --- 1 0 0 0 1 --- 1 0 1 1 0 --- 1 1 0 1 0 --- 1 1 1 1 1 end ONES_CNT; case NUM is when 0 => C <= “00”; when 1 => C <= “01”; when 2 => C <= “10”; when 3 => C <= “11”; end case; end process; end behavioral;
Data Flow Model of the 1’s Counter – another implementation • C1 = (A1)(A0) + (A2)(A0) + (A2)(A1) • C0 = (A2)(A1)(A0) + (A2)(A1)(A0) + (A2)(A1)(A0) + (A2)(A1)(A0) architecture DATA_FLOW of ONES_CNT is begin C(1) <= (A(1) and A(0)) or (A(2) and A(0)) or (A(2) and A(1)); C(0) <= (A(2) and not A(1) and not A(0)) or (not A(2) and not A(1) and A(0)) or (A(2) and A(1) and A(0)) or (not A(2) and A(1) and not A(0)); end DATA_FLOW;
Hierarchical Implementation of 1’s Counter • Hierarchical Design is more preferable in large system design : ONE_CNT Architecture structural of ONES_CNT is begin C(1) <= MAJ3(A); C(0) <= OPAR3(A); end structural; MAJ3 OPAR3 Entity AND2 is port (I1,I2: in std_logic; O: out std_logic); end AND2; architecture BEHAVIOR1 of AND2 is begin O <= I1 and I2; end BEHAVIOR1; AND2 OR3 AND3 OR4 Entity OR3 is port (I1,I2,I3: in std_logic; O: out std_logic); end OR3; architecture BEHAVIOR2 of OR3 is begin O <= I1 or I2 or I3; end BEHAVIOR2;
Structure Description of MAJ3 Gate Entity MAJ3 is port(X:in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); Z:out std_logic); end MAJ3; architecture AND3_OR of MAJ3 is component AND2C port (I1,I2: in std_logic; O: out std_logic); end component; component OR3C port (I1,I2,I3 in std_logic; O: out std_logic); end component; for all: AND2C use entity AND2(BEHAVIOR1); for all: OR3C use entity OR3(BEHAVIOR2); signal A1, A2, A3:std_logic; begin G1: AND2C port map (X(0),X(1),A1); G2: AND2C port map (X(0),X(2),A2); G3: AND2C port map (X(1),X(1),A3); G4: OR3C port map (A1,A2,A3,Z); end AND3_OR; A1 X(1) Z X(0) A2 X(2) X(1) A3 X(2)
Model Testing • Test bench - top level entity to test the other entity. • The test bench must contain the circuit under test and should have sources for providing data to its input Entity TEST_BENCH is end TEST_BENCH; use WORK. all; architecture ONES_CNT1 of TEST_BENCH is signal A: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); signal C: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); component ONES_CNTA port(A: in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); C: out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0)); end component; for L1: ONES_CNTA use entity ONES_CNT(behavioral) begin L1: ONES_CNTA port map(A,C); process begin A<= “000” after 1 ns, “001” after 1 ns, “010” after 1 ns, “011” after 1 ns, “100” after 1 ns, “101” after 1 ns, “110” after 1 ns, “111” after 1 ns; wait; end process; end ONES_CNT1;
ELEC 516 Digital VLSI System Design and Design Automation (Spring 2010)Tutorial on VHDL Language -- VHDL language syntax By Qian zhiliang (Toby) Reference ELEC 516 tutorials of previous semesters by Michael Ling & Hui shao “VHDL : Analysis and modeling of digital systems” by Navabi, 2nd edition
Entity • The entity specifies the design entity name and the input/output interface. • Port Type: • in • out • buffer • inout entity HALFADDER is port( A, B: in std_logic; SUM, CARRY: out std_logic);end HALFADDER; entity ADDER is port( A, B: in integer range 0 to 3; SUM: out integer range 0 to 3; CARRY: out std_logic );end ADDER;
Architecture • The architecture contains the implementation for an entity which may be either a behavioral description (behavioral level or, if synthesizable, RT level) or a structural netlist or a mixture of those alternatives. • Declaration part (datatype, constants, signals, components,…) • Definition part (signal assignment, process, concurrent statements, components initializations,…) architecture RTL of HALFADDER isbegin SUM <= A xor B; CARRY <= A and B;end RTL;
Hierarchical Model and Components Initialization • architecture STRUCT of FULLADDER iscomponent HALFADDER port (A, B : in std_logic; SUM, CARRY : out std_logic); end component; component ORGATE port (A, B : in std_logic; RES : out std_logic); end component; signal W_SUM, W_CARRY1, W_CARRY2: std_logic;begin MODULE1: HALFADDER port map( A, B, W_SUM, W_CARRY1 ); MODULE2: HALFADDER port map ( W_SUM, CARRY_IN, SUM, W_CARRY2 ); MODULE3: ORGATE port map ( W_CARRY2, W_CARRY1, CARRY ); end STRUCT; An alternative component initialization: MODULE1: HALFADDER port map ( A => A, SUM => W_SUM, B => B, CARRY => W_CARRY1 ); . . .
Configuration • Selects architecture for top-level entity • Selects entity/architecture pairs for instantiated components • Generates the hierarchy • Creates a simulation object • Default binding rules: • selects entity with same name as component • signals are associated by name • last compiled architecture is used
An example for configuration of fulladder • configuration CFG_FULLADDER of FULLADDER is for STRUCT for MODULE2: HALFADDER use entity work.HALFADDER(GATE); port map ( U => A, V => B, X => SUM, Y => CARRY ); end for; for others : HALFADDER use entity work.HALFADDER(RTL); end for; end for;end CFG_FULLADDER; Binding different architecture model of half adder
VHDL Operator • Logical operators: e.g. not, and, or, nand, nor, xor • for operands of the predefined BIT and BOOLEAN types. • Relational operators: =, /=, <, <=, > , >= • Shift operations: SLL, SLA, SRL, SRA. ROL, ROR • arithmetic operators: +, -, *, /, **, ABS • operators must be of the same type and the result affects the types of operand. • The concatenation operator: & • used of concatenating arrays of elements. The types of the elements in concatenated arrays must be the same. This operator is particularly useful for merging buses or registers. • E.g. x_byte & y_byte => concatenate 2 8-bit array to 1 16-bit array; a&b<=“10”…
Object Type • Signal • It represents interconnection wires that connect component instantiation ports together. • It has a time component associated with them. The assignment symbols for signals is <= which has a nonzero time component. • Variable • It is used for local storage of temporary data, visible only inside a sequential bodies of VHDL, and they are local to the bodies. Value assignment := • Sequential bodies include processes, functions and procedures • Signal assignments are delayed assignments, while variable assignments are instantaneous assignments. • Constant • It names specific values.
Signals and Variables Case I: 0t 2t 4t 6t 8t X 1 4 5 5 3 Y 2 2 2 3 2 AS 2 2 8 10 15 Z 0 3 2 2 2 BS 2 2 5 10 12 Case I: AS<=X*Y after 2 ns; BS <=AS + Z after 2 ns; Case II: AV:=X*Y; BV :=AV + Z; 1 4 5 5 3 X 2 2 2 3 2 Y Case II: 0t 2t 4t 6t 8t X 1 4 5 5 3 Y 2 2 2 3 2 AV 2 8 10 15 6 Z 0 3 2 2 2 BV 2 11 12 17 8 0 3 2 2 2 Z t1 t1+2 t1+4 t1+6
Data Type • Predefined types: Integer, Real, Boolean, Bit, Severity_level, and Character.. • logic - three-level logic (0,1,Z) for describing logic level at lowest level of abstraction.Ex,std_logic defined by IEEE library • floating point - specify the requirements for a floating point processor in terms of transformations on real numbers. • Every object and expression has a single, uniquely determinable type and those types cannot be mixed in expressions or in assignments of values to objects • Scalar type - a type whose values cannot be decomposed into more atomic values. It includes integer types, floating point types, enumeration types and physical types
Data Type (cont.) • Example of scalar type: • type Byte is range -128 to 127; • type Bit_position is range 7 downto 0; • type Decimal_int is range -1E9 to 1E9; • Enumeration types have as their values enumeration literals. An enumeration literal is either an identifier or a character literal. E.g. type three_level_logic is (‘0’,’1’,’Z’); • Physical types specifies a range constraint, one base unit, and zero or more secondary units, each secondary unit being an integral multiple of the base unit e.g. type Resistance is range 1 to 10E9 units ohm; -- the base unit kohm = 1000 ohm; -- secondary unit, multiple of base unit end units; • Other data types issues: composite types, subtypes, attributes and predefined operators for a type
Predefined Attributes • Array attribute, e.g. ‘left, ‘right, ‘high, ‘low… e.g.. A 'left is left bound of index range of A • Type attribute, e.g. ‘right, ‘left, ‘high, ‘low, ‘leftof… e.g.. A’ right is the right bound of index range of A • Signal attribute, e.g. • ‘stable • ‘event :True if there is an event on identifier in the current simulation cycle • ‘last_event :The time interval since last event on the identifier • ‘last_value : The value of the identifier just before the last event • ‘active These attributes are often used in checking the timing behavior within a model
Concurrent and Sequential Statement • Concurrent Statement • Executed at the same time, independent of the order in which they appear • Sequential Statement • Executed according to the order in which they appear • Permitted only within processes, functions and procedures • Used to describe algorithms
Concurrent Statement architecture EXAMPLE of CONDITIONAL_ASSIGNMENT isbegin -- Concurrent version of conditional signal assignment Z_CONC <= B when X = "1111" else C when X > "1000" else A; • Conditional Signal Assignment TARGET<= VALUE_1 when CONDITION_1 else … VALUE_N • Selected Signal Assignment With EXPRESSION select TARGET<=VALUE_1 when CHOICE_1, VALUE_2 when CHOICE_2|CHOICE_3, VALUE_3 when CHOICE_4 to CHOICE_5, VALUE_N when others architecture EXAMPLE of SELECTED_ASSIGNMENT isbegin -- Concurrent version of selected signal assignmentwith X select Z_CONC <= A when 0, B when 7 | 9, C when 1 to 5, 0 when others;
Sequential Statement process (A, B, C, X) begin if (X = "1111") then Z <= B; elsif (X > "1000") then Z <= C; else Z <= A; end if; end process; • If statement • Case statement • For loop statement process (A, B, C, X) begin case X is when 0 => Z <= A; when 7 | 9 => Z <= B; when 1 to 5 => Z <= C; when others => Z <= 0; end case; end process; process (A) begin Z <= "0000"; for I in 0 to 3 loop if (A = I) then Z(I) <= `1`; end if; end loop; end process;
Sequential Statement (cont.) • Wait Statement • The wait statement is a highly behavioral construct for modeling delays, handshaking, and hardware dependencies. This statement can be used only in procedures and processes that do not have the optional sensitivity list. • When a program flow reaches a wait statement, the process or procedure that encloses it is suspended. The sequential body resumes after the conditions specified by the wait statement are met. • wait for SPECIFIC_TIME; e.g. wait for 10ns • wait on SIGNAL_LIST; e.g. wait on clk --this wait until an event happens on clk • wait until CONDITION; e.g. wait until clk=‘1’ • wait;
Process • Contains sequentially executed statements • Exists within an architecture only • Several processes run concurrently • Execution is controlled either via • sensitivity list (contains trigger signals), or • wait-statements • The process label is optional Sensitivity list architecture RTL of AND_OR_XOR isbeginA_O_X: process (A, B) begin Z_OR <= A or B; Z_AND <= A and B; Z_XOR <= A xor B; end process A_O_X ;end RTL; architecture RTL of AND_OR_XOR isbeginA_O_X: process begin Z_OR <= A or B; Z_AND <= A and B; Z_XOR <= A xor B; wait on A,B; end process A_O_X ;end RTL;
Clocked Process: Clock Edge Detection If clock_signal_ name'EVENT and clock_signal_name='1' [clock_signal_ name='1' and clock_signal_ name'EVENT not clock_signal_ name'STABLE and clock_signal_ name='1' clock_signal_ name='1' and not clock_signal_ name'STABLE RISING_EDGE ( clock_signal_ name) ]; Logic Statements; end if; wait until clock_signal_ name'EVENT and clock_signal_ name='1' [clock_signal_ name='1' and clock_signal_ name'EVENT not clock_signal_ name'STABLE and clock_signal_ name='1' clock_signal_ name='1' and not clock_signal_ name'STABLE RISING_EDGE ( clock_signal_ name) ]; Logic Statements;
Event and Transaction in VHDL • Event is a kind of assignment which changes the previous data value • Transaction is true just when an assignment occurs, even this assignment doesn’t change the data value Q & A on VHDL ?
Think about Synthesis • VHDL coding is a little different from the other programming languages. It is concurrent operation and is closely related to the hardware implementation. • Think about the synthesis when programming. • Different coding styles results different hardware architecture process (SEL,A,B) variable TMP : std_logic;begin if SEL = `1` then TMP := B; else TMP := C; end if; Z <= A + TMP;end process; process (SEL,A,B)begin if SEL = `1` then Z <= A + B; else Z <= A + C; end if; end process;
Think about Synthesis (cont.) • Some times coding may be not synthesizable • Write RTL or FSM description for your design
R target1 C Other Issues about VHDL • Inertial Delay and Transport Delay (Signal Assignment) • Signal assignment can have inertial delay and transport delay • Inertial delay can be used to model capacitive networks or gates. If the input pulse less than the inertial delay, it would be rejected. It’s the default option for the delay • Delays through transmission lines and networks with virtually infinite frequency response can be modeled by transport delay. Regardless the input pulse width, the input can be totally transmitted by the networks or gates
Other issues ( cont.) We can filter the small-length pulse dedicatedly
Other issues on VHDL : • Delta Delay • In VHDL, time delay can be specified in two ways,e.g. (1) Y <= X -- delta delay (2) Y<=X after 10 ns -- standard time unit delay • Delta delay is a period of time greater than 0 but less than any standard time unit.
ELEC 516 Digital VLSI System Design and Design Automation (Spring 2010)Tutorial on VHDL Language -- Modeling Example By Qian zhiliang (Toby) Reference ELEC 516 tutorials of previous semesters by Michael Ling & Hui shao “VHDL : Analysis and modeling of digital systems” by Navabi, 2nd edition
Some Example on Models of Digital Logic Primitives • Combinational Primitives • gates • buffers • adders • multiplexers • decoders • encoders • comparators • shifters • ALU • Sequential Primitives • Flip-flops • Registers • Latches • Clock generator
Combinational Logic • GENERIC: provide a means for an instantiating (parent) component to pass values to an instantiated (child) component. • Typical uses: parameterize • timing, • the range of subtypes, • the number of instantiated subcomponents, and • the size of array objects • or simply to document physical characteristics such as temperature. • Default declaration entity AND2 is generic (DEL: TIME:=3ns) port(I1,I2:in std_logic; O: out std_logic); end AND2; architecture DF of AND2 is begin O<= I1 and I2 after DEL; end DF;
Combinational logic (cond.) • Specification of a generic parameter should beinside a component declaration and inside a component instantiation. e.g. entity TEST is port(a,b,c,d:IN STD_LOGIC; O:OUT STD_LOGIC); end; architecture A of TEST is component n1 generic (DEL:TIME:=5); port(I1,I2:in STD_LOGIC; O: out STD_LOGIC); FOR ALL: n1 USE ENTITY WORK.AND2(DF); SIGNAL: im1, im2 :STD_LOGIC; BEGIN g0: n1 PORT map (a,b,im1); g1: n1 generic map(8) PORT map (c,d,im2); g2: n1 generic map(10) PORT map (im1,im2,O); end A;
1-bit Adder & 4-bit adder entity FULL_ADDER is generic(SUM_DEL, CARRY_DEL:TIME); port(A,B,CI:in STD_LOGIC; SUM, CARRY:out STD_LOGIC); end FULL_ADDER; architecture DF of FULL_ADDER is begin SUM<= A xor B xor CI after SUM_DEL; COUT <= (A and B) or (A and CI) or (B and CI) after CARRY_DEL; end DF; entity 4_bit_Adder is port(A,B:in std_logic_vector(3 down to 0); Cin:in std_logic; S: out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); Cout:out std_logic); end 4_bit_Adder; architecture A of 4_bit_Adder is component n1: port(A,B,C1:in std_logic; Sum, Co: out std_logic); End component; FOR ALL: n1 USE ENTITY WORK.FULL_ADDER(DF); SIGNAL: im1, im2,im3:std_logic; BEGIN g0: n1 generic(3,4) PORT map (A(0),B(0),Cin,S(0),im1); g1: n1 generic(3,4) PORT map (A(1),B(1),im1,S(1),im2); g2: n1 generic(3,4) PORT map (A(2),B(2),im2,S(2),im3); g3: n1 generic(3,4) PORT map (A(3),B(3),im3,S(3),Cout); end A
Shifter entity SHIFTER is generic(del:time); port(D_IN:in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); SR,SL: in std_logic;IL,IR: in std_logic; D_OUT:out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)); end SHIFTER; architecture ALG of SHIFTER is begin process(SR,SL,D_IN, IL,IR) variable CON: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); begin CON := SR&SL; case CON is when “00” => D_OUT<= D_IN after DEL; when “01” => D_OUT<= D_IN(2 downto 0) & IL after del; when “10” => D_OUT<= IR & D_IN(3 downto 1) after del; when “11” => D_OUT<= D_IN after DEL; end case; end process; end ALG;
ALU entity ALU is generic(DEL:TIME); port(A,B:in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); CI: in std_logic_vector; FSEL:in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); F:out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); COUT:out std_logic); end ALU; architecture ALG of ALU is begin process(A,B,CI,FSEL) variable FV:std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); variable COUTV:std_logic; begin case FSEL is when “00” => F<= A after DEL; when “01” => F<= not(A) after DEL; when “10” => ADD(A,B,CI,FV,COUTV);F <= FV after DEL; when “11” => F<= A and B after DEL; end case; end process; end ALG;
Register Model entity REG is generic(DEL:time); port(reset, load,clk:in std_logic; d_in:in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); Q: inout std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)); end REG; architecture DF of REG is begin REG: block(not clk’stable and clk=‘1’) begin Q <= guarded “0000” after DEL when RESET = ‘1’ else d_in after DEL when load = ‘1’ else Q; end block REG; end DF;