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Sow - female who has had first litter Gilt - female that has never been pregnant

Sow - female who has had first litter Gilt - female that has never been pregnant Boar – intact male; cheaper to feed but meat stinks- Why? What might account for this smell? Barrow - castrated male. QUICK REVIEW!. Hormones can be proteins. QUICK REVIEW!. Hormones can be proteins.

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Sow - female who has had first litter Gilt - female that has never been pregnant

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Sow- female who has had first litter • Gilt- female that has never been pregnant • Boar – intact male; cheaper to feed but meat stinks- Why? What might account for this smell? • Barrow- castrated male

  2. QUICK REVIEW! Hormones can be proteins

  3. QUICK REVIEW! Hormones can be proteins

  4. LOCUS SSU49860 5702 bp DNA linear MAM 15-AUG-2012 DEFINITION Sus scrofa SRY protein (SRY) gene, promoter region and complete cds. • ORIGIN • 1 aagcttgggg aaatctgttc agtagtctgt gatagcccat gtggggaagc aatctggaaa • 61 agaatggata tacatgtaca tgcatggccg attcactttg ctgtacaccc aaagctagca • 121 gaacatcgag agtctcaata ctccagtaaa atttaatttg aagagagtga gagagagaat • tgcaggagat ctctaggtcc cttctctcat gtaaggcctc agcaacaagg • caccttctgt • 241 acaccggagg tgggccctca ctagatgctg aatctactgg tgactctgac catggactta • 301 cagaatccag aactctgaga aatgaatttc tgctgtttgt ttaaaaaata ataattataa • 361 ttatggtgat gaaatttttt taattcgcaa attaatatta ctctatttaa ccttttcatt • 421 tatttggtag tgacctttca tgcacaagca ttttagtact tgctactatg cactttatcc • 481 actttttcct tttgtgtgtt tggtgtcctt tatttcatta ggcattaaaa gatggtcctg • 541 ggaaaactgt aaaggaaatg gacatgtgag tgcacttagg ttagtaaact acaagtggtg ….. • 5701

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