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WP1: Management and Project Coordination. Task 1.1: coordination Keep activities converging towards geenral aim Liaison with the EU, timing of deliverables Communication with partners 1.1.1: data management and protocoles Task 1.2: Administrative management/project office
WP1: Management and Project Coordination • Task 1.1: coordination • Keep activities converging towards geenral aim • Liaison with the EU, timing of deliverables • Communication with partners • 1.1.1: data management and protocoles • Task 1.2: Administrative management/project office • Task 1.3: Exploitation/implementation plan • 1.3.1 links with related projects • 1.3.2 final exploitation plan
Steering Group Coordinator and WP Leaders & 2 CS Leaders WP1: Management and Coordination Coordintor: IFREMER General organisation Governing Board All partner representatives WP7:Management strategy framework Integrates Overall Project Impacts Leader AZTI WP2 Review of existing Management & monitoring approaches Leader CEFAS WP3 Socio- economic study Leader UoI WP4 Dev. of appropriate Assessm. Methodol. Leader Imp. College. WP5 Reference Points & HCRs Leader Imp. College WP6 Trends in biodiversity Leader IFREMER THE SELECTED CASE STUDIES COLLATE DATA & PROVIDE INPUTS FOR WPs WP8: Dissemination & Outreach Leader MRI
Deliverables in WP1 • D1.1 Scientific and Management Reports (M 18, 36). • D1.2 Exploitation plans reports – including (i) Gender Action Plans, (ii) presence of DEEPFISHMAN participants at conferences, ICES WGs, STECF, RACs meetings (8, 18 and 36). • D1.3 Data format and protocols for CSs and data archive. Comparable and robust databases for all CSs (12)
Interactions WP1 others WPs • General coordination: interacts with all WPs • WP2: data format and protocole • Data collated/compiled by CSs for use in WPs • Make format consistent over CSs, use existing format whenever possible (e.g. fisheries database from TECTAC) • Data stored on DEEPFISHMAN WEBSITE, loaded to pangea at the end of the project
Data format and protocole • come back to this on the 3d day • data will be store on deepfishman website during the project and submitted to pangaea (http://www.pangaea.de/)for long-term archiving http://www.pangaea.de/ Visit the site at some time before Thursday Dataset are identified from a DOI (Data object Identifyer) that can be cited like a literature reference. Data are acknowledge when used
Scientific and management reports • All partners to provide relevant information • Reminders to be send by Ifremer Exploitation plan reports • Gender action plan • Participation at conference, WGs, RACs meetings: send information (including abstract, communication... for website) to: • webmaster • patricia.thibault.pralin@ifremer.fr • pascal.lorance@ifremer.fr
Management tools • Website – public and partner areas • Wiki site (?) • Email, conference calls • Communation plan with stakeholders • Communication plan with EC