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Discussion around The Role of Fellowship in Professional Advancement & Recertification. An Informational Session with ACHE’s Leaders August 2010 Howard J. Horwitz, FACHE, CAE Vice President, Education. What are the goals of this session?.
Discussion around The Role of Fellowship in Professional Advancement & Recertification An Informational Session with ACHE’s Leaders August 2010 Howard J. Horwitz, FACHE, CAE Vice President, Education
What are the goals of this session? • Present the issues surrounding ACHE education, Certification and the meaning of Fellowship • Describe the current criteria for Category I and II credits and how affiliates are using them • Introduce a new direction • The potential effect of this direction on National and Chapter educational programs • Answer questions • Share the proposed next steps
The Philosophy of ACHE Education Professional development continues to be a hallmark of ACHE. When a community of executives learn together, benefits are reaped at both the individual and organizational level. As experienced affiliates participate in either national or Chapter events, they advance their own knowledge and skills, but they also share their expertise with younger, future leaders. The ability to interact with colleagues and faculty is one of the highest rated attributes of ACHE education.
Changes in the Healthcare Environment and Professional Development Environmental changes emphasize the need for strong leadership and communication skills. While new technology provides efficient, cost-effective delivery formats, it may not provide the fellowship that enhances professional development. Some essential leadership topics are not suited for distance learning. Face-to-face experiences and the real-time practice sessions provide sustainable improvement in leadership skills.
Fellow status is ACHE’s highest attainment Fellows commit to a personal program of Continuing Education in healthcare management and executive skills. Currently, it is possible for an affiliate to become a Fellow without ever participating in a face-to-face educational program with peers. Further, a Fellow may recertify without ever participating in face-to-face educational programs with peers. This seems inconsistent and in opposition to our goals.
Category I Credit Category I programming is currently defined as face-to-face a continuing education program, seminar, institute, Congress, or conference conducted by ACHE or its Chapters. Certain specifically designated, self-directed educational programs offered by ACHE are also included.
Category II Credit Category II programming is currently defined as other face-to-face continuing education programs conducted by another organizations qualified to provide educational programming in management. Approval is based on appropriateness of program content, program provider, and program length. Category II may also include real-time (synchronous) distance learning. Some face-to-face education provided by ACHE and its Chapters could also qualify as Category II
How Affiliates Use Cat I and II to Advance 40 CEU’s are required, of which at least 12 must be Category I
How Fellows Use Cat I and II to Recertify 24 CEU’s are required every 3 years. At least 12 must be Category I
Are there Generational differences? (Percentage who prefer or strongly prefer) ASAE Decision to Learn, 2010
Challenging some myths • Category I credit is a barrier to certification • Younger members prefer distance education • Distance education has the same outcomes for as Face-to-face learning. Participants have said: • Some topics lend themselves to remote learning better than others 1 • The remote experience is not the same as being in the classroom 1 1 – Benefits and Challenges of Distance Education, G.W. James, 2010
We hold these truths…. Category II credits are not inferior to Category I credits. Distance education is not inferior to face-to-face learning. Each of these has a role, a purpose and each has value.
What action is the Board of Governors considering? Rewriting the definition of Category I to only include live, face-to-face events. The new definition would read: Category I programming is defined as any face-to-face continuing education program, seminar, institute, Congress or conference conducted by ACHE or its Chapters. Distance education from ACHE, its Chapters and other high quality providers would only be eligible for Category II credit.
Think of it this way Category I = Face-to-Face, ACHE and Chapter Education Category II = Distance, ACHE and Chapter Education = Face-to-face and distance education provided by ACHE Chapters and other qualified providers
How Could Chapters Serve Members Living in Remote Locations? We propose raising the annual limit to 12.0 credits with the provision that at least one of the Chapter’s events be a day-long, educational program that provides 6.0 credits. Now, a remote member can earn a more reasonable number of CEU’s for the investment of their long drive.
Potential Outcomes of this Change Increase the benefits and decrease the resistance for remote members to participate in face-to-face, Chapter educational events. Expand the programming and revenue opportunities for Chapters. With greater attendance by Fellows and having all participants interact for an extended period of time, the networking and fellowship opportunities increase.
So, What’s the Bottom Line? If the Board adopts this change: • Category I would be for ACHE and Chapter face-to-face educational programs. • Category II would be for ACHE and Chapter distance education, some ACHE and Chapter face-to-face programs and education provided by others. • New Fellows would need 12 credits of face-to-face ACHE or Chapter education to certify. Then 12 more every three years to recertify.
Next Steps Share the concept with Regents and Chapter Leaders and gather their feedback Discuss at Breakfast roundtables at the Chapter Leaders Conference (September 20-21) Provide the opportunity for member feedback via the cat1feedback@ache.orglink through Sept. 27 Compile all comments and feedback for the Board’s consideration at their November meeting Any decisions made will be shared with Regents, Chapter Leaders and Affiliates
Questions and Comments cat1feedback@ache.org - until Sept 27 Thank You for your Time and Interest