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A Word a Day

A Word a Day. Grade 3 Week 9. DAY 1. independent. Say the Word. independent. independent. adjective When you think and act for yourself, you’re being independent . independent. My 90-year-old great-grandma is still independent . She lives alone and cooks and cleans for herself.

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A Word a Day

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Presentation Transcript

  1. A Word a Day Grade 3 Week 9

  2. DAY 1 independent

  3. Say the Word independent

  4. independent adjective When you think and act for yourself, you’re beingindependent.

  5. independent My 90-year-old great-grandma is still independent. She lives alone and cooks and cleans for herself.

  6. Would you beindependentif you: • had your best friend choose the color of your new bike? • finished your homework by yourself? • needed help to make your bed? • made your own breakfast? • chose your own clothes?

  7. In what ways are youindpendent? In what ways are you not independent yet?

  8. independent

  9. DAY 2 inflate

  10. Say the Word inflate

  11. inflate verb If you fill something with air or gas, youinflateit.

  12. inflate The coach forgot to inflate the ball, so it was too flat to bounce.

  13. Which of these could you inflate?

  14. independent Have you ever inflated a ball, balloon, or bike tire? Did you use a pump or your lungs? Tell about how the thing you were inflating changed.

  15. DAY 3 adjustable

  16. Say the Word adjustable

  17. adjustable adjective Something is adjustable if it can be changed to make it fit or work better.

  18. An adjustable chair can go up or down to fit people of different heights.

  19. Which of these are adjustable?

  20. What article of clothing do you have that is adjustable?What furniture or appliance do you have that are adjustable? In what ways are they adjustable?

  21. adjustable

  22. DAY 4 astonish

  23. Say the Word astonish

  24. astonish verb If you greatly surprise someone, you astonish them.

  25. We were astonished when the magician pulled ten rabbits out of his hat.

  26. astonished Would it astonish you to see someone: • yawn? • get shot out of a cannon? • walk on their hands? • twist their body into a pretzel shape?

  27. Tell about a time when something astonished you.What was it and how did you feel?

  28. astonished

  29. Review Week 9

  30. independent~ inflate ~ adjustable ~ astonish • This word describes people who make their own decisions. • You might do this to a beach ball if it was flat. • This word describes something that you can move into different positions. • If you leaped over a six-foot-high fence, you might do this to people.

  31. independent ~ inflate ~ adjustable ~ astonish • It will ___ you to learn that some people have never seen computers. • Please ____ my bike tires. They are completely flat. • My sister wishes she were more ____ so she wouldn’t have to follow mom’s rules. • This table is ____ . You can raise or lower it.

  32. independent ~ inflate~ adjustable~ astonishSupply the words that fits best with each. • tire, beach ball, air mattress, blow up, fill with gas • on your own, making your own decisions, free • greatly surprise, amaze, flabbergast • raise and lower, furniture, seat belt

  33. TRUE or FALSE • Most children get more independent as they grow older. • Seat belts are adjustable. • Usual events astonish people. • Some people inflate their car tires at gas stations.

  34. WORD a DAY WEEK 9 • You are ready for your vocabulary test!Place your name on your paper. • Hand it in when you are finished. • Read your anthology book for accuracy when finished. •         DO YOUR BEST! 

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