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Word-A-Day. Building a Better Vocabulary One Day At A Time. CANDID. ADJECTIVE truthful and straightforward; frank : His responses were remarkably candid. They had a candid discussion. (of a photograph of a person) taken informally, esp. without the subject's knowledge. EXPEDITE. VERB

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Word-A-Day Building a Better Vocabulary One Day At A Time

  2. CANDID • ADJECTIVE • truthful and straightforward; frank: His responses were remarkably candid. They had a candid discussion. • (of a photograph of a person) taken informally, esp. without the subject's knowledge.

  3. EXPEDITE • VERB • make (an action or process) happen sooner or be accomplished more quickly : He promised to expedite economic reforms.

  4. DELUGE • NOUN • a severe flood. A deluge of rain hit the area last week. • VERB • inundate with a great quantity of something : He has been deluged with offers of work.

  5. IMMINENT • ADJECTIVE • about to happen : They were in imminent danger of being swept away.

  6. METAMORPHOSIS • NOUN • a change of the form or nature of a thing or person into a completely different one, by natural or supernatural means : His metamorphosis from presidential candidate to talk-show host didn’t surprise too many people, because he has an outgoing, likeable personality.

  7. JUDICIOUS • ADJECTIVE • having, showing, or done with good judgment or sense : I was very judicious in my use of glue so my images wouldn’t warp when I glued them on the page.

  8. INEVITABLE • ADJECTIVE • certain to happen; unavoidable : War was inevitable. • informal so frequently experienced or seen that it is completely predictable : After not paying my mortgage for three months, I received the inevitable letter from the bank.

  9. EXTRICATE • VERB 1. to free (someone or something) from a constraint or difficulty : He was trying to extricate himself from official duties.

  10. CATHARSIS • NOUN 1. the process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions.

  11. DELETERIOUS • ADJECTIVE 1. causing harm or damage : Divorce is assumed to have deleterious effects on children. Not reading has a deleterious effect on your ability to read.

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