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Explore how energy policy devolution works in the UK, including reserved and excepted matters, and the role of different departments and regions in decision-making.

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  1. Devolution https://store.theartofservice.com/the-devolution-toolkit.html

  2. Department for Transport - Devolution • The Devolution in the United Kingdom|devolution of transport policy varies around the UK; most aspects in Great Britain are decided at Westminster. Key Reserved and excepted matters|reserved transport matters (i.e.,not devolved) are as follows: https://store.theartofservice.com/the-devolution-toolkit.html

  3. Department for Transport - Devolution • Reserved matters:[http://www.opsi.gov.uk/acts/acts1998/ukpga_19980046_en_14#sch5-pt2 Scotland Act 1998, Schedule 5, Part II] https://store.theartofservice.com/the-devolution-toolkit.html

  4. Department for Transport - Devolution • * Navigation (including merchant shipping) https://store.theartofservice.com/the-devolution-toolkit.html

  5. Department for Transport - Devolution • The department's devolved counterparts in Northern Ireland are: https://store.theartofservice.com/the-devolution-toolkit.html

  6. Department for Transport - Devolution • * Department for Regional Development (general transport policy, ports, roads, and rail)[http://www.drdni.gov.uk/index/aboutus.htm DRD: About The Department] https://store.theartofservice.com/the-devolution-toolkit.html

  7. Department for Transport - Devolution • * Department of the Environment (Northern Ireland)|Department of the Environment (road safety and the regulation of drivers and vehicles)[http://www.doeni.gov.uk/index/about_us.htm DoE: About Us] https://store.theartofservice.com/the-devolution-toolkit.html

  8. Department for Transport - Devolution • Under the Welsh devolution settlement, specific policy areas are transferred to the National Assembly for Wales rather than reserved to Westminster. https://store.theartofservice.com/the-devolution-toolkit.html

  9. Department of Energy and Climate Change - Devolution • The devolution of energy policy varies around the UK; most aspects in Great Britain are decided at Westminster. Key Reserved and excepted matters|reserved and excepted energy matters (i.e. not devolved) are as follows: https://store.theartofservice.com/the-devolution-toolkit.html

  10. Department of Energy and Climate Change - Devolution • 'Scotland' [http://www.opsi.gov.uk/acts/acts1998/ukpga_19980046_en_14#sch5-pt2 Scotland Act 1998, Schedule 5, Part II] https://store.theartofservice.com/the-devolution-toolkit.html

  11. Department of Energy and Climate Change - Devolution • Nuclear power|Nuclear energy is excepted.[http://www.opsi.gov.uk/acts/acts1998/ukpga_19980047_en_12#sch3 Northern Ireland Act 1998, Schedule 3] https://store.theartofservice.com/the-devolution-toolkit.html

  12. Department of Energy and Climate Change - Devolution • The Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment is responsible for general energy policy.[http://www.detini.gov.uk/deti-energy-index.htm DETI Energy website] https://store.theartofservice.com/the-devolution-toolkit.html

  13. Enel SpA - Devolution of energy and renewable sources • After the denationalisation of the single centralised agency that managed energy, the production of which was concentrated in very few “large sized” power plants, discussions began on energy devolution whereby each community would produce, and use locally, the energy it needs. https://store.theartofservice.com/the-devolution-toolkit.html

  14. Enel SpA - Devolution of energy and renewable sources • The aim of this energy policy is the construction of medium-sized power plants, principally generated from renewable sources. https://store.theartofservice.com/the-devolution-toolkit.html

  15. Enel SpA - Devolution of energy and renewable sources • Solar energy provides only a marginal share of the national electricity requirements: less than 0.001%, while in Germany it accounts for as much as 0.3% of the energy produced https://store.theartofservice.com/the-devolution-toolkit.html

  16. Enel SpA - Devolution of energy and renewable sources • At Priolo Gargallo, Enel has started up the Archimede Project, a 5 MW solar thermal plant jointly designed with ENEA (Italy)|ENEA (Ente Nazionale per le Nuove technologie e l’Ambiente - National Council for New Technology, Energy and the Environment) https://store.theartofservice.com/the-devolution-toolkit.html

  17. Enel SpA - Devolution of energy and renewable sources • These plants will permit production over the coming years of about 61,500 MWh per year of electricity from solar sources at national level, equivalent to the consumption of around 20,000 Italian families, with a total annual saving of around 36,000 tons of . https://store.theartofservice.com/the-devolution-toolkit.html

  18. Enel SpA - Devolution of energy and renewable sources • Wind power has increased exceptionally over the past few years https://store.theartofservice.com/the-devolution-toolkit.html

  19. Enel SpA - Devolution of energy and renewable sources • In the field of renewable sources, Italy can claim world leadership in geothermal energy know-how (with 31 geothermal power plants in Tuscany and a production of over 5 billion kWh per year) which it is exporting to the United States and Latin America. Further increases in geothermal power production in Italy is an important target in the strategy of Enel Green Power. https://store.theartofservice.com/the-devolution-toolkit.html

  20. Enel SpA - Devolution of energy and renewable sources • Additionally hydroelectric power makes a significant contribution to satisfying Italy’s demand for electricity covering around 15% of its requirements https://store.theartofservice.com/the-devolution-toolkit.html

  21. Enel SpA - Devolution of energy and renewable sources • Enel is also taking part in a European platform for research into smart grids, the distribution grids of the future, which permit consumers to interact in real time with the grid: finding out the current price of energy, deciding whether to consume electricity at that moment or to put off consumption to times when there is a lower load, analysing whether it is convenient to generate power for their own consumption https://store.theartofservice.com/the-devolution-toolkit.html

  22. Home Office - Devolution • Most front-line law and order policy areas, such as policing and criminal justice, are devolved in Scotland and Northern Ireland but the following Reserved and excepted matters|reserved and excepted matters are handled by Westminster. https://store.theartofservice.com/the-devolution-toolkit.html

  23. Home Office - Devolution • * Misuse of drugs|The Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-devolution-toolkit.html

  24. Home Office - Devolution • * Extradition legislation, but the Scottish Ministers (through the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service) have executive responsibility for all aspects of mutual legal assistance https://store.theartofservice.com/the-devolution-toolkit.html

  25. Home Office - Devolution • * Most aspects of Firearms legislation, but Scottish Ministers have some executive responsibilities for the licensing of firearms. Further powers are transferred under the Scotland Act 2012 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-devolution-toolkit.html

  26. Home Office - Devolution • * animal experiments|Scientific procedures on live animals https://store.theartofservice.com/the-devolution-toolkit.html

  27. Home Office - Devolution • The Scottish Government Justice and Communities Directorates are responsible for devolved justice and home affairs policy. https://store.theartofservice.com/the-devolution-toolkit.html

  28. Home Office - Devolution • The following matters were not transferred at the devolution of policing and justice on 12 April 2010 and remain reserved: https://store.theartofservice.com/the-devolution-toolkit.html

  29. Home Office - Devolution • * Misuse of Drugs Act 1971|Drug classification https://store.theartofservice.com/the-devolution-toolkit.html

  30. Home Office - Devolution • * Serious Organised Crime Agency https://store.theartofservice.com/the-devolution-toolkit.html

  31. Home Office - Devolution • The Home Office's main counterparts in Northern Ireland are: https://store.theartofservice.com/the-devolution-toolkit.html

  32. Home Office - Devolution • * Department of Justice (Northern Ireland)|Department of Justice (policing, public order and community safety) https://store.theartofservice.com/the-devolution-toolkit.html

  33. Home Office - Devolution • * Northern Ireland Office (national security in Northern Ireland) https://store.theartofservice.com/the-devolution-toolkit.html

  34. Home Office - Devolution • The Department of Justice is accountable to the Northern Ireland Executive whereas the Northern Ireland Office is a United Kingdom Government|UK Government department. https://store.theartofservice.com/the-devolution-toolkit.html

  35. Department for Business, Innovation and Skills - Devolution • Economic policy is mostly devolved but several important policy areas are reserved to Parliament of the United Kingdom|Westminster. Further and higher education policy is mostly devolved. Reserved and excepted matters are outlined below. https://store.theartofservice.com/the-devolution-toolkit.html

  36. Department for Business, Innovation and Skills - Devolution • * telecommunications https://store.theartofservice.com/the-devolution-toolkit.html

  37. Department for Business, Innovation and Skills - Devolution • * intellectual property https://store.theartofservice.com/the-devolution-toolkit.html

  38. Department for Business, Innovation and Skills - Devolution • * customs|import and export control https://store.theartofservice.com/the-devolution-toolkit.html

  39. Department for Business, Innovation and Skills - Devolution • * trade association|business associations https://store.theartofservice.com/the-devolution-toolkit.html

  40. Department for Business, Innovation and Skills - Devolution • * product standards, safety and liability https://store.theartofservice.com/the-devolution-toolkit.html

  41. Department for Business, Innovation and Skills - Devolution • * research councils https://store.theartofservice.com/the-devolution-toolkit.html

  42. Department for Business, Innovation and Skills - Devolution • The Scottish Government Scottish Government Economy Directorates|Economy and Scottish Government Education Directorates|Education Directorates handle devolved economic and further and higher education policy respectively. https://store.theartofservice.com/the-devolution-toolkit.html

  43. Department for Business, Innovation and Skills - Devolution • * units of measurement https://store.theartofservice.com/the-devolution-toolkit.html

  44. Department for Business, Innovation and Skills - Devolution • * consumer safety in relation to goods https://store.theartofservice.com/the-devolution-toolkit.html

  45. Department for Business, Innovation and Skills - Devolution • The department's main counterparts are: https://store.theartofservice.com/the-devolution-toolkit.html

  46. Department for Business, Innovation and Skills - Devolution • *Department for Employment and Learning (employment relations, further and higher education policy) https://store.theartofservice.com/the-devolution-toolkit.html

  47. Politics of Europe - Secessionist and devolutionary pressures • It should be noted that these movements, seeking either autonomy or independence, vary greatly in their popular support and political profile, from fringe movements to mainstream campaigns. https://store.theartofservice.com/the-devolution-toolkit.html

  48. Department for Education - Devolution • Education, youth and children's policy is devolved elsewhere in the United Kingdom|UK. https://store.theartofservice.com/the-devolution-toolkit.html

  49. Department for Education - Devolution • The department's main devolved counterparts are as follows: https://store.theartofservice.com/the-devolution-toolkit.html

  50. Department for Education - Devolution • *Scottish Government - Scottish Government Learning and Justice Directorates|Learning and Justice Directorates https://store.theartofservice.com/the-devolution-toolkit.html

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