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Education Accountability Updates: School Dashboard Enhancements

Stay informed about the latest developments in the education accountability system, including updates on California School Dashboard, College/Career Indicator, and Alternative Schools Task Force. Explore new features like improved search functionality and mobile responsiveness.

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Education Accountability Updates: School Dashboard Enhancements

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  1. Corona-Norco Unified School DistrictState Board of Education Meeting UpdateJuly 12-13, 2017 Riverside Assessment Network Meeting August 18, 2018

  2. Item 1 - Accountability • Update on the California School Dashboard • Update on the College/Career Indicator Workgroup • Update on the Alternative Schools Task Force • Eligibility Criteria for Alternative Schools Application for Accountability

  3. Dashboard Update •  Printer friendly reports (enabling the use of PDFs) • Increased search functionality to view all schools in a district • Mobile response page displays • Ensuring a high-quality Spanish translation using Google Translate  • Performance level key and the use of “best” instead of “highest” • Search result page allowing easy identification of LEA, district, or school • Alternatives to the Reporting Year dropdown function • Options for greater visibility to the links to the Five-by-Five Placement Reports • Placement of the Narrative Box on the reports

  4. College and Career Index Work Group Purpose of the CCI Work Group is threefold: • Determine if additional career measures are available and can be incorporated in the CCI for the Fall 2017 Dashboard. • Determine additional career data to collect through the current course code submission in the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS), for inclusion in the CCI for a future Dashboard release. • Determine if there is a viable methodology for including all CCI performance levels (“Not Prepared”, “Approaching Prepared”, and “Prepared”) in the CCI calculation.

  5. Alternative Schools

  6. Dashboard Alternative Schools Status To qualify for DASS, schools must meet the SBE-approved criteria that at least 70 percent of their enrollment (upon first entry to the school) is comprised of high-risk students. The definition of high-risk student groups as approved by the SBE at their July 2017, meeting is: • Expelled (EC Section 48925[b]), including situations in which enforcement of the expulsion order was suspended (EC Section 48917) • Suspended (EC Section 48925[d]) more than 10 days in a school year • Wards of the Court (Welfare and Institution Code [WIC] Section 601 or 602) or dependents of the court (WIC Section 300 or 654) • Pregnant and/or Parenting • Recovered Dropouts, as defined in EC Section 52052.3(b), as students who: (1) are designated as dropouts pursuant to the exit and withdraw codes in the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS), or (2) left school and were not enrolled in a school for a period of 180 days

  7. Dashboard Alternative Schools Status • Habitually Truant (EC Section 48262) or Habitually Insubordinate and Disorderly whose attendance at the school is directed by a school attendance review board or probation officer (EC Section 48263) • Retained more than once in kindergarten through grade eight • Credit deficient (i.e., students who are one semester or more behind in the credits required to graduate on-time, per grade level, from the enrolling school’s credit requirements) • Gap in enrollment (i.e., students who have not been in any school during the 45 days prior to enrollment in the current school, where the 45 days does not include non-instructional days such as summer break, holiday break, off-track, and other days when a school is closed) • High level transiency (i.e., students who have been enrolled in more than two schools during the past academic year or have changed secondary schools more than two times since entering high school)

  8. Dashboard Alternative Schools Status • Foster Youth (EC Section 42238.01[b]) • Homeless Youth • Emotionally disturbed students (Title 34, Code of Federal Regulations Section 300.7[c][4])

  9. Item 2 - ESSA Developing an Integrated Statewide System of Support for Local Educational Agencies and Schools: Proposed Goals and Characteristics of an Integrated System and Regional Structure for Providing Coordinated Support Across State and Federal Programs.

  10. Review of the ESSA State Plan • The SBE reviewed the ESSA State Plan and approved: • The use of icons (such as metallics) to identify whether the 95% participation rate was met for the English language arts/literacy (ELA) andMathematics Indicators on the Dashboard. Starting with the Fall 2018 Dashboard, four icons will be displayed to distinguish when: • Both the school and each student group met the 95 percent requirement. • The school met the 95 participation rate, but at least one student group did not meet the participation rate. • The schoolwide participation rate is at least 85 percent, but less than 95 percent. • The schoolwide participation rate is below 85 percent.

  11. Review of the ESSA State Plan (Cont.) • The methodology the TDG recommended for identifying the lowest performing 5% of Title I schools. The SBE approved using methodology to identify school in need of greatness assistance (i.e., all Red or all Red except one Orange).

  12. Review of the ESSA State Plan (Cont.) • The Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) criteria to identify local educational agencies (LEAs) for support was revised to link the identification of the lowest-performing schools to LEAs identified for support under the LCFF. • LEAs will be identified for LCFF support if they have at least one school “in need of greatest assistance.” • How to identify the remaining schools that make up the lowest 5% will be considered at the January 2018 SBE meeting.

  13. Review of the ESSA State Plan (Cont.) • The long-term goals, including measuring interim progress towards meeting the goals, as required under ESSA for all schools and student groups. These goals are specifically required for: • Academic achievement in ELA and mathematics • Four-year cohort graduation rates • Progress towards achieving English language proficiency for English learners

  14. Review of the ESSA State Plan (Cont.) • Long Term Goal was set at High (Status) and Maintained (Change) Green cell. • All Blue and Green cells to the right of goal exceed the goal • Very High and Declined Green cell meets the goal • The timeline for meeting the cell is seven years.

  15. LEA Group Identification(SBE Approved July 2016)

  16. LEA Group Identification

  17. Review of the ESSA State Plan (Cont.) • Interim Goalswill be established by LEAs and schools. • The CDE Five-by-Five Grid Placement Report identifies the specific color location that an LEA or school received in a given year. • This allows LEAs and schools to determine how much improvement is needed to reach the long-term goal and establish interim goals.

  18. Questions

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