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Inter-American Development Bank Haiti Remittance Survey. March 6, 2007. METHODOLOGY. Demographics of Remittance Recipients . Age. Education. Gender. Annual Household Income. Departments Polled. Ouest: Port-Au-Prince Sud-Est: Jacmel Sud: Les Cayes
Inter-American Development BankHaiti Remittance Survey March 6, 2007
Departments Polled • Ouest: Port-Au-Prince • Sud-Est: Jacmel • Sud: Les Cayes • Grand’ Anse / Nippes: Miragoâne • Centre: Mirebalais • Artibonite: Saint-Marc • Nord: Le Cap-Haïtien
Haiti Map • More than 90 percent of the Haitian population resides in the eight Haitian departments where polling was conducted. • No interviews were conducted in the Nord-Est and Nord-Ouest departments – where only 7 percent of the Haitian population resides. 1. Arbonite 2. Centre 3. Grand’Anse 4. Nippes 5. Nord 6. Nord-Est 7. Nord-Ouest 8. Ouest 9. Sud-Est 10. Sud
Do you have any family members or relatives living in another country outside of Haiti?
Have any of your family members or relatives living in another country outside of Haiti ever sent you money?
Major Findings Thirty-one percent of Haitian adults – approximately 1.1 million people – received remittances on a regular basis during 2006.
Haitian Remittance RecipientsIn which country does that family member or relative live?
What is your relationship to the person who sends you money?
How frequently does your family member or relative send you money?
Major Findings The average Haitian remittance recipient receives money 10 times per year.
For how many years has this family member or relative been sending you money?
How much money – on average – does your family member or relative send you each time?
Major Findings The average remittance to Haiti is US$150.
Major Findings The IDB Survey indicates that Haiti received approximately US$1.65 billion during 2006.
How satisfied are you with the services of your remittance company or bank?
Approximately what portion of the money you receive do you spend on daily expenses?
Major Findings Haitian remittance recipients spend approximately 77 percent of the money they receive on basic daily expenses such as food, housing, clothes, utilities and medicine.
Major Findings Haitian remittance recipients spent more than US$350 million during 2006 on economic development investments such as starting a business, opening up a savings account, building a house or paying for educational needs.
How often do you communicate with your family member or relative abroad?
Overall, how do you see your family’s personal economic situation in Haiti?
Overall, do you have a positive or negative opinion of the banks in Haiti?