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Natural Hazards What I Learned & What You Should know. Briauna Haycock Geography 1700 April 2012. Natural Hazards.
Natural HazardsWhat I Learned & What You Should know Briauna Haycock Geography 1700 April 2012
Natural Hazards Natural Hazards was a course designed to help students, such as myself, become aware of the many different natural disasters around the world. I learned about the different kinds of natural disasters, how they start, the damage that they can cause, how you can protect yourself, and the effects these disasters can have on each of us.
Types of Natural Disasters • Earthquakes • Tsunamis • Volcanoes • Floods • Hurricanes • Wildfires • Tornadoes • Landslides • Avalanches • Typhoons
Facts: The Negative Effects These Disasters Have On Our Planet • All areas of the United States are at risk for more than one hazardous Earth process (physical, chemical, & biological way by which events affect Earth’s surface) • Just in the past few decades several million people across the world have been killed from a disaster • The average annual loss of life across the world is about 80,000 • The financial loss from natural disasters if $50+ billion per year
Earthquakes… Worldwide, 1 million earthquakes are felt by people per year. Effects: • Shaking- causes death & damage to structures • Surface rupture • Liquefaction of the ground • Landslides • Fire • Tsunamis • Disease- ruptured sewage/water lines, contaminated water supplies, loss of sanitation & housing, etc. • Regional changes in land elevation Natural Service Functions: Contribute To the Development of… • Groundwater & energy resources • Landforms • Formation & exposure of valuable mineral resources • Local reductions in the danger of future large quakes
Volcanoes…About 2/3 of all active volcanoes worldwide are located along the “Ring of Fire”. On average, 50-60 volcanoes erupt each year on the planet. Primary Effects: • Release of volcanic gases • Lava flows • Pyroclastic activity- ash fall, lateral blasts, & pyroclastic flows Secondary Effects: • Mudflows • Landslides • Debris flows • Floods, fires, tsunamis, • Debris avalanches Natural Service Functions: • Volcanic soils- provide an excellent growth medium for plants & allow crops to thrive • Geothermal power- the internal heat from volcanoes can be used to create power for nearby areas • Mineral resources • Recreation- health spas, hiking, snow sports, education, hot springs, etc. • Creation of new land- build continents, as well as islands
Tsunamis…Can be caused by earthquakes & landslides. Primary Effects: • Flooding • Erosion • Damage to beaches, homes, buildings, etc • Debris Secondary Effects: • Fires • Disease- caused by polluted water supplies, rotting animal carcasses & plants, and damaged wastewater treatment systems Natural Service Functions: • Nutrients- chemicals brought from the ocean to the land carried by the seawater • Landscape- large volumes of sediment brought from tsunamis Factors to help you reduce the risk of injury due to a natural hazard when visiting a beach: • Stay on high-lying coastal areas • Keep close to stairs so that you can get up high quickly if needed • If you notice the ocean receding.. RUN! • Get aps/programs on your phone that will notify you immediately if you need to leave the area
These are just a few of the natural disasters that occur worldwide. As you can see, these disasters don’t only produce negative effects. Believe it or not many also produce positive outcomes and are necessary for our planet to function properly. The most vital information I took from this class is the importance of our awareness. We all need to be better educated on the effects that these disasters can have on our planet, our community, our homes, our lives, and our families. The more prepared we are for these disasters the less we are at risk & we can even reduce the damage that they may cause us. I found several great websites that you can use to help educate you and get you prepared! http://health.utah.gov/preparedness/?formname=emplanning This site gives you information on preparing, preventing, responding, and recovering to natural disasters in Utah. http://howto.yellow.co.nz/culture-and-society/natural-disasters/how-to-prepare-a-natural-disaster-survival-kit/ If you click on this link it will take you directly to the perfect place to help you prepare a Survival Kit! http://www.beready.utah.gov/beready/index.html This site is very helpful on providing information and resources to help you better prepare yourself in case of an emergency or disaster in your area.