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Greek and Latin roots, suffixes, and prefixes. Coronado Freshmen. unit 1. a, an without, not anonymous, apathy, agnostic, atheist, aphonic, asexual, achromatic a mphi , amph both, around amphitheater, amphibian, amphibious
Greek and Latin roots, suffixes, and prefixes Coronado Freshmen
unit 1 • a, an without, not anonymous, apathy, agnostic, atheist, aphonic, asexual, achromatic • amphi, amph both, around amphitheater, amphibian, amphibious • 3. anti, ant against, antipathy, anti-toxin, anti-Semite, counteraction antagonist, anti-body, anti-aircraft, antibiotic, antifreeze • 4. ec, ex out exodus, exit, excrement, excavate, excommunicate, exclude, exorcism, eccentric, ecstasy • 5. En in energy, enclose, endow, endure, enforce, engrave, entitle, envoy, enchilada
Unit 2 • Hypo under hypodermic, hypoactive, hypocrite, hypoglycemia, hypothermia • Hyper over hypercritical, hyperactive, hyperbole, hypertension • Peri around perimeter, periscope, periphery, peripheral • Pro before proceed, program, project, progress, prognostic, promote, procreate • Sym, syn together symphony, sympathy, symmetry, symbol, synthetic, synchronize
Unit 3 • Anthrop, man, mankind anthropology, anthropomorphic, philanthropist • Philo, phile love, lover of philanthropist, philosopher, philology, philharmonic • Mis hate misanthrope, misogynist, misrepresent, miscreant • Phono, phon sound phonograph, phonetics, microphone, megaphone, aphonic • Graph, gram write, draw, record phonograph, graphite
Unit 4 • scop, scept look at; examine telescope, microscope, • skept skeptical, periscope • 2. Eu good, well euphony, euphoric, euphemism, euthanasia • 3. Caco bad cacophony, cacography • mega, megalo large megaphone, megalopolis, megalomania • Micro small microphone, microscope, microcosm, microbe
Unit 5 • 1. Tele, tel, telo far, distant telephone, television, telescope • 2. arch, archi rule, govern monarchy, anarchy, extreme oligarchy, gynarchy, archrival, • 3. Dem people democracy, democratic, demagogue • 4. Gon angle polygon, hexagon, pentagon • 5. Gyn women philogyny, gynarchy, misogynist, androgynous
Unit 6 • the/theo god polytheist*, atheist*, monotheist, theology, theologian • Geo earth geology, geography, geometry, geocentric* • Helio sun heliotherapy*, helium, heliotrope • Chron time chronology, chronometer*, chronicle, chronological • Chrom color chromatic, polychrome*, monochrome*
Unit 7 • Log speech, word, idea eulogy, logic, biology, discussion, reason, study psychology, philology • 2. Archae ancient archaeology, archaic • Hetero various, unlike, different heterosexual, heterogeneous, heterodox • Homo same homophone, homogeneous, homonym, homogenize • Poly many polygraph, polygamy, polytheist, polygon, polyglot
Unit 8 • Meter measure pentameter, chronometer, altimeter, barometer • Cycl circle bicycle, tricycle, unicycle, cyclical • Path emotion pathology, empathy, sympathy, pathetic, telepathy • pan all pandemic, pantheism, pandemonium • Tox poison toxic, anti-toxin, toxin, intoxicate
Unit 9 • Tom cut lobotomy, atom, appendectomy, tonsillectomy • Derm skin dermatitis, hypodermic, dermatology • Pac peace pacify, pacifist, Pacific Ocean • Bio life biology, biography, autobiography • Psych mind, soul psychology, psychosomatic, psychopath
Unit 10 • Neo new neolith, neophyte, neon, neonatal • Spec, spic look, see spectacles, spectator, inauspicious, prospect • Therm heat thermal, thermometer, thermos • Hier sacred hieroglyphics, hierarchy, hierophant • 5. Astr star astronaut, astrology, astronomy
Unit 11 • Cosm world, order microcosm, cosmonaut, cosmopolitan • Polis, pout city cosmopolitan, acropolis, metropolis, political • Auto self autograph, autobiography, automobile, automatic • Gam marriage polygamy, bigamy, monogamy, misogamy • Morph shape amorphous, morphology, morphine
Unit 12 • Schiz split schizophrenia, schism, schizoid • Pseudo false pseudonym, pseudo-science • Thanas, death euthanasia, thanatology • thanat • Mim imitate mimic, mime, mimeograph, mimicry • Soph wise sophomore, philosopher, sophisticated
Unit 13 • Necro dead necropolis, necrology, necromancy • Therm heat thermal, thermometer, thermostat, thermophile, thermos • Hydr water hydrant, hydraulic, hydrophobia, hydropower, hydroplane • Phot light photograph, photophobic, phosphate • phos • 5. Pyr fire pyre, pyromaniac, pyrex, pyrometer