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ITSC Meeting BMS Status Update

ITSC Meeting BMS Status Update. IT Team 06-Dec-2004. Vendor Evaluation Status. Completed first phase of Proof of Concept (POC) Narrowed down to two vendors from original 10 vendor list ACGI and Oracle made their presentations IT and user teams evaluated and scored these vendors

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ITSC Meeting BMS Status Update

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  1. ITSC MeetingBMS Status Update IT Team 06-Dec-2004

  2. Vendor Evaluation Status • Completed first phase of Proof of Concept (POC) • Narrowed down to two vendors from original 10 vendor list • ACGI and Oracle made their presentations • IT and user teams evaluated and scored these vendors • Oracle was evaluated ahead in preliminary evaluation

  3. Vendor Evaluation Summary • ACGI • Offers a membership specific solution • Not strategic from forward looking and Enterprise Architecture perspective • Very small boutique company - financial viability is a concern • Build cost may lower however need to understand vendors ability to support IEEE time to market/business needs • Oracle • Robust architecture which offers ability to support business needs beyond membership specific solution • Offers strategic systems framework and enables Enterprise Architecture • Build cost higher as it is module based and will require configuration/extensions to align to IEEE’s business needs • Need to assess upgrade/maintainability required once in production

  4. Vendor Evaluation Summary • Key Evaluation Points • User Interface • Support of business capabilities • Streamlined work flow and integration • Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) • Benchmark build versus ongoing maintenance costs • Licensing considerations • Strategic Architecture • Extensibility of design for future business needs • Technology framework

  5. BMS Preliminary Capital - estimates($ Thousands)

  6. BMS Preliminary Expense - estimated($ Thousands)

  7. Next Steps • Complete by 31-Jan-2005 • Vendor Evaluations and Solution Selection • Membership Specific Approach • Engage 2 additional vendors - Avectra, Aptify to understand their membership specific solution to benchmark costs/functionality • Oracle/Strategic Framework Approach • Rationalize fixed price bid from Oracle • Understand Oracle consulting cost drivers • Help prioritize, justify and understand estimated future maintenance costs • Engage 2-3 Oracle partners to benchmark Oracle consulting costs • Complete by 8-Feb-2005 • Confirm Recommendations/High Level Plan/Costs • Prepare recommendation for February Board Meeting

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