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COSMIC RAY PHYSICS WITH AMS. Joseph Burger MIT On behalf of the AMS-02 collaboration EPS2003 Aachen Particle Astrophysics July 17, 2003. Joseph.Burger@cern.ch. Cosmic Rays: p, D, He, C,…,e + ,e - , γ Direct Search for Cosmic Antimatter Other Searches: Strangelets,…
COSMIC RAY PHYSICSWITH AMS Joseph Burger MIT On behalf of the AMS-02 collaboration EPS2003 Aachen Particle Astrophysics July 17, 2003 Joseph.Burger@cern.ch
Cosmic Rays: p, D, He, C,…,e+,e-,γ • Direct Search for Cosmic Antimatter • Other Searches: Strangelets,… • Dark matter search in morning session talk by Mariusz Sapinski
Cosmic Ray Flux AMS-02 is a large acceptance magnetic spectrometer which will extend high statistics measurements of cosmic ray properties to high rigidities.
Precursor Flight on STS91, June 2-12, 1998 10 days technical checkout also brought physics results and six publications: "Search for Antihelium in Cosmic Rays", M. Aguilar et al., Phys. Lett. B461 ( 2 Sep 1999) 387-396 "Protons in Near Earth Orbit", M. Aguilar et al., Phys. Lett. B472 (26 Jan 2000) 215-226 "Leptons in Near Earth Orbit", M. Aguilar et al., Phys. Lett. B484 (27 Jun 2000) 10-22 "Cosmic Protons", M. Aguilar et al., Phys. Lett. B490 (28 Sep 2000) 27-35 "Helium in Near Earth Orbit", M. Aguilar et al., Phys. Lett. B494 (30 Nov 2000) 193-202 "The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) on the International Space Station, Part I, Results from the test flight on the Space Shuttle", M. Aguilar et al., Physics Reports, vol. 366/6 (Aug.2002), pp.331-404. on e±, p, antiprotons, D, He, antihelium,…
AMS-02 TRD (Transition Radiation Detector) Separates e± from p, p̅ < 10-2-10-3 from 10-300 GeV ToF (Upper Time of Flight) Velocity measurement, dE/dX, fast trigger Star Tracker (pointing to <1’) Superconducting Magnet 0.8T field for momentum, sign of charge Silicon Tracker 8 x-y planes with 10/30μm resolution, dE/dX Anticoincidence Counter Vetoes particles from outside trigger aperture ToF (Lower Time of Flight) Velocity measurement, dE/dX, fast trigger RICH (Ring Imaging Čerenkov Counter) Precision β measurement - separates isotopes ECAL (Electromagnetic Calorimeter) Separates e± from p, p̅ < 10-3-10-4
Transition Radiation Detector (TRD) TRD Beam Test Highly relativistic charged particle generates photons at the boundary between media (εr1 ≠ εr2) Emission probability small (10-2) 20 layers Photons detected in ~5300 straw tubes Good photon identification: gas with high atomic number Z Xe:CO2 80:20
Time of Flight Counters Upper and lower each two layers of crossed scintillators Time-of flight to ~140psec for β and direction dE/dx measures Z (ΔE/E ~10% for MIPs)
Superconducting Magnet 2500 liters superfluid He planned to last 3 years without refill Field ~1T measurement of rigidity to a few TV
Silicon Tracker Eight layers of double sided Si detectors ~10μm in bending direction, ~30μm orthogonal Measures rigidity up to a few TV Measures dE/dx for determining Z
Ring Imaging Cherenkov Counter (RICH) Accurate Velocity Measurements via Opening Angle of Čerenkov Cone / ~ 0.1%Isotopic Separation. |Q| measurements Additional Particle Identification capability
Electromagnetic Calorimeter 16 X0 of lead/scintillating fiber sandwiches Crossed layers for 3D sampling by 384 4-pixel PMTs ΔE/E ~ (12±0.4)%/√E̅+(2.8±0.1)% (E in GeV) Distinguishes between hadrons and e,γ by shower shape Protons suppressed by 10-3-10-4 from 10 to 300 GeV Together with TRD ~10-6 Photon detector with angular resolution ~1°
Nuclei in Space The distribution of nuclei in cosmic rays is similar to the distribution in the solar system with some exceptions. Li (except 7Li), Be and B were not produced in the primordial nucleosynthesis, nor made in stars, but by spallation reactions involving p and α colliding with C,N,O in supernovas. Measure cosmic ray confinement time in galaxy and mean density of interstellar matter.
AMS-02 Expected Performance1 year 10Be/9Be ratio measurement Among all β-radioactive secondary nuclei in cosmic rays, 10Be is the lightest isotope having a half-life comparable with the confinement time of cosmic rays in the galaxy (~2x106 yr). AMS-02 will be able to separate 10Be from stable 9Be in the range 0.15<E<10 GeV/n. AMS-02 will collect 105 10Be in 3 years.
AMS-02 Expected Performance6 months B/C ratio measurement In 3 years AMS-02 will collect 105 C and 104 B with energies above 100 GeV/n, measuring the ratio of boron to its primary carbon up to 1 TeV/n
AMS-02 Expected Performance1 day 3He/4He ratio measurement AMS-02 can distinguish 3He from 4He in the range 0.1<E<10 GeV/n
Dark Matter Search: AMS-02 e+ Flux Structure in spectrum from SUSY neutralinos χ0 Examples for mχ 336 GeV and 130.3 GeV
AMS-02 Antiproton Flux AMS-02 will measure the antiproton spectrum with a few percent energy resolution up to hundreds of GeV
Other Exotic Matter: Strangelets • Heavy Particle with Low Charge • Stable mixtures of u,d,s quarks with many different quarks in lowest energy state • Signature is anomalous Z/A (Z~0.3A2/3)(nuclei Z/A=0.33-0.67) AMS sensitive to ~10<A<3000
AMS-02 Sensitivity to Strangelets Shaded region from rough estimate of strangelet creation and absorption in galaxy (Chikanian et al.)
Search for doubly charged anomalously heavy nuclei with AMS-01 More than 4x106 He events collected during 10 day STS91 flight Searched for anomalously heavy nuclei (Z/A ~ β·γ·mproton/Rigidity) Tight quality cuts on measured rigidity and velocity One candidate event found, corresponding to flux 5x10-5(m2·sr·sec)-1 Estimate background from ordinary nuclei < 10-3 events
Summary / Conclusions • COSMIC RAY PROPAGATION light isotope abundances • ANTIMATTER SEARCH limit on antihelium/helium 10-9 • STRANGE MATTER SEARCH anomalous Z/A • DARK MATTER • SOMETHING NEW?