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How the PGQM Geography

How the PGQM Geography. in your school. can support you to enhance the quality of. Wendy North, Primary Curriculum Development Leader Geographical Association Annual Conference Manchester – 17 th April 2009. 2009. Pupils are enthusiastic and enjoy their experience of geography.

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How the PGQM Geography

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  1. How the PGQMGeography in your school can support you to enhance the quality of Wendy North, Primary Curriculum Development Leader Geographical Association Annual Conference Manchester – 17th April 2009 2009

  2. Pupils are enthusiastic and enjoy their experience of geography Promotes Enjoymentof Geography Getting ready to ‘fly’ to Mexico

  3. The Local Area Year 3 Local Area topic: Footprints showing the street features of pupils’ journeys to school. Portway Junior School Evidence for C3a

  4. Pupils created a map in pairs of the main features of Kalpanagar & the Magic Rickshaw’ story was read. Pupils thought carefully about the main character’s feelings throughout the story, adding emoticons to their Local Studies maps along with appropriate picture images. http://www.geographyteachingtoday.org.uk/curriculum-making/teaching-ideas/music-an-indian-journey/ Mushir and the Magic Rickshaw Evidence for C3c Plan a musical composition associated with the story.

  5. 1b: Evidence in the school shows that geography is valued. SEF: the kind of learning environment the school seeks to provide Also shows significant evidences for 3a Two Rivers Special School

  6. Supportsexcellence in geography and across the curriculum Foundation Stage Austrey Primary School: Google Maps proved an excellent resource for showing the children a real river. We discussed what the map might be showing, Katie said: It’s here, England They knew from the story, ‘The Journey’ where and what the estuary was. Some noticed that the river got narrower. I used the words they had been using to sketch a map of a river.

  7. Armed with trowels, in small groups we start to dig the stream. Stream Building ‘I didn’t know it was going to be this hard work!’

  8. ‘We’ve found loads of worms!’ ‘I’ve found a really tiny one.’

  9. We sprinkled in sand and pebbles. ‘It’s like adding chocolate chips!’

  10. Then we collected water in watering- cans and buckets.

  11. The water was poured in carefully. ‘There’s a deep bit at this end.’

  12. We tried to make it look like the story, about the little red boat.

  13. Spatial awareness Making connections First hand experience Making sense of the world Link learning across the curriculum How could this stream move this tree? Why do the rocks near the water have no vegetation? Looking on the stream bed – what is it made up of? How and when does sediment move? This links to our work on rivers in year 6. What is an island? Discuss why this was a good setting for Swallows and Amazons. Why is this island in the lake? EncouragesGeographicalThinking Thornton Dale CE Primary School

  14. How did all these dead trees get here? The water is not strong enough to move them. Humphrey Head Although there was lots of green above the stream nothing was growing on the rocks next to the water.

  15. We followed a mountain stream. The best bit was getting wet and jumping in to see how strong the water was. Although we tested out what the stream could move by dropping different sizes of material into the water. There was no way we could move the bigger branches and the stream was not moving them. There was nothing growing on the sides of the stream and so we thought that the water could sometimes be a lot higher. When we got back we decided to look at the rainfall to see if there could be more water in the stream. We knew that when Pickering and Thornton Dale flooded and the school shut there was a lot of rain so decided to look at the rain in the Lake district.

  16. When we looked at the monthly rainfall figures we could see that there was a lot of rain in summer as well as winter. That did not tell us why the trees were there as we were there in May and there was not a lot of water. We would need to see if a lot of rain fell in a short time which would then make the river rise. We had trouble trying to find measurements which were not averages. The one we used was from Cumbria house which showed daily rainfall. We could then see if there were several days when it rained a lot and there would be more water in the river. News reports of flooding where cars were washed away mentioned flash floods when a lot of rain fell in a short time. So we think this is how the trees got here. Tom and Michael

  17. Geography that is: made to come alive for children builds on an understanding of children’s `everyday geographies’ and helps to enhance geographical imagination and thinking concerned with their lives, their futures, their world Is concerned withGeography for todayand not yesterday

  18. Often starts with local but is set in the context of the global (community) Concerned with how our world is changing and whether this will lead to a more sustainable future for ALL Is concerned withLiving Geography

  19. No more relevant subject in the curriculum. David Bell Developingactiveandinformedfuture citizens

  20. Evaluating Sound framework for evaluating the curriculum and prioritising your action plan A framework that guides you towardsachieving quality geography for all Prioritising Collaborating Taking action Reflecting

  21. Self assessment framework http://www.geography.org.uk/eyprimary/primaryqualitymark/self-assesmentframework/

  22. CPD also supports whole school issues: Sustainability Community Cohesion Integrated curriculum Provides a focus forall staff to work togetheron geography

  23. Discover innovative ideas that have been shared by PGQM schools through membership of the PGQM VLE site Discoverexcellent ideasfor teaching geography

  24. Joinand be part of acommunity of practice • Link to other work of the GA • Conference • GTT website • Primary Champions • Local networks • Personal accreditation

  25. ... and finally Celebrate

  26. Going for the award http://www.geography.org.uk/eyprimary/primaryqualitymark/gettingstarted/

  27. Achieving the quality mark Begun in 2006 – so far 156 primary schools have achieved the award 2009

  28. Geography … a subject to be proud of

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