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What is culture?. On the top of your page, write down what you think culture is? (Think about what makes up our culture.) Don’t use your book or your neighbor, there is no wrong answer. Culture.
What is culture? • On the top of your page, write down what you think culture is? (Think about what makes up our culture.) • Don’t use your book or your neighbor, there is no wrong answer.
Culture • Culture is the total knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors shared by and passed on by the members of a specific group. • Includes all products of human work and thought • How we should behave to fit in together • Ties us to one group and separates us from another. • Society is a group that shares a geographic region, a sense of identity, and a culture. • Ethnic Group- is a group that shares language, customs and a common heritage.
Appearance • How a culture looks. • Clothing • How it is worn. • What is worn • Jewelry- meaning found in the jewelry • Type of material used • Physical features • Hair Style • Females in Peru: two pigtails=married many pigtails=single What examples of appearance with culture can you think of ?
Appearance • Traditional Indonesian Garments • These Dayak elders in Indonesia wear patterned sarongs and kebaya, traditional Southeast Asian garments. The sarong, which consists of a brightly colored piece of cloth, is tucked in at the waist and draped as a dress or skirt. The kebaya, a long-sleeved jacket, covers the women’s upper bodies. Although their clothing varies in color and design, Indonesians usually use fabric woven from cotton that they grow on the islands.
Appearance • Metawai Tribe (found on an island off of Indonesia) • Sharpened teeth (pasi piat sot) are one of the hallmarks of Mentawai beauty. One woman said, “Our traditional practices are our strength. And they are pleasing to the spirits of our ancestors who invented them.”
Appearance • Japanese Kimonos • The kimono, a robelike dress, is the traditional garment of Japan. Although most Japanese people now wear Western-style clothing, they wear kimonos on holidays and other special occasions. These women have wrapped their kimonos with a sash called an obi.
Appearance • Native American Beaded Necklace • This intricately beaded necklace was created by the Fox people, who lived in what is now Michigan and Wisconsin. Along with multicolored beads, the necklace features a row of grizzly bear claws. It is in the collection of the Buffalo Bill Historical Center in Cody, Wyoming.
Belief Systems • What the group believes in. • Religion • Superstitions • 13 is an unlucky number • Last Supper • Black Cat
BELIEF SYSTEM Last Day of Ramadan Muslims pray in the upper gallery of a main mosque in the old walled city of Delhi, India. They are celebrating the end of Ramadan, the holy month of fasting as ordained by the Qur’an, the sacred scriptures of Islam.
BELIEF SYSTEM Halloween The word itself, "Halloween," actually has its origins in the Catholic Church. It comes from a contracted corruption of All Hallows Eve. November 1, "All Hollows Day" (or "All Saints Day"), is a Catholic day of observance in honor of saints. But, in the 5th century BC, in Celtic Ireland, summer officially ended on October 31. The holiday was called Samhain (sow-en), the Celtic New year.
Communication • How information with others is shared with others • Language • Body Language • 82% of teacher messages are non-verbal • Titles • Greetings
COMMUNICATION • Chinese Newspapers • In the Chinese language, each character represents a word, and characters can also be combined to create other words. In the top center newspaper in this photo, the first two characters in the right-hand column mean gold and mountain. Together, they mean San Francisco.
Dates • Past events that impact society • History • What dates are important to US culture? • Ancestry • Holidays • What holidays are important to your culture
DATES Washington Crossing the Delaware On December 25, 1776, General George Washington led his troops in a surprise attack against the British, who had settled into winter quarters in New Jersey. The victories, although minor, dramatically improved the morale of the American forces.
Dates • What event and date does this picture represent? • September 11, 2001 – attack on the World Trade Centers
Dates • What date or event in American culture do these pictures represent? • December 7, 1941 – Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor
Dates • What date in our history does the object in the picture or the picture represent? • Statue of Liberty • The Statue of Liberty, a symbol of freedom for many, was one of the first sights to welcome immigrants arriving in the United States.. It was designed by French sculptor Frédéric-Auguste Bartholdi and is a gift from France commemorating the first centennial of U.S. independence from Britain.
DATES Preparing for Chinese New Year To prepare for New Year, the entire house should be cleaned before New Year's Day. On New Year's Eve, all brooms, brushes, dusters, dust pans and other cleaning equipment are put away. Sweeping or dusting should not be done on New Year's Day for fear that good fortune will be swept away.
Entertainment • What people do in their spare time. • Art • Music • Crafts • Dance • Sports • Hobbies
ENTERTAINMENT Mona Lisa, Leonardo da Vinci’s world-famous portrait, was the artist’s favorite painting; in fact, it went everywhere with him. Although there have been many theories about the origin of the inexplicable smile on the woman’s face, it was probably just the result of Leonardo’s interest in natural chiaroscuro (the effect of light and shadow on the subject).
ENTERTAINMENT Playing Go Go is a popular Asian game involving the strategic placement of black and white stones on the intersections of lines marked on a board. Its rules are simple, but it is considered one of the most intellectually rigorous of games, with billions of possible play sequences.
Food • What society eats. • Types of Food • Special Occasions • Taboos • How people eat • In Japan, it is considered rude to stand or walk while eating. • In Japan, noodles should be slurped and soup bowls and plates should be brought up to your mouth. • Number of meals a day and when
FOOD Pasta Pasta is available in many different colors, shapes, and flavors. It is usually made from a part of wheat called semolina. Most commonly associated with Italian cookery, pasta is also an important part of the diet in China, Japan, and other Asian countries.
Government • How society is run. • Laws • Values • Titles • Social Roles – are there jobs just for men? Do women stay at home? • How people act towards each other?
Make up of society • Individual – One person- As a member of different divisions of a society, an individual learns its culture • Family – Made up of individuals – share daily practices • Clan – is made up of families – share language and religion • Tribe- is made up of clans – clans share a world view.
GOVERNMENT Nuclear Family The nuclear family, two adults and their offspring, is the basic unit of social organization. In this photo, a couple and their young children enjoy time outdoors.
GOVERNMENT Extended Family In some societies, the extended family is the most common unit of social organization. This Pakistani family consists of three generations of relatives who live together.
GOVERNMENT Representative Democracy In representative democracies, citizens elect people to serve in legislative and executive positions. In the United States, citizens elect people to the House of Representatives and the Senate, which together comprise the nation’s bicameral legislature.
GOVERNMENT Untouchables in India The caste system of India is a rigid hierarchy of social classes that evolved from Hindu religious law. Untouchables, people considered to have no caste, often live in urban slums and have little access to health care, clean water, and other basic resources. Although the Indian government has worked to improve their status, Untouchables continue to suffer discrimination and exploitation by the higher castes.
Housing • Where or how people live. • Style • Materials • Use of rooms • Shape • Color
HOUSING Taj Mahal, India The Taj Mahal, designed as a tomb for the wife of a 17th-century Mughal emperor, was constructed by about 20,000 workers from 1632 to 1648 in Āgra, a city in northern India. The massive domed structure was constructed in the Indo-Islamic style, using white marble and inlaid gems. At each corner is a minaret (prayer tower), and passages from the Koran, the Muslim holy book, adorn the outside walls. The bodies of the emperor and his wife remain in a vault below the building.
Housing Afghanistan’s Nomad Clans Pashtun, Baluch, and Kyrgiz clans migrate from winter to summer pastures and back again, so that food is always available for their herds. Living in tents and moving their belongings on the backs of animals, they travel long distances relaying news, transporting animals and goods, and trading. Following ancient migration routes, the clans ignore international boundaries, but changing political and economic forces may force them to settle.
Information • How the parts of the culture are passed on to new generations • Informal • Education from relatives and peers • Formal • School and life experience
INFORMATION Girl Scouts Girl Scouts of the United States is the largest organization for girls in the world. Girl Scouts aged 5 through 17 participate in a variety of activities intended to foster social skills, leadership ability, and self-esteem.
INFORMATION • One-Room Schoolhouse • One-room schoolhouses are usually associated with earlier eras in U.S. history. A few, however, like the one at Living History Farm in Iowa, are still in use.
Jobs • How people support themselves • Technology – scientific knowledge and tools • Economy • Style and type of currency • Transportation
JOBS Job Sectors A labor market is made up of job sectors, groups of jobs related by level and type of skills used, education or training needed, and pay. This group of photographs depicts people working in six different job sectors: clockwise from top left, a medical professional, a construction worker, an executive, a salesperson, a laborer, and a farmer.
JOBS Milking Chores on a Latvian Farm Latvians have been farming the fertile land of the Baltic region for more than 3,000 years. Today the Latvian agricultural sector produces beef, grains, peas, potatoes, sugar beets, and milk and eggs.
JOBS Early Forms of Money Before paper and coins were introduced as permanent forms of money, people used a variety of other objects to serve as money for trading goods. Examples of early forms of money, as shown here, include rice (China), dogs’ teeth (Papua New Guinea), small tools (China), quartz pebbles (Ghana), gambling counters (Hong Kong), cowrie shells (India), metal disks (Tibet), and limestone disks (Yap Island).
JOBS Money of the World Most nations have their own system of money and print their own currency. Made of paper, these pieces of currency have very little intrinsic value. As fiat money, however, the paper bills represent a specific monetary value decreed by the government and accepted by the people. The bills pictured here are examples of fiat money from all over the world.
JOBS Telegraph In 1837 the first electrical telegraph instruments were invented by Samuel Morse in the United States and by Sir Charles Wheatstone and Sir William F. Cooke in Britain. Morse sent the first public telegraph message in 1844. Pictured here is the original Morse receiving device.
Kind of Environment • What it is like where the culture lives • Location • Climate • Physical Features • These factors affect other parts of culture such as language and food • Inuits – live in Artic region • Eat raw meat and fish • Have many words for snow and ice
KIND OF ENVIRONMENT Terraced Farms of the Andes Like a giant staircase ascending a mountain, terraced fields rise along the steep slope of a highland valley in the Andes. For centuries, the indigenous people of these mountains have used terracing to maximize land use, discourage water run-off, and prevent soil erosion.