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Social Choice without the Pareto principle under weak independence

This research explores the concept of social choice without the Pareto principle under weak independence. It examines various conditions such as IIA, citizen sovereignty, Wilson's theorem, and Baigent/Campbell's theorem to understand their implications on different social welfare functions. The results show the equivalence between weak IIA and some specific classes of social welfare functions.

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Social Choice without the Pareto principle under weak independence

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  1. Social Choice without the Pareto principle under weak independence Ceyhun Coban, WUSTL M. Remzi Sanver, Bilgi University

  2. : L(A)N  CT(A) • Arrow: Within the class of Pareto optimal SWFs, IIA is equivalent to dictatoriality.

  3. IIA Given any two alternatives x, y and any two preference profiles P, P’ with x Pi y  x Pi’ y we have x (P) y  x (P’) y

  4. Citizen sovereignty • For any x, y  A,  P  L(A) such that x (P) y

  5. Arrow versus Wilson • Arrow: Within the class of Pareto optimal SWFs, IIA is equivalent to dictatoriality. • Wilson: Within the class of citizen sovereign SWFs, IIA is equivalent to dictatoriality or antidictatoriality or the null rule.

  6. IIA versus weak IIA Given any two alternatives x, y and any two preference profiles P, P’ with x Pi y  x Pi’ y we have IIA: x (P) y  x (P’) y WIIA: x *(P) y  x (P’) y

  7. Arrow versus Baigent/Campbell • Arrow: Within the class of Pareto optimal SWFs, IIA is equivalent to dictatoriality. • Baigent/Campbell: Let #A  4. Within the class of Pareto optimal SWFs, weak IIA is equivalent to weak dictatoriality.

  8. Wilson versus ? • Wilson: Within the class of citizen sovereign SWFs, IIA is equivalent to dictatoriality or antidictatoriality or the null rule. • Question: Within the class of citizen sovereign SWFs, weak IIA is equivalent to ...

  9. (T)  CT(A) An aggregation rule : L(A)N  C(A)  ◦ is a social welfare correspondence  = { such that  is a selection of  ◦}  =  * = *

  10. Results Theorem:  is the class of weakly IIA SWFs Theorem: * is the class of weakly IIA and weakly PO SWFs

  11. Wilson: Within the class of citizen sovereign SWFs, IIA is equivalent to dictatoriality or antidictatoriality or the null rule. • Question: Within the class of weakly Pareto optimal SWFs, weak IIA is equivalent to *

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