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When you plan to have a website for your company and want it to be viewed by everyone else in the world, you should be prepared to learn about web hosting. Web Hosting makes it possible for you by hosting your site on the internet.
Go Online Instantly!!! • When you plan to have a website for your company and want it to be viewed by everyone else in the world, you should be prepared to learn about web hosting. Web Hosting makes it possible for you by hosting your site on the internet. • VPS hosting is becoming increasingly popular where the companies offering the service adopt sites that may run on the same physical sever but appear to run on different servers virtually. • VPS hosting providers are countless. Yet choosing a provider like Instantappz offers you an opportunity to complete the process instantly with lot more advanced options and features.
Dedicated Sources • Instantappz VPS hosting offers a wide range of accessibility which can allow your site to use the full capacity of the sole physical server when no resources of the server are used by other sites. • To facilitate dedicated resources available to you a share of multi-core Intel processors, bandwidth and RAM is guaranteed to each server.
Complete Root Access • Instantappz provides each user a full control of their server. • You may require special software to run your site and you are not restricted to install such software. • You may also have any form of background programs run on your server that helps your business.
Multiple Domain Hosting • The resources allocated to provide multiple domain hosting service to the users are not restricted. • These restriction free resources allow you to host many website on the same server without the fear of suffering performance issues. • An email account can be set up for each site so that the resources can be allocated evenly initially.
Tight Security & Isolation • Any ecommerce business needs a securely hosted site as the business involves money. • Hence cares to offer an environment that is isolated which can prevent other servers that are virtual from accessing your files or memory space. • Not only that the other virtual servers may not even detect the presence of your website. • This feature facilitates the user to process secured information that is crucial to the business in a safe environment.
Availability of Advanced Plans • Scaling to grow is essential in any business and there are quite a lot of options with Instantappz. • You can expand your current plan as and when your business grows and accordingly without having to invest unnecessarily initially.
More Offers... • Instantappz offers peculiar offers like : • FREE Lifetime Configuration & Support • FREE Migration & Transfer Services • FREE Lifetime Application Setup • App Customization Services Available
More Offers... • To your surprise Instantappz offers not only VPS hosting but also Joomla Hosting, Wordpress Hosting, Apache Hosting, cloud hosting, Linux VPS Hosting and much more. • The reliable service of Instantappz deals lets you to easily add or set up any of the most popular web applications available through your control panel. • Everything is set to fit your business by qualified engineers offering best services to you.