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Academic Career Paths and Expectations: A Comprehensive Overview

Learn about the roles and responsibilities of faculty members, academic ranks, types of institutions, and the rewards of working in research universities or undergrad institutions.

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Academic Career Paths and Expectations: A Comprehensive Overview

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  1. Academic Careers • Adapted from presentations and slides by: • T. Williams - Texas A & M University • C. Ellis - Duke University • S. Castaneda, Clarke College • The CRA-W Grad Cohort for Women Program

  2. What does a faculty member do? • Research • engage in scientific discovery • involve students (grad, undergrad) • obtain research funding • Teaching • classroom teaching • mentoring DO EVERYTHING WELL! • advising • Service • departmental • university • professional

  3. Types of Institutions (US) • Research universities (Ph.D. program) - research is paramount • Colleges/universities: M.S. program - emphasize teaching but research is a close second • Selective liberal arts colleges: B.S. program – emphasize teaching and service, but scholarship also counts • Teaching-oriented colleges: B.S. program – emphasize teaching & service Within institutions - different priorities can exist

  4. Examples of different expectations • Research Institution • 60-80% Research • 10-35% Teaching • 5-10% Service • Teaching-oriented College • 50-80% Teaching • 10-30% Professional Development • 10-20% Service

  5. Academic Ranks • Professorial Ranks • Assistant Professor (untenured) -- 6 years • Associate Professor (with tenure) • Full Professor • Chaired Professor (in CIS: Amer) • Administrative Ranks • Department Chair • Dean - in charge of a college • Provost - chief academic officer • President • Instructor or Lecturer – teaching & service • Postdoctoral positions - research

  6. Research - Research University • Publications – journals, conferences, workshops • External research funding - NSF, US Army, NIH, NASA, … • Graduate student training (PhD students) • Reputation • Maybe: • Undergraduate research mentoring • Patents, software artifacts,…

  7. Teaching - Research University Teaching load: generally 1+1 to 2+2, but in CS 1+2 common • Audience: undergrads, grads, mix • Course material: intro undergrad through core grad course, to research seminar • Teaching assistants Very good research, bad teaching – may not be promoted Excellent teaching, mediocre research - will not be promoted

  8. Research - Undergrad Institution “Professional Development” Some combination of these: • Research • Teaching skills development • Professional conferences, workshops • Publishing (sometimes teaching related) • Work with professional organizations

  9. Teaching - Undergrad Institution • Teaching is primary responsibility – 2+2 to 4+4 • Audience is all undergrads • Teach wider variety of courses • Teach the same course less often due to smaller faculty size • More office hours • Closer student interactions • Research area may be too specialized to teach as a course • Smaller class size • Teaching assistants, if available, are senior undergrads • Often you grade assignments

  10. Service - Research University • Department committees • University committees (usually after tenure) • External Professional Service • Program committees • Funding panels • Conference organization • Professional society involvement • Journal editorship; program chair, conf organization • Higher in rank, more service (internal + external)

  11. Service - Undergrad Institution • College - committee work • Department • Committees • Advising – formal and informal • Recruiting • Labs, work study, library acquisitions, clubs, … • Community • Consulting • Speaking

  12. Rewards of a Research University • Love of research and freedom to do research that you want • Working with and training graduate students • Involving undergraduates in research • Making friends across the world • Variety of work • Can create the kind of career that you want – you can be very independent (as long as meet expectations)

  13. Rewards of an Undergrad Institution • Opportunity to teach as a passion! • Close relationship with undergrads You can make a big difference • Colleagues in various departments • Chance for leadership and influence early on

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