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OPENING CLINICAL PROCEDURES FOR THE IEP TEAM. Best Practices for a Strategic Beginning 2008-2009 “PRACTITIONERS GUIDE TO EVALUATION FOR SPECIAL EDUCATION FOR PSYCHOLOGISTS & SOCIAL WORKERS”. Children First Reforms in Special Education. Pre-referral intervention

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  2. Children First Reforms in Special Education • Pre-referral intervention • Response to Intervention (RTI) • Academic Intervention • Functional Behavior Intervention (FBA) • Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) • Referral for evaluation and eligibility for special education services • Criteria for Students With Disabilities in an educational setting • Special Education is a “Service” NOT a Place

  3. Instructional Outcomes for Students with Disabilities Services for Students in their LRE IDEIA High Standards for All Students Access to General Education Curriculum

  4. “Whole School” Approach • Strengthening general education to support all students requires the development of a unified “Whole School” approach to service delivery • Examples of Whole School Approach Practices: • Interventions, supports and accommodations are provided in the general education setting • All students have equal access to resources, materials, programs, etc. • All staff are equally invested in the success of all students • Opportunities are provided for multi-disciplinary collaboration

  5. Interventions/Alternatives to Special EducationA Three-Tier System of Support/RtI Source:http://www.pbis.org/main.htm

  6. The Three-Tiered System of SupportWhat would an effective RtI model look like? • Tier 1: High Quality Core Instruction • Scientifically Research-Based Instruction in the General Education Bilingual or Monolingual Classroom • Culturally and linguisticallyresponsive instruction in general education Bilingual or Monolingual classroom • Takes place in the bilingual or monolingual classroom and is provided by the classroom teacher • Target population: all entitled ELLs (newly arrived students, Students with Interrupted Formal Education, Long Term ELLs) • Universal systemic screening of critical skills several times a year

  7. The Three-Tiered System of Support • Tier 2: High Quality Targeted Supplemental Instruction • Intensive Assistance as part of the General Education Support System • Is provided in the Least Restrictive Environment, as a push-in or pull-out service by a specialist in the intervention area( i.e., a reading, math, or bilingual /ESL intervention specialist)

  8. Tier 3: Special Education Services • Typical Aspects of Tier 3: • Formal assessment of student’s needs • IEP development • Intensive, individualized interventions • Ongoing monitoring of progress and modification as needed

  9. What is the Response To Intervention (RtI) Alternative Method? • The RtI alternative method includes: • The implementation of research-based instructional practices along with the monitoring and documenting of student progress • Uses of data to make decisions • Uses of assessments for three different purposes: • -screening; • -diagnostics; and • -progress monitoring

  10. RtI in NYCDOE Schools • Typically, Tier 1 treatment goes for the number of weeks recommended by the school team (i.e. AIS, PPT…) in the classroom • If it does not appear to work, the child is referred to the intervention team for discussion and possible referral to Tier 2 services • The team makes recommendations for assessment and, subsequently, for treatment. Additional support is provided on a push in/pull out basis. • Typically, these come in 10-week cycles, but can be more or less frequent depending on the type of intervention • Some interventions work more quickly than others; some students respond more quickly than others • Source: 2006- Presentation by: Dr. Esther Klein Friedman, NYCDOE

  11. Understanding the Continuum of Services • (CTT 12:1 on all levels) • LRE & MRE

  12. Children First Reforms in Special Education • Best practices in the evaluation process • Appropriate assessments based on the referral question • Gathering information from appropriate sources: • Dynamic Assessment • Specialized assessments • Collaboration & input from: • Parents, student, teachers, providers & school-wide support staff • FYI - Bilingual assessment concerns • Plan ahead for interpretive services & bilingual team member • Social History Report • Psycho-Educational Evaluation and Report • ”JARGON-FREE”

  13. Disproportionate Representation of ELLs/CLD’s in Special Education • Is the Curriculum and Instruction addressing the linguistic and academic needs of all ELLs/CLD and English-only students? • Are teachers utilizing Differentiated Instruction in their classrooms? • Is there a school-wide positive behavioral intervention support system in place that addresses the needs of all students (incl. ELLs/CLDs)? • Are there separate programs or specific instructional approaches used for students with strong educational backgrounds from native countries, and ELLs/CLD students with true disabilities? • Is there ELLs/CLD student disproportionate representation in special education? Over-representation?

  14. Socio-Cultural Considerationsfor ELLs/CLD Students • Acculturation pattern • Family background/dynamics (Separation from parents) • Educational support at home • Previous educational experiences • Home country political/economic reality • Behavior at home and prior to coming to U.S.

  15. Analyzing Student Related Datain Both Languages • Current cultural home setting • Time spent in United States • Social maturity • Level of language proficiency in English and other language • Amount and type of language input received in the home environment • Speech and language abilities in both languages • Presence of multiple handicaps • Ambulation or mobility • Success in past and present placements • Wishes of students and parents

  16. What Is the Difference BetweenSocial and Academic English?

  17. Cummins’ Quadrants N O N – A C A D E M I C C O N C R E T E A B S T R A C T Source: http://www.azusausd.k12.ca.us/bilingual/pdf/Cummins2.pdf A C A D E M I C

  18. Plan and Complete Multiple Assessment Procedures • Determine assessment domains • Plan for language use: • - Language dominance • - L1 and L2 proficiency • Arrange for bilingual personnel • First assess in native language; then assess in English • Assess content in language of instruction

  19. Bilingual Cascade An interpreter may not be used for Spanish Assessments*

  20. Indicators of Language Difference • It is normal for ELLs/CLD students to demonstrate a lower level of English proficiency than their monolingual peers • Second language acquisition follows a developmental course similar to first language acquisition • Language loss is a normal phenomenon when opportunities to hear and use English are minimized • Shifting from one language to another within utterances is not necessarily an indicator of language confusion (code switching) • It is normal for second language learners to experience dysfluencies associated with lack of vocabulary, word finding difficulties and/or anxiety

  21. Considerations for DeterminingLanguage Disability • Student's age • Type and degree of impairment or disability as per State Regulation-Part 200 • Age at which disability occurred • Level of language involvement because of the disability • Level of academic achievement • Entry level language skills (upon entering school) • Measured intellectual ability • Method and language used in measuring academic achievement and intellectual ability • Level of adaptive behavior

  22. Learning Difference • Hoover (2008) explains: • “A learning difference represents unique way that individuals successfully acquire information, process learning, integrate knowledge and generalize skills, which deviate from what is typically accepted or preferred in schools or individual classrooms.” • Source: Hoover, J., et. al.(2008) Methods for Teaching Culturally and Linguistically diverse Exceptional Learners. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: • Pearson: Merrill/Prentice Hall.

  23. Learning Disability or Disorder • Hoover (2008) explains: • “A learning disability or disorder represents a condition within the learner that interferes with the acquisition, processing, integration, and/or generalization of knowledge and skills.”

  24. Distinction between Difference and Disability • Hoover (2008) clarifies: • “ A clear differentiation between difference and disability is that although accommodations may be made, a disability is represented by characteristics that often limit or interfere with one’s progress or learning, whereas cultural and linguistic diversity or differences are represented by characteristics that advance and support one’s learning, relative to cultural/linguistic background.”

  25. Modify Scoring and Interpretation • Allow variations in responding • Verbal or nonverbal; bilingual evaluation; time limits; use of bilingual dictionaries • Label function rather than object • Allow for language, dialect, or experience differences • Follow standardized procedures; follow with test modifications and test limits • Report scores as range or estimate, if test is valid for ELLs/CLD students • Compare to ELLs/CLD peers instead of norms • Analyze data for patterns related to culture or background experiences

  26. Relationship between Assessment and Intervention/Instruction • Engagement of the parent, teacher, and other relevant persons in the Assessment Process: • Contextualization • Dynamic Assessment • Ecological Assessment

  27. Children First Reforms in Special Education • 13 Classifications • Autism • Deaf • Deaf-Blindness • Emotional Disturbance • Hearing Impairment • Learning Disabilities • Mental Retardation • Multiple Disabilities • Orthopedic Impairment • Other Health Impairment • Speech Impairment • Traumatic Brain Injury • Visual Impairment

  28. Indicators of Learning Disability • Difficulty in learning language at a normal rate compared to learners from similar backgrounds, even with special assistance in both languages • Short length of utterances (in both languages) • Auditory processing problems (e.g. poor memory, poor comprehension) • Poor sequencing skills (communication is disorganized, incoherent and leaves listener confused in the native language) • Communication difficulties when interacting with peers from a similar background • Lack of organization, structure and sequence in spoken and written language; difficulty conveying thoughts

  29. Memorandum: Children First Reforms in Special Education, July 1, 2007, Linda Wernikoff, Executive Director, Office of Special Education.

  30. IEP Team Meeting Participants Collaboration of mandated & non-mandated team members √ A Special Education Teacher or special education provider must participate as a member of the IEP team. If the student is receiving special education services, it must be the student’s special education teacher or special education provider. When the student’s only special education services is a related service, the related service provider participates as the student’s special education provider. √ At least one General Education Teacher must be a member of the IEP Team if the student is, or may be participating in the general education environment. √ The Parent must be invited to participate and efforts must be made to select a mutually agreeable date for the IEP meeting; however, the meeting may proceed without the parent provided that documented appropriate outreach was conducted and attempts were made to arrange a mutually agreed upon date and time for the meeting. If the parents indicate that they will be unable to attend and cannot reschedule, they will be informed that they may participate via telephone conference. √ The Student may participate when appropriate. Students 14 or older must be invited to participate in IEP meetings where transition planning is or will be part of the IEP. √ The District Representative is a representative of the school district who is: qualified to provide or supervise the provision of special education; knowledgeable about the general education curriculum; and knowledgeable about the availability of district resources. The principal will designate the individual who will serve as the district representative for IEP meetings held at the school. √ The School Psychologist must participate in subcommittee meetings whenever a new psychological evaluation is reviewed, or a change to a service option with more intensive staff/student ratio is considered. The School Psychologist must participate in all Full Committee reviews. Staten Island Integrated Service Center (ISC)

  31. District Representative • The Principal appoints a District Representative to chair IEP conferences and facilitate consensus, as appropriate.

  32. District IEP Representative • The District IEP Representative is a representative of the school district who is: • qualified to provide/supervise the provision of Special Education; AND • is knowledgeable about the General Education Curriculum; • AND • is knowledgeable about the availability of District resources. • Important! The principal will designate the individual who will serve as the District Representative for IEP meetings at the school. The person serving as the District Representative may also fulfill the role of another person on the IEP team.

  33. Role of the District Representative • Chair the meeting • Facilitate open discussion among all participants regarding issues related to eligibility for services and development or revision of the IEP • Ensure parents are meaningful participants in the IEP process and encourage them to discuss their concerns about the child’s education • Be knowledgeable about the general education curriculum • Provide information regarding the continuum of services, including supports and services available in the child’s current school and those which are available in other schools in the district

  34. Role of the District Representative-continued • In the event consensus cannot be achieved regarding program and service recommendations for a student who is already receiving Special Education Services, ensure that parents are fully informed of their due process rights and make the final recommendation.

  35. Educational BenefitReflects on the quality of IEP development to increase student access, participation, and progress in the general education curriculum • The intent of a “Free Appropriate Public Education” (FAPE) for students with disabilities is: to design individualized instruction with sufficient supports and services to enable the student to receive educational benefit. • What is Educational Benefit? • Determining if there is a clearrelationship between: the identified needs/current levels of performance, annual goals/short term objectives, accommodations/modifications & services/placement • (DOES IT ALL CONNECT?) • Have changes to annual goals, services/placement been made based on the results of the student’s progress? • (HAS THE IEP BEEN WRITTEN/MODIFIED TO MEET THE STUDENT’S CURRENT NEEDS?) • Information on the student’s IEP: strengths, needs, annual goals, accommodations & modifications, services/placement & progress compared – looking for patternsover the past 3 years • (DOES THE IEP GIVE A CLEAR PICTURE OF THE STUDENT’S PROGRESS THROUGH THE YEARS?) • The Purpose of the Educational Benefit Review Process is: • to determine whether the design of the IEP was *reasonably calculated for the student to receive educational benefit. • *Reasonable Calculation evaluates if the IEP reflects on the student’s present levels of performance, goals, supports & maximize access, participation & progress in the general education curriculum Staten Island Integrated Service Center (ISC)

  36. Was the student’s program reasonably calculated to result in educational benefit? YES or NO? Staten Island Integrated Service Center (ISC)

  37. Related Services • When reviewing Educational Benefit, consider whether or not it is in the student’s best interest to continue the same related services • Is there justification for removing the student from classroom instruction in order to receive related services? • How long (Duration, frequency, group size, etc.) has the student been receiving the same related service? • Is there another option for the student to receive additional assistance/enrichment in place of the related service - Advisory, CBO, AIS, etc.?

  38. IEP Process • Draft Goals • IEP Meeting • Linking assessment to instruction-”Testing to Teaching” • Present Levels of Performance - ”JARGON-FREE” • Goals are developed from needs indicated in the present level of performance • Progress Reports must be initiated at all IEP conferences • IEP Recommendation & Placement • Due Process • Resolution Meeting • Special Education Mediation • Impartial Hearings

  39. IEP Page 6 Progress Reports Make sure the IEP page 6 progress report is initiated/completed for each annual goal. New IEPs created since the last marking period will have only a method of evaluation marked, with no progress noted.

  40. # of Report cards See Progress key below Updated progress reports tell teachers where to start. Progress reports are to be completed and sent home every marking period for every annual goal. PROGRESS KEY Staten Island Integrated Service Center (ISC)

  41. Modified Promotion Criteria - Page 9 of the IEP(Sample-If applicable) FOR IEPS WRITTEN AFTER JANUARY 31ST* During the 2008-2009 school year _____ will be held to the standard criteria with the following modifications; ______ will meet ______% of the _____grade ELA standards and _____% of the ____ grade MATH standards as evidenced by student work, teacher observation, assessments/grades and attendance. *During the 2009-2010 school year _____ will be held to the standard criteria with the following modifications; _______ will meet ______% of the _____grade ELA standards and _____% of the ____ grade MATH standards as evidenced by student work, teacher observation, assessments/grades and attendance. (*Including 2nd grade students) Staten Island Integrated Service Center (ISC)

  42. IEP – REMINDERS & FYIs • Jargon-free IEPs • Transportation Policy (Note: IEP page 1 & next slides) Educational Benefit Review Process • Related Service review • Provider updates • Goals-measurable, evaluative & standards based – based on Present Levels of Performance • Transition must be evident throughout the IEP • Test Accommodations http://www.vesid.nysed.gov/specialed/publications/policy/testaccess/policyguide.htm • Alternate Assessment (NYSAA) • Promotion Policy • Performance Indicators-grades K-8 (or another measurable set of indicative criteria e.g. NYS Standards) • Formulating Modified Promotion Criteria (PI Met + PI Projected ÷ Total PI) x 100 = %) • Level I Vocational Assessment for students ages 12+ • Transition for students ages 14+ (Indicator #13-throughout the IEP)

  43. Activity: True or False? • All Special Education Students are entitled to Special Education Transportation. • Special Education Teachers can indicate the kind of bus a student rides in on the IEP. • Teachers must have current medical documentation in order to maintain the level of transportation from the student’s previous IEP. • Special Education Students articulating to middle school automatically get special education transportation if they had it in elementary school.

  44. Special Education Transportation • At an IEP conferences (especially for those students who articulated to your school), transportation services should not be continued just because the student had received it in the past. • LRE doesn't end at program recommendation but also includes transportation.  Special education transportation is more restrictive than general education transportation.  • If the individual student's handicapping condition (not classification or program recommendation) does not warrant additional support for transportation purposes, the service should not be initiated or continued on the student's IEP.  This is determined on a case by case basis, by the Transportation Liaison, and clearly reflected on the IEP. • Just as a reminder… • Students through 6th grade will still be eligible for yellow bus service depending on the distance from the school as per Chancellor’s Regulations (but the "box" should not be checked if it isn't disability related). • Note : Prior to an IEP conference, parents of students requiring medical documentation to initiate or continue specialized transportation must submit medical documentation to the IEP Team for transmittal to the Transportation Liaison for approval.

  45. Transportation Liaisons: Bronx ISC: • Mildred Ortiz: 718-329-8120 (MOrtiz2@schools.nyc.gov) Districts 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12 Brooklyn: • Alysia Moore: 718-272-6483 (AMoore4@schools.nyc.gov) Districts 13, 14, 15 & 16 • Sharon Maynard: 718-391-8420 (SMaynar@schools.nyc.gov) Districts19, 23 & 32 Manhattan: • Howard Clarke: 917-339-1692 (HClarke7@schools.nyc.gov) – Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 Queens: • Angela Williams:718-391-8418(AWillia6@schools.nyc.gov) - Districts 25, 26, 28 & 29 • Sharon Maynard: 718-391-8420(SMaynar@schools.nyc.gov) - Districts 24, 27 & 30 Staten Island: • Alysia Moore: 718-272-6483 (AMoore4@schools.nyc.gov) – Districts 17, 18 & 22 • Shawn McClain: 718-420-5749 (SMcclai@schools.nyc.gov) – Districts 20, 21 & 31

  46. Transition FYI • Have you incorporated transition information into the student’s IEP (Present Levels of Performance, Goals & IEP Page 10)? • Have you included the Transition information for your Special Education Students in their clinical files? Including the following: • Vocational Assessment (beginning at age 12) • Student or Family Interviews • Transition Planning Inventory • Interest or Aptitude Testing (IDEAS) (Optional) • NOTE: • IEP Page 10 needs to be included with IEPs for students aged 14 and older • INDICATOR 13: Transition must be integrated throughout the IEP

  47. Long Term Absence (LTA) • 407 Process (attendance outreach) • Long Term Absence (LTA) - While a student is still assigned to your school, but not attending, the IEP process continues. IEPs for LTA students are to be written by the school’s IEP Team.

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