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What’s wrong with this sentence?

What’s wrong with this sentence?. People like Harrison who went against the handicaps, but died in the process of telling everybody that it is truly not an equal world and not everyone can be perfect if they tried. I absolutely agree with the professor, socialism wont work!.

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What’s wrong with this sentence?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What’s wrong with this sentence?

  2. People like Harrison who went against the handicaps, but died in the process of telling everybody that it is truly not an equal world and not everyone can be perfect if they tried.

  3. I absolutely agree with the professor, socialism wont work!

  4. As humans we like to be competitive, and if we are all equal it wouldn’t be as interesting.

  5. If everyone was willing to work hard then they could have made a good grade

  6. How has the government made George and Hazel equal?

  7. What is the consequence for lessening the weight of the handicap bag?

  8. What reason does George give for not trying to cheat?• Because of this reason, what can we infer about George’s opinion of the current laws?

  9. Why did the ballerina apologize about her voice?

  10. Describe Harrison Bergeron with all of his handicaps?

  11. What can we infer about the ballerina that stands up with Harrison?

  12. What is the purpose of quotation marks?

  13. Purdue OWL. "MLA Formatting and Style Guide.“ The Purdue OWL. Purdue U Writing Lab, 10 May 2008. Web. 15 Nov. 2008.Explain how to use a hanging indent for the source above.

  14. Please explain why we site sources in research.

  15. In Vonnegut’s vision of the future, intelligent people hear loud noises in fitted radios that hurt their ears and make them ______________________.Vaguesymmetrywince

  16. The ballerina is very strong and beautiful. She seems __________, or glowing with an inner light.Calibratedsynchronizedluminous

  17. As Harrison and the ballerina dance, they begin ____________ their movements.Calibratingsynchronizingwincing

  18. Harrison Bergeron does not let the handicaps he is fitted with be a ____________ to him.Luminousvaguehindrance

  19. If Diana Moon Glampers approached you with a shotgun, would you _______and tremble in fear?Calibratecowerwince

  20. What is an example of satire in “Harrison Bergeron?”

  21. What is an anachronism?

  22. Example?

  23. What is an allusion?

  24. Example?

  25. What are the three steps for answering a short answer question?

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