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Warm Up Sentences. Quarter 1. Bell-Ringers: Sentence Fix Ups. Read the sentence---write the uncorrected v ersion of the sentence first. Be prepared to explain your revision suggestions . After our discussion, write the revised version . NUMBER your warm up and date it for extra credit.
Warm Up Sentences Quarter 1
Bell-Ringers: Sentence Fix Ups • Read the sentence---write the uncorrected version of the sentence first. • Be prepared to explain your revision suggestions. • After our discussion, write the revised version. NUMBER your warm up and date it for extra credit.
Warm Up Sentence #1: Fix this! before them girls may play said coach steele they hafta meet the requirements in the manual
WU#1--Corrected “Before those girls may play,” said Coach Steele, “they have to meet the requirements in the manual.”
Optical Illusion Challenge • How many legs does this elephant have?
WU#2--Revise for Grammar/Usage donna did mredwards require your class to read the short story flight to freedom bridget asked
WU#2--Corrected "Donna, did Mr. Edwards require your class to read the short story 'Flight to Freedom’?"Bridget asked.
Titles and Punctuation • Short Stories— “quotation marks” • Poems-- “quotation marks” • Plays —underline or italicize • Movies —underline or italicize • Television Programs —underline or italicize • Episodes on television “quotation marks” • Songs “quotation marks” • CDs/Albums —underline or italicize
Fix This! WU #3 a plaque at riverside park bears this quotation form thoreaus book walden that man is the richest whose pleasures are cheapest
WU#3--Corrected: A plaque at Riverside Park bears this quotation from Thoreau's book Walden: "That man is the richest whose pleasures are the cheapest."
Use a Colon : • After an independent clause that precedes a list. • The use of these punctuation marks often confuses students: comma, semicolon, colon, hyphen, and dash. • The Stearns County Theatrical Company announces the opening of the following plays:Lear, May 10th;Death of a Salesman, June 15th; andCamelot, August 20th. • There are three historical sources of belief: reason or intellect, custom or habit,and inspiration. • To separate an explanation, rule, or example from a preceding independent clause. • After a sleepless night, the senator made her decision: she would not seek re-election. • Music is more than a mechanical arrangement of sounds: it is an expression of deep feeling and ethical values. • A way to remember which direction to move the hands of the clock when changing to or from Daylight Savings Time: spring forward, fall back. • After the salutation of a business letter. • Dear Mr. Peterson: Dear Faculty Member: • In the heading of a business memo. • TO: • SUBJECT: • RE:
More Uses for Colon: • Between the hour and the minutes. • 5:30 p.m. • 3:00 a.m. • Between the chapter and the verse in the Bible, in citations for some literary works, and between the volume and the number of some publications. • Genesis 1:18-20 • Part 3:121 • Vol. 2:34 • As part of a title. • Grey Power: A Practical Survival Handbook for Senior Citizens. • In a bibliography between the place of publication and the name of the publisher. • Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press, 1966. • en to use a colon :
if you have either a yardstick or a measuring tape said mr dixon bring them tomorrow Warm Up Sentence #4
WU #4--Corrected: “If you have either a yardstick or a measuring tape," said Mr. Dixon, "bring it tomorrow."
Other options… “ …” / “‘ …’” • Can you believe that Mr. Dixon said, “If you have a yardstick bring it tomorrow”? (punctuating the entire sentence---quotation is inside) • Sally complained to me, “I can’t believe that Mr. Dixon said, ‘bring it tomorrow.’” (Sally is quoting Mr. Dixon—single quotation mark inside double)
Warm Up Sentence #5 put small dry twigs at the bottom of a fire that makes it easier to start the fire said juan ortiz our counselor
Corrected (WU#5): "Put small, dry twigs at the bottom of a fire to make it easier to start," said Juan Ortiz, our counselor. (appositive)
The Appositive • An appositive is a noun or noun phrase that renames another noun right beside it. The appositive can be a short or long combination of words. Look at these examples:
The Appositive • The insect, a cockroach, is crawling across the kitchen table. • The insect, a large cockroach, is crawling across the kitchen table. • The insect, a large cockroach with hairy legs, is crawling across the kitchen table. • The insect, a large, hairy-legged cockroach that has spied my bowl of oatmeal, is crawling across the kitchen table.
Punctuate the appositive correctly. The important point to remember is that a nonessential appositive is always separated from the rest of the sentence with comma(s). • When the appositive beginsthe sentence, it looks like this: A hot-tempered tennis player, Robbie charged the umpire and tried to crack the poor man's skull with a racket. • When the appositive interrupts the sentence, it looks like this: Robbie, a hot-tempered tennis player, charged the umpire and tried to crack the poor man's skull with a racket. • And when the appositive ends the sentence, it looks like this: Upset by the bad call, the crowd cheered Robbie, a hot-tempered tennis player who charged the umpire and tried to crack the poor man's skull with a racket.
Here are more examples: • During the dinner conversation, Clifford, the messiest eater at the table, spewed mashed potatoes like an erupting volcano. • Joan’s bedroom desk, the biggest disaster area in the house, is a collection of overdue library books, dirty plates, computer components, old mail, cat hair, and empty potato chip bags. • Max, Diane's eleven-year-old beagle, chews holes in the living room carpeting as if he were still a puppy.
Appositive? Or Appositive Phrase? 1. The boys repaired our television set, an eighteen-year-old portable. 2. The poem, one of Robert Frost's best, is called "The Death of the Hired Man." 3. I can't find my notebook, the one I use for history class. 4. Dick's new suit, a gray flannel one, makes him look much older. 5. We enjoy walking, an exercise which requires no great skill. 6. The theater, an old and drafty one, is nevertheless always crowded. 7. My math teacher, Miss Holmes, has taught for twenty years. 8. The garage, a two-car one, is attached to the house. 9. James Hilton's book, Lost Horizon, has been filmed twice
Warm Up Sentence # 6 ms ruffalo shouldnt of left mr logan buy that computer she is president of design international
Corrected: • Ms. Ruffalo, president of Design International, shouldn't have let Mr. Logan buy that computer. • What is the term between parentheses?
Fix This---WU #7 the macaroni and cheese was made by saras mom for the party, the dish was liked by every one at the party
Corrected • Sara’s mom made the macaroni and cheese for the party; everyone liked the dish. or • Everyoneat the party liked the macaroni and cheese dish that Sara’s mom made.
run-ons or fused and comma splice ppt.pps • Comma splice— two independent clauses separated by a comma when a semi-colon, period, or additional coordinating conjunction is needed. • Fused sentence (also known as a “Run on”) two or more independent clauses in a sentence that are not separated by any punctuation, but that should be.
Warm Up Sentence #8 • our neighbors left us see pictures of there photo safari in africa they plan to return back there soon
Options for CS and Fusion Errors • He has completed his research, he will not report his findings to class today. (CS—incorrect) • He has completed his research he will not report his findings to class today. (FS—incorrect) • He has completed his research, sohe will report his findings to class today. • He has completed his research, buthe will not report his findings to class today. • He has completed his research; he will report his findings to class today. (All of these are grammatically correct, but context and purpose dictate which works best.)
Corrected #8 (wordiness/fused error) • Our neighbors let us see pictures of their photo safari in Africa; they plan to return soon.
The tricky thing to remember is that comma splices and fused sentences can appear in a longer string of sentences with other punctuation. me more examples below. • Comma splice:To get ready for the party, Sharon baked cookies and brownies until she thought her oven would explode, finally, she cleaned the kitchen, satisfied that the goodies would be a hit. Fused sentence:To get ready for the party, Sharon baked cookies and brownies until she thought her oven would explode finally, she cleaned the kitchen, satisfied that the goodies would be a hit. Correct grammar:"To get ready for the party, Sharon baked cookies and brownies until she thought her oven would explode. Finally, she cleaned the kitchen, satisfied that the goodies would be a hit."
WU #9 Revise for Grammar/Usage somebody must of lent my brother in laws ladder it weren't in the garage fragment, fused, comma splice, complete sentence?
WU #9--Corrected: Somebody must haveborrowed my brother-in-law's ladder; it wasn't in the garage. Was the sentence before an example of comma splice or fused?
run-ons or fused and comma splice ppt.pps • Comma splice— two independent clauses separated by a comma when a semi-colon, period, or additional coordinating conjunction is needed. • Fused sentence (also known as a “Run on”) two or more independent clauses in a sentence that are not separated by any punctuation, but that should be.
http://www.chompchomp.com/rules/csfsrules.htm • Anne enjoyed her high school reunion she hadn't seen her old friends in over ten years. • Comma splice? Fragment? Fused? Complete?Anne enjoyed her high school reunion, she hadn't seen her old friends in over ten years. Comma splice? Fragment? Fused? Complete?
Grammar Challenge the new principle of our school is mrspage he is the one who introduced the idea of sparten seminar to Broad run: the seminar class replaces what was formally called homeroom
Corrected for appositive, punctuation, and spelling • Mr. Spage, the new principal, introduced Spartan Seminarto Broad Run; this class replaces what was formerly homeroom.
Warm Up Sentence anneenjoyed her high school reunion she hadntseen her old friends in over 8 years
Three Possible Options • Anne enjoyed her high school reunion, for she hadn’t seen her old friends in eight years. • Anne enjoyed her high school reunion; she hadn’t seen her old friends in eight years. • Anne enjoyed her high school reunion. She hadn’t seen her old friends in eight years.
Corrected Looking for my assignment, I found that someone had set it under a pile of House Beautiful magazines.
Warm Up Sentence #17 looking for my assignment it was found that someone sat it under a pile of house beautiful magazines
Consistency with Numbers • Numbers under 10---spell out one, two, three. . . 10, 11 • Numbers under two syllables---SPELL OUT Twenty, thirty, twelve, forty • Be consistent within the sentence itself 25 dollars and $450 = $25 and $450 • NEVER EVER begin sentence with a numeral!!! 4 score and seven years… Four-score and seven… • Often, when in doubt…spell it OUT.
Grammar Challenge • my dress for homecoming a verawang designer special only cost 25 dollars at target my friends dress from nordstroms cost her $450
Corrected My homecoming dress, a Vera Wang design, only cost $25 at Target; by contrast, my friend’s dress from Nordstrom’s cost $450.
Consistency with Numbers • Numbers under 10---spell out one, two, three. . . 10, 11 • Numbers under two syllables---spell out Twenty, thirty, twelve, forty • Be consistent within sentence 25 dollars and $450 = $25 and $450 • NEVER EVER begin sentence with a numeral 4 score and seven years… Four-score and seven…
Second Quarter Warm Ups • Quarter 2
SAT Practice The fields have soil (A) so rich that corn (B) growing herecommonly (C) had stood more than six feet (D) tall. (E) No error • A. so rich that • B. growing here • C. had stood • D. tall • E. No error
SAT Practice • A number of trainees (A) whotake this course every year (B) findthat (C) theirknowledge of mathematics (D) is inadequate. (E) No error. • A. • B. • C. • D. • E.
SAT Practice According to surveys by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, about 20 percent of young adults used cocaine in 1979, doubling those reported in the 1977 survey. • a) doubling those reported in the 1977 survey • b) to double the number the 1977 survey reported • c) twice those the 1977 survey reported • d) twice as much as those reported in the 1977 survey • e) twice the number reported in the 1977 survey