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Development Team Day 5b Learning for Life and Work

Development Team Day 5b Learning for Life and Work. January-February 2010. Aim To explore and evaluate schools’ implementation of Learning for Life and Work (LLW). Expected Outcomes. By the end of the day participants will have:

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Development Team Day 5b Learning for Life and Work

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  1. Development Team Day 5bLearning for Life and Work January-February 2010

  2. AimTo explore and evaluate schools’ implementation of Learning for Life and Work (LLW)

  3. Expected Outcomes By the end of the day participants will have: • Reflected upon their own school’s rationale for and implementation of LLW • Considered an approach to monitoring and evaluating the implementation of LLW in their own schools • Considered how the rationale and ethos of LLW could be consistently reflected throughout the whole school experience

  4. Rationale To value: • Each individual’s unique capacity for spiritual, moral emotional, physical and intellectual growth • Equality, justice and human rights within our society and our capacity as citizens to resolve conflict by democratic means • The environment as the basis of life and the need to sustain it for future generations • Each individuals right t work and to earn a living in accordance with personal preferences and attributes Ref: Curriculum Framework

  5. Objectives of NI Curriculum To develop the young person as: • an individual • a contributor to society • a contributor to the economy and environment

  6. SCHOOL ETHOS Areas of Learning Employability Personal Development Links Events PUPILS Home Economics Citizenship Key Elements Activities LLW is experienced by pupils at three different levels

  7. ‘While making LLW a statutory Area of Learning is new, much of its content and intent have always been part of the work of schools. …… However, the revised curriculum attempts to ensure that there is greater emphasis on these important strands of learning and experiences for all young people.’ ‘The implementation of LLW has presented a range of challenges and opportunities for schools.’ ‘We recognise that there is no single correct approach to managing and supporting LLW at the whole school level.’ LLW: Implementation Matters CCEA 2009 www.nicurriculum.org.uk/docs/learning_for_life_and_work/training/LLW_Implementation_Matters.pdf Learning for Life and Work:

  8. Activity 1a In the context of your school’s vision for LLW consider what has been working well and why? Now consider what have been the challenges in your school?

  9. Activity 1b Consider the challenges for your school and begin to examine them in more detail. • Why are they challenges? • What actions need to be taken to address these?

  10. Time for ….

  11. Expected Outcome By the end of the this session participants will have: • Considered an approach to monitoring and evaluating the implementation of LLW in their own schools

  12. Monitoring and Evaluating Provision for LLW Quality indicators for LLW in relation to: • Leadership, • Ethos and Culture • Learning and Teaching

  13. Activity 2 Using the self evaluation tool evaluate your schools provision for LLW against the set of indicators provided. You can add additional indicators if you feel something is not covered. The key question to address is: What evidence is informing your assessment of current provision? ie How do you know?

  14. Activity 3 How do you envisage taking this process forward in your own school? What would be your next steps?

  15. Lunch 12.40 pm to 1.30 pm Lunch will be served in the cafeteria at the rear of the Ulidia building Time for ….

  16. Expected Outcome By the end of the this session participants will have: • Considered how the rationale and ethos of LLW could be consistently reflected throughout the whole school experience

  17. SCHOOL ETHOS Areas of Learning Employability Personal Development Links Events PUPILS Home Economics Citizenship Key Elements Activities LLW is experienced by pupils at three different levels

  18. Living Out the Rationale and Values underpinning LLW within the school “the well conceived links between pastoral care and the management and leadership of learning which is central to the highly supportive, caring ethos of the school” “High priority is given to the personal development and emotional well-being of the pupils and the innovative Pastoral Care Week highlights the importance placed by the school on this aspect of its provision.” “strengths include the supportive ethos and the atmosphere of mutual respect between staff and pupils evident throughout the school.” ETI School Inspection Reports

  19. Living out LLW Democracy and Active Participation Activity 4a • Identify the range of activities in your school which provide opportunities for pupils to experience democracy and active participation

  20. Activity 4b Ladder of Participation • Place the cards on the ladder of participation in rank order from the lowest level of pupil participation to the highest • Consider the sequence sheet and discuss responses • Reflect on the range of pupil participation activities identified previously and discuss how these could be developed to provide increased level of pupil participation

  21. Activity 4cWhat would the school look like that lives out a commitment to LLW? In groups consider how one key concept of LLW could be promoted throughout the school, with a specific focus on the ethos and culture of the school. • Diversity and Inclusion • Self Awareness • Healthy Eating • Work in the Local and Global Economy • Enterprise and Entrepreneurship • Independent Living

  22. Plenary and Evaluation

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