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DEVELOPMENT TEAM DAY 1. Aim: To begin to develop the team in its role of supporting the implementation of the Revised Curriculum. Learning Intentions: To clarify the role of the team in the support model for the implementation process.
Aim: • To begin to develop the team in its role of supporting the implementation of the Revised Curriculum. Learning Intentions: • To clarify the role of the team in the support model for the implementation process. • To consider the skills and approaches which they will use to engage all staff in the process. • To explore the learning experiences that characterise the Revised Curriculum. • To consider approaches to planning for implementation.
A capacity building model Process driven 3-4 year implementation timescale Building on existing good practice Principles of Implementation
Activity 1 Insights into the classroom DVD
ACTIVITY 1(a) (15 + 10 min) In groups: • What values do you think that the teacher conveyed to the pupils? • What learning strategies did she employ? • What skills was she, as a teacher, using? • What skills was she developing in the pupils?
Activity 1 (b) (5 +5 min) • Reflect on the DVD, what elements of the “Big Picture” are exemplified in the classroom practice?
Personal Development Home Economics Local & Global Citizenship Education for Employability • THINKING SKILLS AND PERSONAL CAPABILITIES • Managing Information • Thinking, Problem Solving, Decision Making • Being Creative • Working with Others • Self Management • FORMALLY ASSESSED SKILLS • Communication • Using Mathematics • ICT The Arts English & Irish In Irish medium schools including Media Education Environment & Society Mathematics including financial capability Modern Languages Physical Education Science & Technology Religious Education Investigating & problem-solving linked to other curriculum areas relevant & enjoyable media rich skills integrated active & hands on offers choice Challenging & engaging supportive environment culturally diverse positive reinforcement varied to suit learning style on-going reflection enquiry based Clear learning intention shared with pupils Advice on what to improve and how to improve it Building a more open relationship between learner and teacher Individual target setting Peer and self evaluation of learning Shared/negotiated success criteria Taking risks for learning Peer and self assessment Celebrating success Personal responsibility concern for others commitment-determination – resourcefulness openness to new ideas Self-belief-optimism-pragmatism curiosity community spirit flexibility tolerance integrity-moralcourage respect Curriculum Aim The Northern Ireland Curriculum aims to empower young people to achieve their potential and to make informed and responsible decisions throughout their lives. To develop the young person as an individual To develop the young person as a contributor to society To develop the young person as a contributor to the economy & environment Curriculum Objectives FOR Learning for Life and Work THROUGH Key Elements personal understandingmutual understandingpersonal health moral characterspiritual awareness citizenshipcultural understandingmedia awareness ethical awareness employabilityeconomic awarenesseducation for sustainable development INFUSING Whole Curriculum Skills and Capabilities ACROSS General Learning Areas Promoting/Encouraging Learning Experiences Assessment for Learning Attitudes and Dispositions
Activity 1(c) Personal Reflection (5mins) • To what extent does this reflect your own classroom practice? • Do you consciously develop skills in your pupils? • Do you have an impression of whether this reflects classroom practice generally within your school?
Activity 2 “The Job to be Done”
Activity 2 (a) (10 min) Individually: Step 1: • Using the cards provided select those statements you feel are part of the role of the team • Eliminate those statements that you feel should not be part of the role of the team. Step 2: • Identify the key aspects of the role.
Activity 2 (b) (25 min) In your team: • Share your outcomes and reach a consensus on the key aspects of the role • Record the outcomes of the consensus process on the sheet provided
Managing Complex Change FACTORS OUTCOMES = Confusion = Sabotage = Anxiety = Resistance = Frustration = Treadmill Source: Knoster, T (1991) Presentation in TASH Conference, Washington DC Adapted by Knowster from Enterprise Group Ltd
Activity 2(c) (15 mins) • Take the Knoster grid and match your agreed statements to Knoster’s factors. • Identify any gaps in your list . • Add any appropriate statements. • Record this on the sheet provided.
Team Learning Activity 2 (d) (10mins) As a team: • Consider the process of reaching consensus in which you have just engaged • Identify those things which helped the process and those which hindered it
Activity 2 (e) Personal Reflection (5mins) Individually: • During the previous team activity, how did you feel? • Consider the agreed role and your personal reflection at the end of Activity 1(DVD). Identify for yourself the extent to which you feel prepared to undertake this role.
Activity 3 Team Development
Activity 3 (a) (20 + 10 mins) INDIVIDUALLY: • Read the scenario IN YOUR TEAM: • Discuss the issues raised in this scenario. It may be useful in your discussion to consider the causes of the difficulties which have arisen. Refer to Knoster Grid in your discussion • Agree how you, as a team, may have been able to prevent these difficulties and how you would address them if they did arise.
Team Learning Activity 3 (b) (20 mins) • The previous step identified issues that you may encounter as a team. • Identify the attitudes, dispositions, knowledge and skills that the team will need in order to deal with such issues. • How might your development needs be met within the context of your school?
Suggestions • Meet as a team with your Link Officer and share key points/messages following completion of development team training. • Meet with the SMT and discuss your thoughts on your role and your development needs. • Agree on further reading or research that you may need to do to inform yourselves. • Identify for your school the implications of the revised curriculum • Consider your own school’s readiness for the implementation of the curriculum in September 2007 e.g. audits of current provision, initiatives and pilots. • Research and consider possible approaches to implementation. • Consider how to inform SMT and whole staff about key issues relating to curriculum implementation.