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To bathe. To get up/stand up. To wake up. To wash. To get dressed. To put on….
To bathe To get up/stand up To wake up To wash To get dressed To put on…. Reflexive Verbs (bottom front page of Vocab. notes)Reflexive VerbsDespertarse = _________________ Levantarse=___________________ Bañarse=__________________Lavarse= ___________________ Ponerse = ___________________ Vestirse=___________________Maquillarse=__________________ Afeitarse = ___________________ Secarse=___________________Acostarse =___________________ Depilarse = ___________________ EXTRA REFLEXIVE VERB NOTES: Cepillarse= ________________Peinarse = _____________________Entrenarse= __________________ Relajarse=_________________ To put makeup on To shave (face) To dry off To go to bed To shave (legs) To brush (hair/teeth) To comb To train/workout To relax
REFLEXIVE VERB CONJUGATIONSLavarse……(Yo) Me lavo = ___________________ (Nosotros)Noslavamos = ___________________(Tú) Te lavas = ___________________ (Vosotros) Oslaváis = ___________________(él/ella/Usted)Se lava =___________________ (Ellos/Ustedes) Se lavan = ___________________Bañarse….. (Yo) _____ __________ = I bathe (Nosotros) ____ ____________ = We bathe(Tú) _____ __________ = You bathe (Vosotros) _____ ___________ = You all bathe (él/ella/Usted) _____ __________ = He bathes (Ellos/Ustedes) ____ ___________ = They batheAfeitarse….. (Yo) _____ __________ = I shave (Nosotros) ____ ____________ = We shave(Tú) _____ __________ = You shave (Vosotros) _____ ___________ = You all shave (él/ella/Usted) _____ __________ = He shaves/you (Ellos/Ustedes) ____ ___________ = They shaveDepilarse….(Yo) _____ __________ = I shave (Nosotros) ____ ____________ = We shave(Tú) _____ __________ = You shave (Vosotros) _____ ___________ = You all shave (él/ella/Usted) _____ __________ = She/you shaves (Ellos/Ustedes) ____ ___________ = They shave I wash myself We wash ourselves You all wash yourselves You wash yourself They wash themselves He/she washes himself nosbañamos me baño osbañáis tebañas se baña se bañan Me afeito nosafeitamos teafeitas osafeitáis Se afeitan se afeita Me depilo nosdepilamos Osdepiláis tedepilas Se depilan se depila
Watch this YOUTUBE video and while you watch it….(in the blank area at the bottom of your notes)…..list the 6 reflexive and non-reflexive verb examples he uses!Video: Reflex Your Verby - YouTube