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9 th GRADE MATH PROFICIENCY TEST Geometry Strand. Click HERE to go to the next page. The questions on this test are the property of the Ohio Department of Education and are used with its permission.
9th GRADE MATH PROFICIENCY TEST Geometry Strand Click HERE to go to the next page 9th Grade Math Proficiency Test Geometry Strand 12 problems
The questions on this test are the property of the Ohio Department of Education and are used with its permission. All explanations of solutions and the format of this program are the property of Tom Reardon. C 2002 Reardon Electronic Gifts, Inc. Your comments and suggestions would be appreciated. E-mail: aust_tr@access-k12.org Web: www.austintown.k12.oh.us/~aust_tr/ Click here to go to the next page 9th Grade Math Proficiency Test Geometry Strand 12 problems
This program is designed to assist students to prepare to successfully pass the mathematics section of the 9th grade proficiency test in the state of Ohio. THIS IS A HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION REQUIREMENT! Paper and pencil is required to take this test. NO CALCULATORS are allowed. These problems practice the GEOMETRY STRAND only.!!! Click HERE to go to the next page 9th Grade Math Proficiency Test Geometry Strand 12 problems
DIRECTIONS • At the top of your paper, make two columns: • CORRECT INCORRECT • Number the problems on your paper and show some work for each problem. Then choose the answer that best matches yours. • CLICK on the LETTER of the answer that you want • If you get the correct answer, then place a mark in the CORRECT column. Then proceed to the next problem. Click HERE to go to the next page 9th Grade Math Proficiency Test Geometry Strand 12 problems
DIRECTIONS • If the response that you select is incorrect, you will be told why it is incorrect and/or you will be given a hint to how to successfully answer the question. Then make a mark under the word INCORRECT at the top of your paper. • Notice that you are keeping track of your score. • This is to be a learning experience so try your best to learn from your mistakes… and to learn from what you know! • Keep in mind that these are ACTUAL PROFICIENCY TEST questions!! GEOMETRY STRAND ONLY!!! • Good Luck! Click HERE to go to the next page 9th Grade Math Proficiency Test Geometry Strand 12 problems
6 of the 40 problems on the proficiency test are from the GEOMETRY STRAND. You want to get as many as you can correct from each strand, but your goal should be to get at least 4 of the 6 correct. Click HERE to go to the next page 9th Grade Math Proficiency Test Geometry Strand 12 problems
If this is your FIRST TIME doing this set of problems, then • click HERE to start with number 1. • If you have done some of these already, then click on the number of the problem that you wish to start with below: • To start with problem 4, CLICK HERE. • To start with problem 8, CLICK HERE • To start with problem 12, CLICK HERE • To start with problem16, CLICK HERE. 9th Grade Math Proficiency Test Geometry Strand 12 problems
1. What is the expression used to calculate? A. the circumference of a circle B. the diameter of a circle C. the area of a circle D. the radius of a circle 9th Grade Math Proficiency Test Geometry Strand 12 problems
All work must be shown on your paper. Try to learn from what you get right and from what you get wrong. Click HERE to go to the next page 9th Grade Math Proficiency Test Geometry Strand 12 problems
2. Chris is building a fence on level ground. He digs a hole and puts in an 8-foot-long post. The post should be exactly vertical, but instead it is an 86 angle with the ground. How far off from vertical is the post? A. B. C. D. 9th Grade Math Proficiency Test Geometry Strand 12 problems
Are you … TAKING YOUR TIME? Careless errors are costly! Click HERE to go to the next page 9th Grade Math Proficiency Test Geometry Strand 12 problems
3. Each side of the square below is 3 in. What is the radius of the circle inscribed in the square? A. 1.5 in. B. 1.7 in. C. 2.25 in. D. 3 in. 9th Grade Math Proficiency Test Geometry Strand 12 problems
In order for this program to work, you MUST read each solution and explanation. Click HERE to go to the next page 9th Grade Math Proficiency Test Geometry Strand 12 problems
4. A rectangular window is 7 feet high and has a perimeter of 26 feet. How many square feet of glass are needed for this window? A. 13 square feet B. 26 square feet C. 42 square feet D. 48 square feet 9th Grade Math Proficiency Test Geometry Strand 12 problems
5. Find the total surface area of the rectangular solid below. A. 107 square meters B. 110 square meters C. 210 square meters D. 214 square meters 9th Grade Math Proficiency Test Geometry Strand 12 problems
6. How many cubes, 2” to a side, are needed to fill a shoe box that is 10” by 6” by 4”? A. 10 B. 30 C. 60 D. 120 9th Grade Math Proficiency Test Geometry Strand 12 problems
CAUTION! The wrong answers can look VERY good. The makers of these tests know all the “common mistakes” that students make and put those wrong answers in the test. BE CAREFUL!!!! Click HERE to go to the next page 9th Grade Math Proficiency Test Geometry Strand 12 problems
7. The inside of a storage shed measures 6 ft by 7 ft by 10 ft. How many boxes measuring 1 ft by 1 ft by 1 ft will be required to fill this shed? A. 23 B. 140 C. 364 D. 420 9th Grade Math Proficiency Test Geometry Strand 12 problems
8. For the triangle below, the measure of angle A is 19 degrees and the measure of angle B is 27 degrees. What is the measure of angle C? A. 44 degrees B. 46 degrees C. 134 degrees D. 154 degrees 9th Grade Math Proficiency Test Geometry Strand 12 problems
9. Which of the following is a correct formula for finding the area of the rectangle below? A. A = b x h B. A = 2h + 2b C. A = 2b x h D. A = b x h 9th Grade Math Proficiency Test Geometry Strand 12 problems
10. Find the area of the figure below: A. 33 square inches B. 46 square inches C. 72 square inches D. 96 square inches 9th Grade Math Proficiency Test Geometry Strand 12 problems
11. What is the LEAST number of 12 in. by 12 in. floor tiles needed to cover a 7 ft by 12 ft hall? A. 38 B. 84 C. 144 D. 228 9th Grade Math Proficiency Test Geometry Strand 12 problems
12. Which of these angles below is an obtuse angle? A. B. C. D. 9th Grade Math Proficiency Test Geometry Strand 12 problems
CAUTION! The wrong answers can look VERY good. The makers of these tests know all the “common mistakes” that students make and put those wrong answers in the test. BE CAREFUL!!!! Click HERE to go to the next page 9th Grade Math Proficiency Test Geometry Strand 12 problems
13. A. B. C. D. 9th Grade Math Proficiency Test Geometry Strand 12 problems
14. A. B. C. D. 9th Grade Math Proficiency Test Geometry Strand 12 problems
15. A. B. C. D. 9th Grade Math Proficiency Test Geometry Strand 12 problems
16. A. B. C. D. 9th Grade Math Proficiency Test Geometry Strand 12 problems
17. A. B. C. D. 9th Grade Math Proficiency Test Geometry Strand 12 problems
18. A. B. C. D. 9th Grade Math Proficiency Test Geometry Strand 12 problems
19. A. B. C. D. 9th Grade Math Proficiency Test Geometry Strand 12 problems
20. A. B. C. D. 9th Grade Math Proficiency Test Geometry Strand 12 problems
1 A. • Circumference means the distance around, or perimeter, of a circle. The formula to find the circumference, C, of a circle is: • Where r is the radius of the circle and d is the diameter of the circle. • HINT: Area is measured in SQUARE units. • Do any of the answers have a ‘square’ in them? • So, sorry, A was not the correct response. Please try again. I hope that you figure it out this time. Click HERE to return to THIS problem 9th Grade Math Proficiency Test Geometry Strand 12 problems
1 B. • The diameter of a circle is the segment that connects two points on a circle and goes through its center. • The diameter is twice as long as the radius, that is, • D = 2r • HINT: Area is measured in SQUARE units. Do any of the answers have a ‘square’ in them? • So unfortunately B is not the correct response. Please try again. I hope you get it this time. Click HERE to return to THIS problem 9th Grade Math Proficiency Test Geometry Strand 12 problems
1 C. SUPER!!!! • Area is measured in SQUARE units. Square is the second power as in (Pi r squared) • So, YES, you were absolutely right! Good job. Click HERE to go to the NEXT problem Click HERE to return to THIS problem 9th Grade Math Proficiency Test Geometry Strand 12 problems
1 D. • The radius is the segment drawn from the center of the circle to a point ON the circle. The radius is half of the diameter. • The radius is also the r in • HINT: Area is measured in SQUARE units. Do any of the answers have a ‘square’ in them? • So unfortunately D is an incorrect response. Please try again. I think you will get it this time. Click HERE to return to THIS problem 9th Grade Math Proficiency Test Geometry Strand 12 problems
2 A. RECALL: A vertical pole forms a 90 degree angle with the horizontal (the ground). Great answer! 90 – 86 = 4 degrees NICE JOB!!! Click HERE to go to the NEXT problem Click HERE to return to THIS problem 9th Grade Math Proficiency Test Geometry Strand 12 problems
2 B. RECALL: A vertical pole forms a 90 degree angle with the horizontal (the ground). • The picture at the right would be a good one to draw to help you. Use that to figure out what value the ? must be. I am confident that you can figure this out now. Go ahead, get it right. Click HERE to return to THIS problem 9th Grade Math Proficiency Test Geometry Strand 12 problems
2 C. RECALL: A vertical pole forms a 90 degree angle with the horizontal (the ground). • The picture at the right would be a good one to draw to help you. Use that to figure out what value the ? must be. I am confident that you can figure this out now. Go ahead, get it right. Click HERE to return to THIS problem 9th Grade Math Proficiency Test Geometry Strand 12 problems
2 D. RECALL: A vertical pole forms a 90 degree angle with the horizontal (the ground). • The picture at the right would be a good one to draw to help you. Use that to figure out what value the ? must be. I am confident that you can figure this out now. Go ahead, get it right. Click HERE to return to THIS problem 9th Grade Math Proficiency Test Geometry Strand 12 problems
3 A. AB is a diameter of the circle. AX and XB are radii.How long is AB? And then, how long is either AX or XB? • YES!!! • GREAT JOB!!!! Click HERE to go to the NEXT problem Click HERE to return to THIS problem 9th Grade Math Proficiency Test Geometry Strand 12 problems
3 B. AB is a diameter of the circle. AX and XB are radii.How long is AB? And then, how long is either AX or XB? • 1.7 IS very close to the correct answer. But I am not sure how you got 1.7 ??!? Look at the figure at the right and see If you can get it right this time, OK? Click HERE to return to THIS problem 9th Grade Math Proficiency Test Geometry Strand 12 problems
3 C. AB is a diameter of the circle. AX and XB are radii.How long is AB? And then, how long is either AX or XB? • 2.25 is almost the length of the diameter, AB. • Look at the figure and try It again. You will get it right this time. Click HERE to go to the NEXT problem Click HERE to return to THIS problem 9th Grade Math Proficiency Test Geometry Strand 12 problems
3 D. AB is a diameter of the circle. AX and XB are radii.How long is AB? And then, how long is either AX or XB? • 3 is the length of the diameter of the circle, not the radius. Remember that the radius in just half of the diameter. • Look at the figure and try it again. Click HERE to return to THIS problem 9th Grade Math Proficiency Test Geometry Strand 12 problems
4 A. Make a sketch. Recall that perimetermeans ‘distance around.’ • It looks like you found the width to be 6, which is correct. • However, it seems that you added: 7 + 6 to get 13, which is incorrect. • You are asked to find how many SQUARE FEET of glass and that means area. • Area of a rectangle is found by: Length X Width. • You are ready to be correct now. Just do it. Click HERE to return to THIS problem 9th Grade Math Proficiency Test Geometry Strand 12 problems
4 B. Make a sketch. Recall that perimetermeans ‘distance around.’ • You selected 26 feet, which is the perimeter of the window. • You were asked to find SQUARE FEET which means find the AREA. • My guess is that you found the width to be 6, which is correct. • Now you need to find the AREA of the rectangle. • Please try again. Click HERE to return to THIS problem 9th Grade Math Proficiency Test Geometry Strand 12 problems
4 C. Make a sketch. Recall that perimetermeans ‘distance around.’ • SUPER! • The width, w, is 6 because: 7 + 7 + 6 + 6 = 26. • Square feet means find area. • Area of a rectangle is found by: Length X Width • So 7 X 6 = 42 SQUARE feet. • Good job!!! Click HERE to go to the NEXT problem Click HERE to return to THIS problem 9th Grade Math Proficiency Test Geometry Strand 12 problems
4 D. Make a sketch. Recall that perimetermeans ‘distance around.’ • The width turns out to be 6 because 7 + 7 + 6 + 6 = 26. • Area of a rectangle is found by: Length X Width • But 6 X 7 is not 48. ?!??! • Give it another try. You will be correct Click HERE to return to THIS problem 9th Grade Math Proficiency Test Geometry Strand 12 problems
5 A. Surface Area means the amount of surface covered on the outside of the box. It DOES NOT mean volume. • Notice that the surface of the box is made up of 6 rectangles. • Area of a rectangle: Length X Width • Find the area of each rectangle and add them up. • HINT: Think of a shoe box to help ‘see’ the 6 rectangles. If you thought the answer is 107 square meters, you may have only been thinking of 3 rectangles. Please try again. Click HERE to return to THIS problem 9th Grade Math Proficiency Test Geometry Strand 12 problems
5 B. Surface Area means the amount of surface covered on the outside of the box. It DOES NOT mean volume. • Notice that the surface of the box is made up of 6 rectangles. • Area of a rectangle: Length X Width • Find the area of each rectangle and add them up. • HINT: Think of a shoe box to help ‘see’ the 6 rectangles. Click HERE to return to THIS problem 9th Grade Math Proficiency Test Geometry Strand 12 problems