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Davis and Moore's Functionalist Theory of Inequality

Explore how social inequality helps maintain social order and integrates people into society through Davis and Moore's perspective. Understand the theory of stratification, evaluation of positions, rewards in society, and causes of variation in social stratification systems.

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Davis and Moore's Functionalist Theory of Inequality

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  1. Functionalist Theories of InequalityDavis and Moore • Functionalist focus upon question of: • How does the system of inequality helps maintain social order? • How does the system of inequality integrates people into society? • Origin of functionalist theory • Durkheim Like an organism all parts of society have a function that serve to maintain it.

  2. Davis and Moore’s Theory of StratificationMajor Question of Interest and Answer • Question: • Why different position carry different degrees of prestige or rewards? • Answer: • Social inequality is s an unconsciously evolved device by which society insures that the most important positions are conscientiously filled by the most qualified.

  3. Davis and Moore’s Theory of StratificationProposition of Theory • No society is classless or unstratified • Have inequality or different rewards for different jobs in every society • There is general consensus in society about which jobs are more desirable and prestigious • Certain jobs must be done in every society • Societies have limited (scarce) resources

  4. Davis and Moore’s Theory of StratificationHow Societies Evaluate Functional Importance of Positions • Determinants of relative rank of position • Positions that have greatest importance to society • Positions that require the greatest training

  5. Davis and Moore’s Theory of StratificationRewards • Types of Rewards a Society can offer • Things that contribute to sustenance MONEY • Things that contribute to humor and diversion LEISURE TIME • Things that contribute to self respect and ego enhancement PRESTIGE • POSITION DOES NOT BRING ABOUT POWER AND PRESTIGE BECAUSE OF HIGH INCOME

  6. CAUSES OF VARIATION IN SOCIAL STRATIFICATION SYSTEMS • Degree of specialization • Degree of functional emphasis • Theocratic — religious • Technical — science and administration • Magnitude of invidious differences — differences in social distance between positions • Degree of opportunity — how much mobility in society between social positions • Degree of stratum solidarity — class identity and solidarity

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