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Learning Objectives. To understand the psychodynamic explanation of phobias To know evaluative points for the psychodynamic explanation of phobias To review explanations of phobias. DO NOW: How might the images/words relate to today’s learning objectives?. Defence mechanism.
Learning Objectives • To understand the psychodynamic explanation of phobias • To know evaluative points for the psychodynamic explanation of phobias • To review explanations of phobias DO NOW: How might the images/words relate to today’s learning objectives? Defence mechanism
QUIZ: Progress measure • 1. What is the role of the Id in the development of a phobia? • 2. How does Little Hans support the Psychodynamic explanation of phobias? • 3. What defence mechanism is involved in the development of a phobia? • 4. How do spiders relate to the psychodynamic explanation of phobias? • 5. What is a problem with the psychodynamic explanation of phobias? • 6. Another problem?
Starter: discussion Defence mechanism Reflection…. In your own words write down your understanding of the psychodynamic explanation of phobias so far….
Learning Objectives • To understand the psychodynamic explanation of phobias • To know evaluative points for the psychodynamic explanation of phobias • To review knowledge of phobias DO NOW: How might the images/words relate to today’s learning objectives? Defence mechanism
Main Activity: Page 219 • You are making notes on the psychodynamic explanation of phobias and the evaluation of this theory • The information for this is on page 219 • Ensure you include in your notes the study of Little Hans, this would be the study you would include in a potential essay on this topic
QUIZ: Progress Measure • 1. What is the role of the Id in the development of a phobia? • 2. How does Little Hans support the Psychodynamic explanation of phobias? • 3. What defence mechanism is involved in the development of a phobia? • 4. How do spiders relate to the psychodynamic explanation of phobias? • 5. What is a problem with the psychodynamic explanation of phobias? • 6. Another problem?
Essay: Phobias • Your forgetting essay is due today • We have a very limited amount of time left before your examination so you will be set your first phobias essay today • The SAME SKILLS apply for this new topic – comparison, evaluation, real-life application etc
Essay Question • ‘Describe and evaluate two explanations for phobias’ (10 marks)
AO1: Up to 5 marks for description of two explanations. • Likely explanations: behavioural – classical conditioning and reinforcement; psychodynamic – conflict between personality components in psychosexual stages and use of defence mechanisms. • Credit description of evidence up to 2 marks. Likely studies include: Watson and Rayner, Little Hans • AO2: Up to 5 marks for analysis and evaluation of the two explanations. Likely points: how each explanation accounts for the behaviours seen in the disorder. • The effectiveness of therapies proposed by the explanations which in turn support the explanations. • Use of examples to illustrate the behaviours/explanations up to 1 mark for each. • Lack of evidence to support theoretical explanations. Strengths and limitations of explanations. • Comparison of the 2 explanations. • Credit use of evidence and evaluation of evidence if made relevant. • Maximum 6 marks – only one explanation • Maximum 6 marks – no evidence
How might these phobias develop when id impulses are repressed and anxiety is displaced onto something else? (clue: think of the psychosexual stages of development!)
Learning Objectives • To understand the psychodynamic explanation of phobias • To know evaluative points for the psychodynamic explanation of phobias • To review knowledge of phobias
Main: evaluation of the psychodynamic explanation • Think….. Pair….. Share • You already know a large amount of information about the psychodynamic explanation…..think about what the A02 points for your essay are going to be! Hint: At age 4 Hans witnessed an accident where a horse collapsed in the street, this had greatly upset him. Could there be an alternative explanation for his phobia?
LO: To review knowledge of phobias • Answer the summary questions on page 219 number 1,3 and 5
Plenary • Outline and evaluate psychodynamic explanations for phobias (10 marks) • Produce your essay plan for the above question – remember for A02 points PEE (point, evidence, explain)