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The Greatest Salesman In the World Part 2

The Greatest Salesman In the World Part 2. As a youth, Hafid was a camel boy for the wealthy trader, Pathros. When given the opportunity to be a salesman for Pathros, Hafid gives away the one item he had to sell, a red robe, to an infant in a manger.

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The Greatest Salesman In the World Part 2

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  1. The Greatest Salesman In the World Part 2

  2. As a youth, Hafid was a camel boy for the wealthy trader, Pathros. • When given the opportunity to be a salesman for Pathros, Hafid gives away the one item he had to sell, a red robe, to an infant in a manger. • When Hafid returns, Pathros gives him a box containing 10 ancient scrolls. • After putting the scrolls to use, Hafid becomes the greatest salesman in the world. • Late in life, in retirement, Hafid waits for the one to arrive to whom he is destined to give the scrolls. • Paul, a Jewish Christian, arrives at Hafid’s house to meet Hafid. • After seeing the red robe he once gave to the baby in the manger, Hafid gives Paul the scrolls. Where we left off:

  3. Today I begin a new life. • I will greet each day with love in my heart. • I will persist until I succeed. • I am nature’s greatest miracle. • I will live this day as if it is my last. • Today I will master of my emotions. • I will laugh at the world. • Today I will multiply my value a hundredfold. • I will act now. • I will pray for guidance. The Original 10 Scrolls

  4. Never again will I pity or belittle myself. • Never again will I greet the dawn without a map. • Always will I bathe my days in the golden glow of enthusiasm. • Never again will I be disagreeable to a living soul. • Always will I seek the seed of triumph in every adversity. • Never again will I perform any task at less than my best. • Always will I throw my whole self into the task at hand. • Never again will I wait and hope for opportunity to embrace me. • Always will I examine, each night, my deeds of the fading day. • Always will I maintain contact, through prayer, with my creator. The NewScrolls

  5. Lebanon Syria Mediterranean Sea Israel Jordan Egypt Saudi Arabia Damascus

  6. Located in southwestern Syria One of the most prosperous cities of the ancient world Where Hafid is in mourning for his deceased wife. Damascus

  7. Lebanon Syria Mediterranean Sea Israel Jordan Egypt Saudi Arabia Caesarea Philippi

  8. Caesarea Philippi Located 30 miles south of Damascus Where Hafid makes his first speech as a traveling orator

  9. Lebanon Syria Mediterranean Sea Israel Jordan Egypt Saudi Arabia Nazareth

  10. Nazareth Located in north central Israel Where Hafid meets Sergius Paulus Christ's hometown

  11. Lebanon Syria Mediterranean Sea Israel Jordan Egypt Saudi Arabia Mount Hermon

  12. Located 15 miles southwest of Damascus Where Hafid writes the second set of scrolls Elevation = 9232 ft. Mount Hermon

  13. (Roman Empire highlighted in red ) Rome

  14. Rome Hafid's last speaking engagement and where Paul is in prison The capital city of the Roman Empire

  15. Where will your sales journey take you?

  16. Where did Paul's sales journey take him?

  17. Paul traveled over 11,000 miles, including over 6,000 miles on foot.

  18. Paul's Central Message "Through Jesus Christ, one's sins can be forgiven" • All people are sinful. • Christ died to pay the penalty for our sins. • Salvation is available to all. • Our salvation is unearned, and we are saved by trusting completely in Christ and His finished work. • We must ask Christ to come into our lives. 6. When we receive Christ, we experience a new birth. We become a new person. 7. We are assured eternal life with God. 8. We experience freedom from the penalty of sin. 9. We become like Christ. 10.We discover God’s limitless love. (Romans 3)

  19. flogged 5 times • beaten with rods 3 times • stoned until his assailants thought he was dead • shipwrecked three times • stranded in the open ocean after his ship was destroyed for a night and a day • threatened by bandits • threatened by other Jews • threatened by Gentiles • attacked from within his group • forced to go without sleep, water, and food • forced to travel naked and in the cold • all the while bearing the weight of concern for the new Christian Church that was established largely through his efforts • (2 Corinthians 11:24-28) Paul was:

  20. Why was Paul so motivated?

  21. In his own words: “But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more,I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord,for whose sake I have lost all things.” Philippians 3:7-8 Paul said he was so motivated because Christ had changed his life, and knowing Christ became more important to him than anything else.

  22. In his own words: “For the Lord himself will come down from Heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first…Now brothers about times and dates we do not need to write you, for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.” 1 Thessalonians 4:16, 5:1-2 Paul said that he believed Christ would return to earth, and those who followed Christ would go to be with Christ while others would enter eternal damnation and it would happen suddenly.

  23. In his own words: “On the contrary, they saw that I had been entrusted with the task of preaching the Gospel to the Gentiles, just as Peter had been to the Jews. For God, who was at work in the ministry of Peter as an apostle to the Jews, was also at work in my ministry as an apostle to the Gentiles.” Galatians 2:7-8 Paul said that he was given the responsibility of telling Gentiles about Christ. He had to tell them; no one else was.

  24. Was Paul a successful salesperson?

  25. Hafid • Hafid was counted among the most wealthy men of his era. • He lived a long, comfortable life and died because of old age. • Paul went about wearing rags, hungry, and without adequate rest. • He was chased out of almost every city he entered, and he had to run away predominantly on foot. • Paul spent much of his life in jail and was eventually beheaded by the Roman government. Paul Let's Compare

  26. Hafid never really existed. Through Paul's efforts, the world was changed.

  27. What is true success?

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