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Why are laboratories so crucial in Engineering?

Engineering is the application of science and math to solveu00a0problems andu00a0figure out how things work and findu00a0practical usesu00a0for scientific discoveries. <br>Know More: Website:/ https://anandice.ac.in

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Why are laboratories so crucial in Engineering?

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  1. Why are laboratories so crucial in Engineering? A Presentation By Anand ICE

  2. What is Engineering in REALITY? "Engineering is the application of science and math to solve problems and figure out how things work and find practical uses for scientific discoveries." It's important for any engineer to lay emphasis on the fact that engineering is about finding 'practical' uses and solutions for existing problems. But how many engineers are able to achieve this? Turns out only 8% (source- McKinsey'18).  Reason? Less to no practical training. This is where the importance of practical experience comes into play. And that is precisely what the following presentation has in store for you.

  3. Theory Without Practice • The theory that you will learn at university as an engineer, will give you the technical knowledge required for your area of specialization. • Applied physics, math, chemistry or computer coding, whatever you learn adds to your existing pool of information and will assist you in your future work. As a civil/airports engineer, you would occupy the majority of your time with runway inspections, defect repairs and car park design – in theory. As a computer science engineer, you would deal with the concepts of software design, hardware technologies and much more, again in theory. So is the case for any other branch you choose.  • The bottom line is, knowing the theory of a subject is like having the tools to build a house. But how would one know how to actually build one? Practical experience holds all the answers.

  4. An Incomplete Equation

  5. The Complete Equation

  6. How do college laboratories help? Here's what laboratories help achieve:  • Work as a simulation. • Curb errors in implementation. • Improve productivity and design. • Test turn-key projects to avoid delays. • Test viability and feasibility of design alterations. • Improve certain life skills.

  7. Work as a simulation Laboratories offer a great means to replicate the actual industrial environment in a miniature format. Creating projects in real time helps students gain the crucial experience of working on real world objects and equipment. 

  8. Curb errors in implementation Laboratories act as a resource to rectify probable faults in the process of a product's creation. It is only in a practical environment that an engineer is able to identify possible defects associated with the implementation of a product and devise means to improve upon its structure and design.

  9. Improve productivity and design The greatest challenge for any manufacturer is to improve design and quality on customer feedback.  Laboratories give the opportunity to test various permutations and combinations of inputs, which aid in improving overall design and make the product more versatile.

  10. Test turn-key projects Turn key projects involve building the final product right from scratch. Since they involve high costs and stakes, it is always advisable to monitor and evaluate their challenges in laboratories to avoid costly mistakes.

  11. Test feasibility of alterations  Design changes in manufacturing carry their own risks, usually of the change not adapting to the product. Laboratories are great places to test for such changes before incorporating them in the actual project. This also prevents the potential costs of rollbacks in the future.

  12. Improve life skills While working on projects in laboratories, students manifest some very crucial life skills. Discipline, time management, team work, communication, confidence and some of the more subtle traits, all of which reflect in a student's personality and play a vital role in interviews and discussions.

  13. Conclusion • The role of laboratories, whether in education or in research can never be relegated.  • The vast array of benefits they offer for students cannot be overlooked. Hence, they will grow more sophisticated and state of the art with the changing times. • Students should thrive to gain excellence in their skills by making maximum utilization of the available laboratories in their institutions and become the best engineers out there.  • In the end just remember: Theory is good. Practice is just better.

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