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What basic ideas about government and rights did the state constitutions include?

What basic ideas about government and rights did the state constitutions include?. Basic Ideas of State Constitutions. Higher law and natural rights: Reflect ideas of protecting life, Social contract: Government was an agreement among Popular Sovereignty:

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What basic ideas about government and rights did the state constitutions include?

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  1. What basic ideas about government and rights did the state constitutions include?

  2. Basic Ideas of State Constitutions • Higher law and natural rights: • Reflect ideas of protecting life, • Social contract: • Government was an agreement among • Popular Sovereignty: • Ultimate governing authority rests with the people

  3. Basic Ideas of State Constitutions • Representation and the right to vote: • State constitutions created legislatures composed of representatives • Legislative Supremacy: • Strong legislature because colonists did NOT trust a strong

  4. Basic Ideas of State Constitutions • Checks and balances: • Most states had 2 legislative houses to divide power • Important decisions were discussed by both houses

  5. Why Legislative Supremacy? • Legislative branch is most capable of • Executive branch is less accountable to the people and • Judges should not be trusted with too much power

  6. Importance of Virginia Declaration of Rights • First protection of individual rights to be adopted by the people • Expressed people’s understanding of their fundamental, inalienable rights

  7. What is contained in the Virginia Declaration of Rights? • All power is derived from and kept by the people • Government is instituted for the common benefit, protection, and security of the people • All men have natural rights (life, liberty, and the means of possessing property) • Freedom of religion

  8. What rights did other states protect? • The right to vote • Free and frequent elections • Freedom of speech and of the press • The right to petition the government and redress grievances • No taxation w/o representation • Rights to counsel and trial by a jury of one’s peers • Protection from illegal searches and seizures • Protection from forced self-incrimination, excessive bail and fines, and cruel and unusual punishment

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