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SCALING UP RtI 2.0. Outcomes. Review of Year One Consensus Infrastructure Implementation Using Data to Take a Closer Look at Tiers Effectiveness of Tier 1 Peer Comparison Individual Student Data Interventions, Progress Monitoring, & Fidelity RtI Collaborative Projects. Agreements.
Outcomes • Review of Year One • Consensus • Infrastructure • Implementation • Using Data to Take a Closer Look at Tiers • Effectiveness of Tier 1 • Peer Comparison • Individual Student Data • Interventions, Progress Monitoring, & Fidelity • RtI Collaborative Projects
Agreements • Let’s celebrate… we’ve survived Year 1. • Commit to sharing ideas that worked at your schools. • Safe environment to “toot” your own horn today. It’s not bragging, it’s collaborative planning. • Keep a sense of humor.
BUILDING CONSENSUS “Terrible" TerryTate enforces the office rules at the Felcher and Sons' headquarters...
Consensus • Making the shift to a new paradigm, like RtI, does not simply involve accepting a new set of skills. It also involves giving up certain beliefs in favor of others. Ken Howell
In the beginning None of Beliefs, Skills, Knowledge All of Beliefs, Skills, Knowledge necessary to participate in a Problem Solving/ Response to Intervention Model
Over Time None of Beliefs, Skills, Knowledge All of Beliefs, Skills, Knowledge necessary to participate in a Problem Solving/ Response to Intervention Model
Goal After 3 Years None of Beliefs, Skills, Knowledge All of Beliefs, Skills, Knowledge necessary to participate in a Problem Solving/ Response to Intervention Model
Paradigm Shift • Eligibility Focus • Diagnostic/Test & Place Model • Get label in order to get help • Outcome Focus • Problem Solving/ Response to InterventionModel • Get help from the start without a label
True or False? People resist change…
“MYTH BUSTERS” Activity National Association of State Directors of Special Education (NASDSE) Myths About Response to Intervention Implementation
“MYTH BUSTERS” Activity Myth #1 The outcome and intent of RtI is identification, and therefore special education remains its own entity that "occurs" subsequent to "trying RTI."
“MYTH BUSTERS” Myth #2 Tier 3 (or the last tier in a tiered model) is only special education.
“MYTH BUSTERS” Myth #3 The major focus of RtI should be identifying students with Specific Learning Disabilities (LD). RtI can be used to “get rid of” those students who are not really LD, but who were simply not achieving for other reasons. .
“MYTH BUSTERS” Myth #4 RtI is only pre-referral.
“MYTH BUSTERS” Myth #5 Comprehensive evaluations do not change with RtI, so districts should continue to do traditional assessments.
“MYTH BUSTERS” Myth #6 The research base for RtI is limited to beginning reading. There are no research studies comparing RtI to traditional special education services.
“MYTH BUSTERS” Myth #7 No contemporary research including student outcome are available.
“MYTH BUSTERS” Myth #8 The over-riding RtI model is the 3-tier. general ed/remedial ed/special ed model, so states should adopt it.
“MYTH BUSTERS” Myth #9 Tier 2 is short-term, not the 10-30 weeks that exists in many RtI models.
“MYTH BUSTERS” Myth #10 Because of “time to disposition” issues with longer Tier 2 interventions, the special education identification process will not fit into the RtI framework.
“MYTH BUSTERS” Myth #11 Move slowly because the status quo is not that bad. Some tweaking is needed, but RtI can support the “traditional but tweaked” model.
Tip 1:A supportive & collaborative environment takes the sting out of a mandate.
Rationale for Using RtI • RtI is a way to help all students obtain the appropriate instruction and intervention to improve their academic process. • RtI is a preventative approach that aims to identify struggling students before they fall too far behind their peers. • RtI is the model for Student/School Improvement. • RtI can tie every school initiative together and make it part of one goal…Improved Academic and Behavioral Student Outcomes.
Tip 2: RtI will work if it is implemented as a School and Student Improvement Initiative It will not work when implemented only to determine eligibility
InfrastructureWhat are the Components? • Multi-Tiered Level of Services • Tier 1 – core • Tier 2 – supplemental instruction/intervention • Tier 3- extensive intervention • Problem Solving Process • Building Teams –Harnessing Collective Intelligence • School Leadership Team • Teacher Data Team • Individual Problem Solving Team • Professional Development
Tiered Model of School Supports & The Problem-Solving Process ACADEMIC and BEHAVIOR SYSTEMS Tier 3: Intensive, Individualized Interventions & Supports. Tier 2: Targeted, Supplemental Interventions & Supports. Tier 1: Core, Universal Instruction & Supports.
Tiers of Service Delivery Problem Identification I II Response to Intervention III Problem Analysis Intervention Design
Quick Activity • Consult with your team members • List the four steps of the problem solving process and the central question for each. • Identify the most important step and tell why.
Problem Solving/RtI“The Scientific Method” Evaluate Intervention Effectiveness Monitor Progress Analyze the Problem Identify the Problem Implement Intervention Design Intervention J L Timeline
Problem Solving Teams School Leadership Team Teacher Data Team Individual Problem Solving Team
Collaboration = Collective Intelligence None of us is as smart as all of us!!! Ken Blanchard
I L C E YEARS 1 & 2Strengthening the Core is Key Importance of a Solid Core “Provide strong core curriculum, instruction, and assessment” - Florida Statewide RtI Plan (FSRtIP) Evidenced-based materials integrated into comprehensive core reading programs - K-12 Reading Plan (K12RP) Use data to determine effectiveness of instructional strategies - School Improvement Plan (SIP)
Collaboration is the Key to Success! Share in groups what successful practices has your school implemented this year to strengthen Tier 1 in academics or behavior.
Using Data to Take a Closer Look at the Health of Tier 1
Elementary Reading AYP Data Percent Achieving Level 3 or Higher Expected Reading Level
Elementary Math AYP Data Percent Achieving Level 3 or Higher Expected Math Level
Core Reports Is the Grade Level healthy? Are we meeting the needs of our SUBGROUPS? Is the core meeting the needs of 80% of the students?