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Scaling up Reuse. Jonathan Essex Sustainable Construction Manager, BioRegional jonathan.essex@bioregional.com 07801 541 924. Outline. - Why Maximise Reuse? - Some Practical examples - Reuse organisations and CSR benefits Key Learning:
Scaling up Reuse Jonathan Essex Sustainable Construction Manager, BioRegional jonathan.essex@bioregional.com 07801 541 924
Outline - Why Maximise Reuse? - Some Practical examples - Reuse organisations and CSR benefits Key Learning: To maximise reuse, write reuse into the contract
A Quick update of where we are now: Resource use: links waste and climate impact UK Ecological Footprint by Country
50% of impact is what we build and buy Ecological Footprint of average UK resident: 5.45 Gha CO2 emissions of average UK resident: 11.87 tonnes Figures derived from REAP by BioRegional
Circular Economy: For all not just consumer goods Source: www.ellenmacarthurfoundation.org
What is Reuse and Recycling? Term Definition Examples Prepare for Reuse (Reclaim) To recover a product for reuse, originally destined to be a waste De-nail timber beams. Clean bricks from demolition site Reuse Reuse of product in original form with minimal reprocessing Reuse reclaimed beams Build wall from reclaimed bricks. Recycle Recover constituent materials of a product to remake into product of equivalent value Wood goes to chipboard. Sub-base into aggregate Glass recycled into new glass product Recover (Downcycle) Recycle product into something of lower grade, in material/economic value. Wood chips go to energy plant or are composted Brick or glass turned into aggregate
Reuse helps reduce shared impacts Reduce Reuse Recycle Zero Waste Less Stuff Use Again
Plan to reduce CO2 of Construction Reuse Buildings
Plan to reduce CO2 of Construction Good Fac. Mgt.
Why worry about Embodied Carbon? • Estimates that it is approximately • 1 tonne CO2/m2 office • 9,000 tonnes/km dual carriageway • 56 tonnesCO2/ave. new house (www.censa.org.uk) • 25 million homes • 50% embodied carbon is to maintain what we already have in the UK
Products = 80% of Construction CO2 Taken from the Low Carbon Construction Innovation and Growth Team Final Report, 2010
Breakdown of construction sector • Housing Construction 13.9% • Infrastructure 7.6% • Other New Work 30.9% New Construction = 52% • Housing Repair and Maintenance 24% • Other Repair and Maintenace 24% Maintain/improve existing = 48% Data: ONS, Construction, 2010
Why worry about Embodied Carbon? Includes structure, fit-out and furnishings. Modelling Operational and Embodied CO2e over 60 years for an AC office (Weight, 2011)
Optimum Resource Use = Reuse? Embodied carbon means rethinking waste
Case Study 1: Furniture Reuse Source: www.wrap.org.uk/sites/files/wrap/Office%20Furniture_final.pdf
Case Study 1: Furniture Reuse “Businesses that reuse office chairs and desks are saving over £14 million a year, as well as helping to reduce carbon emissions and increase jobs in the UK”, according to new research by WRAP (2011).
Case Study 1: Furniture Reuse "Hundreds of community organisations across the country have for many years been quietly salvaging, restoring and redistributing discarded furniture and equipment to provide vital help to families and other people in need, creating employment and training thousands of volunteers in the process."
Reuse creates more jobs Jobs 25 jobs 2 - 4 jobs 1 job
Case Study 2: Computer Reuse CO2kg/computer + 302 + 7 0
Reuse cuts carbon emissions Saves energy + waste Less energy recovered. More waste.
Case Study 3: Timber Reuse Example: Wood Recycling Enterprise
Case Study 3: Timber Reuse Timber CO2kg/tonne Sequestered -1500 less energy to make Chipboard or MDF EfW+CHP ~ -138 EfW ~ +310 Landfill ~ +340 Note: Unsustainable source = extra 5-6 tonnesCO2/tonne Data: David Weight, ICE Energy Journal, November 2011
Less timber reused: a lost opportunity • Much Less Reuse. The timber reused in UK fell by 250,000 tonnes in 10 years until 2007. (10 of 16Mt/year imported, 10% comes from outside EU). • Special. We burn elm floorboards we used to reuse, for which you cannot source new. • New enterprises not plugging the gap. 20+ wood recycling not-for-profit enterprises reuse 0.4% of this. • Wasted carbon. The carbon saved by reuse (reducing need for virgin timber) is over twice CO2 on saving from a energy-from-waste plant. CO2 for deforestation average 1tonneCO2/ tonne timber used globally.
Reclaimed timber • Sourced from reclamation yards • Or taken directly out of demolition jobs • Or from refurbishment Joists can be: • Reused as joists or • Milled into floorboards Studwork: not structural or visible 54km at BedZED carbon benefit, cost neutral
Case Study 4: Refurbish + Construction Surplus Even best sites have left overs… New homes for product: Play Association Tower Hamlets, Hackney Children's Scrap project, Hawkwood Allotments, Selby Trust, Arcola Theatre…
Recycling – maximise segregation • target rate 100% segregation • venues: monthly reporting Example: Olympics Media Hub • 96% segregation on-site • wheelie bins near workforce • workforce engaged / aware • carrot: logistics team incentive to segregate • stick: subcontractor penalty for cross-contamination
Reuse Onsite – Waste Segragation on-site materials exchange facility to redistribute material that is suitable for reuse off site. …allow redistribution back around the site of materials suitable for reuse. …develop on site materials exchange facility metal off-cut bins to be inspected…for reusable material before being added to the metal recycling for off site removal.
‘Arcola Theatre brings the very best of the worlds performing and visual arts to the people of the world living and working in London’ The Guardian
Reuse: $ incentive + Community-led New York – Broadway Musicals done with reuse!
Can we fix it? Barriers to Reuse Lead in Creating Solutions Time and Lack of commitment Put in Contract Lack of space and cost of land Site (lots empty) Labour Intensive Process Skills, Training and Social Benefits
Yes We Can… in London Centres to Reuse All Products Mayor's Office Press Release "£8m to create UK’s first city-wide reuse and repair service." (May 2010)
Yes We Can… in London Centres to Reuse All Products
Yes We Can… in London Centres to Reuse All Products • Bricks, blocks, Paving, flags • Plumbing, drainage • Timber, windows, doors • Paint/decorating supplies. fixing
Benefits: Better FM, lower environmental impact • Save CO2 emissions embodied in products • Can be significant financial / carbon savings • Efficient Collection Service • Good CSR potential • Links to Trainee and Apprenticeship Schemes
Some Recommendations • Create a FM 'procurement and reuse strategy' as well as saving on-site energy use. Focus on fixtures, fittings and refurb not just the weekly wastestream • Use and reuse - via third-sector organisations for furniture and IT; - via exchanges (e.g. recipro) and wood recycling projects for refurbs. http://www.frn.org.uk/ http://www.londonreuse.org/
Thank You Jonathan Essex Sustainable Construction Manager, BioRegional jonathan.essex@bioregional.com 07801 541 924 27th September 2013