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The Software Park Hagenberg is an international center for information and communication technologies, offering a strategic location in central Europe. Settle, open branches, and access highly trained workforce.
software park Hagenberg Research Institute for Symbolic Computation Initiated by RISC Basic Facts Expertise A Business Opportunity for Foreign Companies Prices For more information please press a button.
„We created the Software Park Hagenberg as an international center for information and comm-unication technologies and invite foreign companies and R&D institutions Basic Facts • to settle and open branches Philosophy • to cooperate in joint projects Contact • to access our highly trained international work force Location Site Members • and to take fruit of our strategic position in central Europe.“ Size Work Force Facilities R&D Business Opportunities Bruno Buchberger, PhD Full Professor of Mathematics Initiator and Chairman of the Software Park Hagenberg
Professor Bruno Buchberger, PhD Chairman and Initiator of the Software Park Hagenberg Phone: 0043 732 2468 9921 E-mail: bruno.buchberger@risc.uni-linz.ac.at Internet: www.risc.uni-linz.ac.at Manfred Ruhmer Company Contacts Phone: 0043 732 2468 9952 E-mail: manfred.ruhmer@risc.uni-linz.ac.at Internet: www.risc.uni-linz.ac.at Basic Facts Philosophy Contact Martin Zauner, M.Sc. Industrial Projects Phone: 0043 732 2468 9920 E-mail: martin.zauner@risc.uni-linz.ac.at Internet: www.risc.uni-linz.ac.at Location Site Members Size Gabriele Kranewitter Secretary, Information Phone: 0043 7236 3343 54 E-mail: kranewitter@swp.co..at Internet: www.swp.co.at Work Force Facilities R&D Business Opportunities Wilfried Seyruck Chairman of the Association „Virtual Company in the Software Park Hagenberg“ Phone: 0043 7236 7997 0 E-mail: seyruck@programmierfabrik.co.at Internet: www.softwarepark.at We will be happy to arrange a personal discussion with you for informing you about the many opportunities offered by the Software Park Hagenberg.
Software Park Hagenberg, an intermediary between East and West Basic Facts Philosophy Contact Location Site Members Linz / Hagenberg Size Work Force Facilities R&D Business Opportunities The Software Park Hagenberg in Austria is located in the center of Europe with excellent traffic connections to Vienna, Frankfurt, Zurich, Munich and Eastern Europe.
Basic Facts Philosophy Contact Location Site Members Size Work Force Facilities R&D Business Opportunities The Software Park Hagenberg is situated in one of the most scenic landscapes of Austria and combines renovated historical and modern buildings.
Three Software Research Institutes of the Johannes Kepler University of Linz Basic Facts • 25 Companies • - branches of big companies • - small start-up companies Philosophy Contact Location Site • Two Polytechnic University Departments (FHS) • - Software-Engineering • - Media Techniques and Design Members Size Work Force Facilities R&D Business Opportunities The group of members of the Software Park Hagenberg (R&D institutes, industrial companies and educational institutions) is rapidly growing.
500 people: • 150 employees and 350 students • (annual growth rate: 60 people) Basic Facts Philosophy Contact Location • $ 50 mio investment by public and • private investors Site Members Size Work Force Facilities • 7000 m² office space (annual growth rate 1000 m²) R&D Business Opportunities In the meantime the Software Park Hagenberg is a very attractive education and working place and is growing very fast.
Direct access to diploma and PhD students of the Johannes Kepler University (15.000 students; 2600 incomputer science,mathematics, and mechatronics) Basic Facts • Polytechnic University students integrated into the Software Park (320 students; annual growth rate 60 students) Philosophy Contact Location Site • 30 Interational PhD students at RISC (Research Institute for Symbolic Computation) Members Size Work Force Facilities • International Masters Program in Computer Science within the Software Park planned for 1999 R&D Business Opportunities The capital of the future is the availability of a highly trained and flexible work force.
High-end computing equipment • Powerful LAN • ATM connection • Conference facilities • Hotel and dormitories • Resource sharing (electronic classrooms etc.) Basic Facts Philosophy Contact Location Site Members Size Work Force Facilities R&D Business Opportunities Our infrastructure will satisfy your demands and will help you save time and money.
Software engineering techniques and CASE tools • Process simulation, optimization and control • Symbolic, algebraic, numeric, graphic computation Basic Facts • Robot and NC machines software Philosophy • Data base, datamining and expert systems Contact Location • Artificial neural networks Site Members Size • Parallel and distributed computing Work Force Facilities • Network and client/server software R&D Business Opportunities • Educational software • Communication and media software Depth in foundational research results in breadth in the spectrum of software applications.
Establish a branch of your company on our campus • Do software R&D in cooperation with our institutes Basic Facts • Access our skilled work force Philosophy Contact • Establish a strategic marketing position for your company in Europe Location Site Members • Enroll into our international postdoc, PhD and • diploma programs Size Work Force Facilities R&D • Use our facilities for conferences, marketing events, workshops, etc. Business Opportunities The Software Park Hagenberg is the ideal location for getting access to the European software market.
Software engineering techniques and CASE tools • Process simulation, optimization and control • Data base, datamining and expert systems Expertise • Parallel and distributed computing Applied R&D Industrial Cooperation • Communication and media software Examples • Educational software Partners SWCCH • Artificial neural networks • Network and client/server software • Robot and NC machines software • Symbolic, algebraic, numeric, graphic computation From a thorough problem analysis through the development of new software technological and mathematical methods to turn-key solutions: the Software Park Hagenberg.
For any given software problem the member companies and institutes of the Software Park Hagenberg can flexibly compose an appropriate consortium. Expertise AppliedR&D Industrial Cooperation • One of the members will act as the responsible main contractor. Examples Partners SWCCH From the first contact through a pre-project phase and the final software development phase: a reliable partnership between the customer and the Software Park consortium is established.
Project TOROLO: In this project, RISC developes a logistic and disposition software for the Hödlmayr International Logistics company to plan the load and tours of 200 trucks for 10000 car orders per week for all of Europe. Expertise The optimization of touring, routing, and loading maximizes the number of orders processed under given constraints on the ressources. Applied R&D Industrial Cooperation Examples Partners SWCCH TOROLO - TOuring, ROuting, and LOading optimization: One example of a Software Park project that led to enormous savings for the partner company.
Project Eye Surgery: In this project, the Polytechnic University in Hagenberg developed a 3-D software model of the human eye on the basis of which the eye surgeon is able to experiment with and find out the optimal operations for removing certain eye deficiencies of the patient. Expertise Applied R&D Industrial Cooperation Examples Partners SWCCH Project Eye Surgery: a combination of advanced geometric modelling, database technology, and remote access over the network.
Project City 4 All: With City 4 All, developed by the Internet Services 4 All company in the Software Park Hagenberg, you are able to present your products in a 3D virtual city market place that goes far beyond the potential of conventional homepage technology in terms of real-time and realistic interaction between suppliers and customers. Expertise Applied R&D Industrial Cooperation Examples Partners SWCCH With a new 3D browser released for free, the internet surfer is able to move through a virtual 3D city with his virtual body, talk to others and shop in the stores around.
Hagenberg - Linz - Prag - Wien Web Ware ACF - Advanced Computer Feasibility Ing. Mag. Rudolf Schaumberger e-mail: acf-linz@ping.at Industrie-Auftragsabwicklung -Beschleunigung Dipl.-Ing. Helmut Wadl e-mail: wadl@iab.softwarepark.at AMS Engineering Sticht GesmbH. Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Führer e-mail: thomas.fuehrer@stiwa.com MBM - Industrietechnik VertriebsgmbH Erwin Edlmayr Tel.: 07236/3343-62 bk-teachware Dr. Bernhard Kutzler e-mail: info@bk-teachware.com On Stage - New Media, New Dimensions Andreas Stieger e-mail: office@onstage.co.at Mag. Gottfried Bruckner e-mail: gottfried.bruckner@telecom.at Programmierfabrik Dipl.-Ing. Wilfried Seyruck e-mail: info@programmierfabrik.co.at DATAG Hard- und Software Dienstleistungen Harald Speletz e-mail: datag@datag.at Expertise RISC - Research Institute for Symbolic Computation Univ.-Prof. DDr. Bruno Buchberger e-mail: buchberger@risc.uni-linz.ac.at DIGIT - Berechnung Simulation Optimierung Dipl.-Ing. Kurt Gitter e-mail: digit@digit.softwarepark.at Applied R&D Saturn Networking Solutions Albert Fragner e-mail: a.fragner@saturn.co.at Industrial Cooperation Eudaptics Dr. Gerhard Kranner e-mail: kranner@eudaptics.co.at CAD-Systeme e-mail: hs@hscad.co.at Examples Harald Scheimzuber FAW - Forschungsinstitut f. anwendungs- orientierte Wissensverarbeitung Univ.-Prof. Dr. Roland Wagner e-mail: rwagner@faw.uni-linz.ac.at Partners Soft Warehouse Europe Dr. Bernhard Kutzler e-mail: kutzler@eunet.at SWCCH Fachhochschulstudiengänge Software Engineering Medientechnik und -design Univ.-Prof. Dr.Dipl.-Ing. Witold Jacak e-mail: sekr.se@fhs-hagenberg.ac.at Source Michael Kriftner e-mail: kriftner@source.at Technik Software Stieger Wolfgang Stieger e-mail: wolfgang.stieger@stieger.co.at FLLL - Fuzzy Logic Laboratorium Linz Univ.-Prof. Dr. Erich Klement e-mail: klement@flll.uni-linz.ac.at TUSZ - Telearbeits- und Seminar-Zentrum GmbH Doz. Dr. Sabine Stifter e-mail: stifter@cyber.at F-Line Know-how für Windows Anwender Hans Furtlehner e-mail: hans.furtlehner@f-line.co.at Uni Software Plus Dipl.-Ing. Herbert Exner e-mail: usp@unisoft.co.at GeoObject Software Dipl.-Ing. Wilhelm Medetz e-mail: info@geoobject.co.at WebWare Dipl.-Ing. Christian Aberger e-mail: chrisa@webware.at Dr. Wolfgang Hirschberg e-mail: w.hirschberg.caec@aon.at Internet Services 4 All Martin Brandner e-mail: brandner@is4all.com Mag. Raimund Wesely design@saturn.co.at
Software Competence Center Hagenberg A new program in the frame of the Software Park Hagenberg • 5 University Institutes • 2 Polytechnic University Departments • 18 additional companies Expertise Applied R&D Industrial Cooperation Examples The formula: Partners Software Competence Center A companyinvestsATS 1 mio ------------------------------------------ the government addsATS 1 mio the company has ATS 2 mio availablefor advanced software development. The federal government of Austria started a new initiative for stimulating R&D by a generous funding system.
4.200 m² of office area available • Offices from 16 to 200 m² size Prices • Flexible partitioning of offices Office Space • Costs Internet Phone System Basic rentATS*116 per m² --------------------------------------------- Copier Conference Center Operating costsATS 16 per m² Heating costsATS 10 per m² Sum totalATS 142 per m² (excl. VAT 20%) * 1 US dollar = ~12 ATS Choose the office which best suits your needs and start working in a perfect evironment for software developers.
Shared connection with 512 kBit • Or low cost connection with 64 kBit Prices • Or rent your own connection Office Space Internet Phone System Costs (for shared connection) Copier Conference Center Starting costs ATS* 5000 ------------------------------------------------------------ Monthly rent (incl. 100 MBytes) ATS 1000 Additional 100 MBytesATS 150 * 1 US dollar = ~12 ATS Choose the connection which best suits your needs and start working immediately.
Connection to central phone system • Or rent your own line from post services Prices • Or rent line from other organization Office Space Internet Phone System Costs (connection to central phone system) Copier Conference Center One extension (monthly) ATS* 159 ------------------------------------------------------------ Phone equipment (monthly) ATS 38 * 1 US dollar = ~12 ATS We will help you to choose the phone system that best suits your needs.
Various copiers (0,45 ATS*/copy) Prices • Scanner (A3) Office Space Internet Phone System • Color laser printer (A3) Copier Conference Center • Color plotter (A0 endless) • Print via intranet * 1 US dollar = ~12 ATS Special prices for Software Park companies.
Meeting rooms • Tea-kitchens Prices • Seminar rooms and lecture halls (10 to 300 people) Office Space • Electronic classrooms Internet Phone System • Seminar equipment including beamers Copier Conference Center • Complete organization of events • Internet in all conference rooms • Small hotel in the Software Park • Special arrangements with big hotels in Linz Also small companies can organize attractive events using the conference infrastructure of the Software Park Hagenberg.