1. School Advisory Council Training Presented by the
Office of Continuous Quality Improvement
Strategic Planning
School Board of Broward County, Florida
The main objective of this workshop is to give participants background knowledge needed to understand terminology, sources of data, how to look at data and most importantly how it is used in the school improvement process.
The main objective of this workshop is to give participants background knowledge needed to understand terminology, sources of data, how to look at data and most importantly how it is used in the school improvement process.
4. 6A-1.09981 Implementation of Florida’s System of School Improvement and Accountability
Policy Guidance. Accountability for student learning is the key focus of Florida’s system of school improvement. Results from the statewide assessment program required by Section 229.57, Florida Statutes, shall form the basis of Florida’s system of school improvement and account-ability. Student achievement data from FCAT shall be used to establish both proficiency levels and annual progress for individual students, schools, districts, and the state
Point out -- it’s the KEY FOCUS of school improvement
Point out -- FCAT shall be USED… proficiency levels and annual progress
Policy Guidance. Accountability for student learning is the key focus of Florida’s system of school improvement. Results from the statewide assessment program required by Section 229.57, Florida Statutes, shall form the basis of Florida’s system of school improvement and account-ability. Student achievement data from FCAT shall be used to establish both proficiency levels and annual progress for individual students, schools, districts, and the state
Point out -- it’s the KEY FOCUS of school improvement
Point out -- FCAT shall be USED… proficiency levels and annual progress
5. Planning Cycle (PDSA) Sterling Process connection
The School Improvement Plan process is a PDSA.Sterling Process connection
The School Improvement Plan process is a PDSA.
6. Objectives
7. What is Data?
Basic information
used in research. We need to organize data collected to make it meaningful and turn it into knowledge.
Data allows us to build a foundation for change. We need to organize data collected to make it meaningful and turn it into knowledge.
Data allows us to build a foundation for change.
8. The Importance of Data Provides the focus to make good decisions
Allows us to work effectively
Improves school processes
Measures impact of strategies implemented
All those numbers are children
9. Data Analysis “What gets measured gets done.”
Agree or disagree?Agree or disagree?
10. Data Analysis Data reveals strengths and weaknesses
Data reveals where we need to do better
Data reveals where to make changes
Data almost always point to action
Data is the enemy of comfortable routines
Data may result in retribution When research reveals the facts --- ACTION must follow When research reveals the facts --- ACTION must follow
11. Data and School Improvement Effective schools frequently monitor progress
Schools need to be results focused and data driven
School Advisory Councils need accurate data on what is happening at the school to make decisions
Schools must have a systematic way of collecting, organizing, analyzing, and using data
All staff must be collectors and interpreters of data Data Makes the Difference With School Reform by Victoria Bernhardt,
Director of the Education for the Future Initiative, sponsored by the Pacific Bell Foundation
Effective Schools:
“Schools that utilize and analyze information about their school communities make better decisions about what to change and how to institutionalize systemic change. Schools that understand the needs of their clientele -- the students -- are more successful in implementing changes and remain more focused during implementation. Additionally, schools that use data understand the effectiveness of their reform effort, those that don’t can only assume.
Results focused and data driven:
“Schools that are committed to improvement must analyze existing data. They also must collect and analyze additional data in order to understand:
The current & future needs of the school, students, parents, teachers and the community
How well the current processes meet these clients’ needs
The ways in which the school and community are changing
The root causes of problems
The types of educational programs & expertise needed in the future”
SAC needs accurate data:
The use of data can make an enormous difference in school reform efforts
replaces hunches & hypotheses with facts
identify the root causes of programs (solve problem, not symptom)
assess needs to target important issues
know if goals are being accomplished
determine if we are walking our talk
understand the impact of efforts, processes and progress
continuously improve all aspects of the learning organization
Data Makes the Difference With School Reform by Victoria Bernhardt,
Director of the Education for the Future Initiative, sponsored by the Pacific Bell Foundation
Effective Schools:
“Schools that utilize and analyze information about their school communities make better decisions about what to change and how to institutionalize systemic change. Schools that understand the needs of their clientele -- the students -- are more successful in implementing changes and remain more focused during implementation. Additionally, schools that use data understand the effectiveness of their reform effort, those that don’t can only assume.
Results focused and data driven:
“Schools that are committed to improvement must analyze existing data. They also must collect and analyze additional data in order to understand:
The current & future needs of the school, students, parents, teachers and the community
How well the current processes meet these clients’ needs
The ways in which the school and community are changing
The root causes of problems
The types of educational programs & expertise needed in the future”
SAC needs accurate data:
The use of data can make an enormous difference in school reform efforts
replaces hunches & hypotheses with facts
identify the root causes of programs (solve problem, not symptom)
assess needs to target important issues
know if goals are being accomplished
determine if we are walking our talk
understand the impact of efforts, processes and progress
continuously improve all aspects of the learning organization
12. Show Me the Data!
13. Try these… DWH - Virtual Counselor
DWH - Web Queries
DWH - Web Reports (Benchmarks)
DOE - School Accountability Report (Grades)
DOE - FCAT Reading & Math (All) & (AYP)
DOE - FCAT Writing
DOE - Florida Indicators Report
Research & Eval - Program Evaluations
Research & Eval - Research Reports
DWH - web/dwh
DOE - http://www.fldoe.org
Research & Eval - Go to Browardschools.com and select DepartmentsDWH - web/dwh
DOE - http://www.fldoe.org
Research & Eval - Go to Browardschools.com and select Departments
14. How SAC uses Data To assist in…
Implementing the School Improvement Plan
Monitoring SIP Strategies
Evaluating strategies/educational programs
Providing accountability information
Revising SIP strategies School Advisory Council
Data should be used to drive instruction and set achievement goals that will include aligning resources
Decisions should not be made on hunches -- you need the facts.
“A child miseducated is a child lost.” John F. Kennedy
School Advisory Council
Data should be used to drive instruction and set achievement goals that will include aligning resources
Decisions should not be made on hunches -- you need the facts.
“A child miseducated is a child lost.” John F. Kennedy
Knowing is not enough…
Disaggragation of data is just the beginning to finding the gaps or problems; it is not the solution.ACTION, ACTION, ACTION
Knowing is not enough…
Disaggragation of data is just the beginning to finding the gaps or problems; it is not the solution.
16. Resources
17. Districtwide Testing Handbook
Score Types
Test Interpretation
Rules & Guidelines
18. Office of Research & Evaluation
19. ETS - Data Warehouse Dr. Phyllis Chasser
Data Warehouse
(754) 321-0377
Or web/dwh
20. For Additional Information