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Lampasas ISD School Health Advisory Council. Annual Report To the Board of Trustees May 6, 2013 Dr. Robin Cain, Chair. LISD SHAC Members. Parent Representatives Robin Cain, MD – HSE Glenna Tucker – LHS and HSE Vicky Franco - KWE Debbie Byers –TCE Brandi Karcher – LMS and KWE
Lampasas ISDSchool Health Advisory Council Annual Report To the Board of Trustees May 6, 2013 Dr. Robin Cain, Chair
LISD SHAC Members Parent Representatives Robin Cain, MD – HSE Glenna Tucker – LHS and HSE Vicky Franco - KWE Debbie Byers –TCE Brandi Karcher – LMS and KWE Melanie Brooks – LHS and KWE Karen Dezarn – Community Member Beth Oestreich – LMS and HSE Ashley Underwood – LMS and HSE Dana Tatum – LMS and HSE Amanda Allen, FNP - KWE Ex-Officio Members Jena Procter – Director of School Health – SHAC Coordinator Nancy Year – LISD Assistant Superintendent Debbie Pilgrim – Direct of Child Nutrition – Wellness Policy Chair Lampasas ISD Representatives Amy Vann – Hanna Springs Elementary Elisa Miller – Hanna Springs Elementary Angela Chesnut – Kline Whitis Elementary Megan White – Taylor Creek Elementary Christie Ford – Lampasas Middle School Terri Sturgeon – Lampasas High School Mark Bishop - Lampasas Board of Trustees SHAC members are appointed by the Board of Trustees. Each member will serve a two year term. At least 50% of the members must not be employed by the school district. The SHAC Chair may not be an employee of the school district.
SHAC Activity Report Need Identified: Puberty Education For All Elementary Campus’ Solution: Procter & Gamble Puberty Always Changing Program Some teachers at HSE & TCE have been showing this video to students for several years. SHAC wanted to ensure every campus would show this video to all 4th grade girls and all 5th graders (boys and girls would be separated). The video includes: Hygiene Menstruation Puberty Related Issues
SHAC Activity Report Need Identified: Coordinated School Health Programs currently being used for ElementarySchool’s & Middle School, no longer meet TEA standards. Solution: Bienestar Curriculum Each Campus purchased this curriculum for $595. Campus Nurse’s will coordinate with teachers on which lesson is to be taught each month. Teacher portion of curriculum will be posted on school website under “Staff Resources”. Family portion of curriculum is posted on school website under Parent/Students.
SHAC Activity Report Need Identified: Employee Health & Wellness Teachers and staff are the greatest asset for Lampasas ISD. STEPS is a program created to assist employees in managing their health through a healthy diet, increased physical fitness, and stress management. STEPS Events for 2012-2013 Program is free to all LISD employees this year. All employees have FREE access to the Fitness Center. Britni Henniger began a program, “Boot Camp”, after school and offered employees a discount. Resolution Solution began in January and went through Spring Break. Each week, staff that made improvement towards their goal, would receive a small prize. At the end of the 8 weeks, staff that met their goal received a T-Shirt 50 staff members participated and lost 233 pounds!! Due to low staff involvement, a committee of staff was started to AMP up STEPS program. Currently, the committee is attempting to: Re-name the program Develop more Healthy Programs, i.e. Yoga, Cooking Classes, Weight lifting, etc. Start evening games for volleyball, softball, etc.
SHAC Activity Report Need Identified:Pregnancy Related Services for Pregnant Teens (cont. from last year) Solution: Multi- Disciplinary Support Program Health Services: Meet weekly with pregnant students Curriculum : Baby Basics by What to Expect Foundation (New) Assessing vital signs Answering any questions the students might have regarding health, pregnancy, postpartum, etc. Counseling Services Homebound services and educational support Emotional and coping strategies Return to school and high school completion support
Coordinated School Health- KWE Year Round Initiatives Bullying prevention Addressed by campus administration to staff. Bullying awareness is taught throughout the year in the classroom and on and individual basis. Videos can be obtained from the counselor for classroom teaching. Teachers use Brain Pop and Brain-Pop Jr. to incorporate each months coordinated health topic into the regular curriculum. November – Nutrition School wide food drive and student’s were given a demonstration on “Fats in Foods” by the campus nurse. January – Emotional Health A speaker from CPS talked to student’s about child abuse. February – Illness Prevention Jump Rope for Heart March – Substance Abuse Guest speakers on effects of drug abuse April/May – Environmental Health Central Texas Poison Control from Scott & White will do a presentation
Coordinated School Health- HSE September- December – Safety, Body Systems & Nutrition Students taught playground rules; fire, disaster, & lockdown drills. Red Ribbon Week is mainly about life choices and the effects it has on our bodies. Vision and Hearing screening for KG, 1st, 3rd, & 5th grades. Fall Fitness Gram completed. Students used Blubber Busters (app) to instruct students on their results. School wide food drive. February-Illness Prevention Campus nurse taught all students proper hygiene during PE. Jump Rope for Heart March – Emotional Health The Morris Brothers came to entertain our students while learning to respect one another and increase bully prevention. April - Growth and Development Scoliosis screening for all 5th graders. Puberty Education to 5th graders. May – Environmental Health Field Days for all grades, sun safety
Coordinated School Health- TCE September – Safety Fort Hood K-9 unit came out to give a demonstration using their police dogs. Copperas Cove Sheriff Department were also here to talk to our kids about safety. February – Illness Prevention Lampasas County Extension Agency, Karen DeZarn, did a demonstration on proper hand washing. Campus nurse instructed students on proper hygiene. March – Emotional Health Karen Dezarn did presentation on Bullying April – Environmental Health TerminixPest Control brought different kinds of spiders, scorpions, snakes and other insects to show students what to avoid. Campus nurse presented a video on child abuse. May– Fire Safety /Sun Safety National Forest Service came along with Smokey Bear to talk about fire safety and preventing forest fires. Activity teacher will be showing a water safety video and giving door prizes, i.e. sunscreen, sand pail, towels.
Coordinated School Health- LMS September LMS learned about school safety. Student made flyers that conveys some of the main points of sports injury prevention. December Student’s made posters with current dietary guidelines & displayed in hallways. October 7th grade vision & hearing screening. February 8th grade scoliosis screening. April Campus Nurse initiated a new Healthy Choice program for student’s wishing to become healthier. She partnered with Family Medicine Clinic’s, Amanda Allen, FNP. May Campus nurse will present “Fat in Foods” program to students.
Coordinated School Health- LMS Immunization Preparedness for Next Years 7th Grade Admission All 7th Graders must have 3 immunizations to start the school year Current TDaP Second Varicella Meningococcal Vaccine Vaccination Initiatives October- Initial letters sent home with students informing parents of need for immunizations. March- Second letter MAILED to parents. May- Phone Messenger will be sent to parents again. Reduced the number of students who still need vaccines to start the 7th grade from243 students toonly 156 students.
Fitness Gram Conclusions • Fitness Gram is designed to measure students fitness level and help determine a potential for obesity and diabetes. • All student’s are trying to obtain the “Healthy Fitness Zone” (HFZ) in all 6 components: Body Composition (Height, Weight), Aerobic Capacity, Trunk Lift, Push Up, Shoulder Stretch. • Every 3rd-5th grade student is tested. Only middle and high school student’s enrolled in a PE credit course are tested. • 2012 compared to 2013 results showed very similar results in Elementary and Middle School and improved scores in High School. • LHS: 2012 Results for Body Composition • BOYS: 65% in HFZ in 2012 and 71% in HFZ in 2013. • GIRLS: 60% in 2012 and 61% in 2013 • LHS: 2012 Results for Aerobic Capacity • BOYS: 63% in 2012 and 73% in 2013 • GIRLS: 47% in 2012 and 58% in 2013