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New in Foundations for School Success 2013-14

New in Foundations for School Success 2013-14. Overview. Additional Early Learning programs providing data – no longer just PAT New Approver Role to ensure staff are assigned to an Early Learning program to protect privacy. New data entry fields

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New in Foundations for School Success 2013-14

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  1. New in Foundations for School Success2013-14

  2. Overview • Additional Early Learning programs providing data – no longer just PAT • New Approver Role to ensure staff are assigned to an Early Learning program to protect privacy. • New data entry fields • Inclusion of classroom or group based early learning programs • Allow programs to run reports based on primary funding stream • New – Transition Survey - Children’s Cabinet Outcome

  3. New FSS Role—District Approve Before an individual can begin working in FSS, the approver for the district/organization must create a new username and password for the new role in Common Authentication. Login in to Common Authentidation: https://svapp15586.ksde.org/authentication/login.aspx

  4. New FSS Role—District Approve Click on the button and begin the process of creating a new username and password. The username must be different than the one you created to access FSS last year. After entering contact information, select the district and then choose ‘All Buildings’ before scrolling down and selecting the District Approve role from the list.

  5. New FSS Role—District Approve Before an individual can begin working in FSS, the approver for the district/organization must assign a program to the person. The approver must login to FSS and select the Roles link in the left navigation pane.

  6. New FSS Role—District Approve The individuals approved for access to FSS for that district or organization are displayed. Click on the ‘Select’ link to the left of the individual. The individual is now highlighted.

  7. New FSS Role—District Approve Select the program to assign and click on the ‘Add Role’ button to assign this program to the selected individual.

  8. New FSS Role—District Approve The individual is now added to the assigned program in a table at the top of the screen. They can now login and begin working in FSS.

  9. Data - Child Data is not entered in FSS until a child is born. Children Birth to Age 5 may now be included in FSS PAT will not enter data for the KELI 4 Fall and Spring. This collection is for classroom based programs serving 4 year olds. If a parent does not sign informed consent, no data is entered in FSS. Child Demographic Survey is now just the Child Survey (shorter name). No changes to the Hearing, Vision, ASQ 3 or ASQ:SE collection.

  10. New Data Fields - Child Primary Funding Source for this child (At least 30% funding. Check up to three sources that apply to this child.): KSDE Parents as Teachers KSDE Kansas Preschool Program Children’s Cabinet Early Childhood Block Grant Children’s Cabinet CBCAP KDHE MIECHV DCF Kansas Early Head Start Federal Early Head Start Federal Head Start Federal Early Childhood Special Education KDHE Early Childhood Special Education Private Other: _________________________________ Zip Code of Child’s Primary Residence: _____________

  11. New Data Fields - Child PROGRAM PARTICIPATION Home Visiting Program complete: 1. a. Number of visits scheduled ________ b. Number of visits completed ________ Preschool, Center or School classroom based program or group based service complete: 1. a. Maximum number of Days in the year that a child can attend this program: ________ b. Number of Program Hours within a Day __________ c. Number of days this child has attended this program ________

  12. Data - Family If a parent does not sign informed consent, no data is entered in FSS. There are no changes to the Protective Factors Survey. This is a valid and reliable instrument.

  13. New Data Fields - Family Primary Funding Source for this child (At least 30% funding. Check up to three sources that apply to this child.): KSDE Parents as Teachers KSDE Kansas Preschool Program Children’s Cabinet Early Childhood Block Grant Children’s Cabinet CBCAP KDHE MIECHV DCF Kansas Early Head Start Federal Early Head Start Federal Head Start Federal Early Childhood Special Education KDHE Early Childhood Special Education Private Other: _________________________________ Primary Caregiver’s Residential Zip Code ____________

  14. New Data Fields - Family These fields were grouped differently for clarification based on feedback from PAT staff.

  15. New Data Fields - Family

  16. New Data Fields - Family

  17. Data - Educator • New - HOVRS A+ • Transition Survey • In your packet

  18. New Data Fields - Educator

  19. New Data Fields - Educator

  20. Tips To Make FSS Less Painful • Larger programs – set aside for data entry time each week. Smaller programs – set aside for data entry time each month. • Add new children • Exit children • Enter Surveys • Review dashboard statuses: To Do List (columns are sortable • Link Families, Educators and Children

  21. Reminder • KIDS SSID Core Date includes • Legal first, middle and last name • Date of Birth • Gender • Race • Ethnicity KIDS Core Data can be corrected within FSS ONLY if the SSID was created in FSS. If created outside of FSS or corrected/claimed outside FSS, Core Data can only be corrected/changed by KIDS.

  22. HELP Questions specifically about a KIDS SSID – i.e. duplicate number or correction needed that cannot be done with FSS = kids@ksde.org Questions about other data entry in FSS or questions about procedure for FSS = fss@ksde.orgFSS documents on KSDE website at http://www.ksde.org/Default.aspx?tabid=5221 Updated User Guide, Tool Kit and Forms will be on the website soon.

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