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Recommendations of PAC for Particle Physics 29 th meeting, 10–11 June 2008. Jan P. Nassalski. Recommendation on the progress of the Nuclotron-M/NICA projects. The PAC was very impressed by the significant progress towards upgrading
Recommendations of PAC for Particle Physics 29th meeting, 10–11 June 2008 Jan P. Nassalski Recommendation on the progress of the Nuclotron-M/NICA projects The PAC was very impressed by thesignificant progress towards upgrading the Nuclotron–M machine. The project is proceeding according to plan. Recommendation concerning information from the Nuclotron-M/NICA Machine Advisory Committee MAC members: E.Beebe (BNL), P.Beloshitsky (CERN), S.Ivanov (IHEP), Yu.Senichev (Juelich), B.Sharkov (ITEP), M.Steck (GSI), N.Walker (DESY). The PAC recommended that MAC should meet at JINR at the end of 2008 to make an in-depth critical review of the NICA draft technical design report before its publication.
Recommendation on the further development of the Nuclotron-M/NICA scientific programme The PAC endorsed the main scientific directions of this programme. The observables for the mixed phase and potential future spin physics programme need to be sharpened by detailed simulations to document the requirements for the success of this scientific research in a forthcoming white paper. The PAC noted that the NICA/MPD programme will be important to attract and retain young scientists and engineers to JINR.
Recommendation for activities at JINR related to the ILC The PAC noted with interest the report on the progress for ongoing developments at JINR related to the ILC, in particular on the recent visit of the ILC GDE where information concerning possible siting of the ILC in the Moscow Region was actively discussed. The PAC noted that to build credibility as a potential host laboratory for the ILC adequate resources from the Directorate will be necessary to allow technical developments and contributions at the international level. The PAC would like to be informed regularly about the progress of these activities.
Recommendation concerning reports on readiness of the JINR teams working on the LHC experiments to produce first scientific results The groups taking part in the ALICE, ATLAS, and CMS experiments are ready to obtain first physics results at the time of LHC start-up. The PAC looks forward to a report on the first experience with detector performance and LHC data analysis at JINR at its next meeting.
Recommendations on the current status of the JINR Central Information and Computing Complex (CICC) and its user service There are successful achievements of the CICC performance, earlier planned for the end of 2008. There is ongoing work at LIT towards a significant increase of the mass data storage capability of the CICC in order to bring it to the capacity required by experiments. The PAC welcomes holding of workshops and seminars for users on the basis of the Grid Lab.
Recommendation on information provided by representatives of the CICC user community about their experience with using computing infrastructure The PAC took note of the informationpresented on behalf of the CICC user community, concerning their experience with using JINR’s computing infrastructure. Although a large amount of work is being done on the improvement of the CICC performance, concern was expressed regarding a misbalance in favour of future activities(e.g., the LHC experiments) compared to support for ongoing experiments. The PAC noted that the feedback from the users is very essential for the development of the JINR computing and network infrastructure. The PAC recommends that the LIT Directorate have regular meetings with the CICC users and the leaders of JINR’s ongoing and future projects where the strategy for the further upgrade of the CICC and the allocation of existing manpower and resources can be discussed.
Recommendation for a new project “JINR’s participation in the Daya Bay neutrino experiment” - recommended its approval for execution until the end of 2011. Project might havea positive impact on further development of the scientific relations between China and JINR.
Recommendations on the activities previously approved for completion in 2008 and proposed for continuation “Particles and fields” ”Theory of elementary particles” - until the end of 2013. ... support of the LHC, NICA/MPD, ... “Modern mathematical physics” “Modern mathematical physics: gravity, supersymmetry, integrability” – - until the end of 2013. COMPASS – until the end of 2010; Leading role of Dubna in results on lambda polarization and the Primakoff Effect CDF and D0 - until the end of 2011. PAC noted importance to involve students and young scientists. Key contribution of the Dubna group in D0 - discovery of the cascade baryon Ξb.
STUDIES OF THE HADRON STRUCTURE USING THE COMPASS SPECTROMETER AT CERN (PROJECT COMPASS, THEME 02-0-1025-98/2010) V.Yu.Alexakhin, G.D.Alexeev; N.Anfimov, V.A.Anosov, I.T.Chirikov-Zorin, Yu.Davydov, A.V.Efremov, M.Finger, O.P.Gavrichtchouk, A.Guskov, R.I.Gutschersky, A.Janata, N.I.Jouravlev, A.Ioukaev, Yu.I.Ivanshin, O.Ivanov, Yu.F.Kisselev, Yu.Kharzheev, E.Komissarov, A.S.Korentchenko, A.Yu.Korzenev, A.M.Kotzinyan, O.M.Kouznetsov, N.P.Kravchuk, Z.V.Kroumchtein, N.A.Kuchinski, G.V. Meshcheryakov, A.P.Nagaytsev, A.A.Nozdrin, A.G.Olchevski, G.Pontecorvo, A.A.Popov, E.V.Perevalova, D.V.Peshekhonov, V.D.Peshekhonov, G.Pontecorvo, V.L.Rapatsky, A.M.Rojdestvenski, A.B.Sadovsky, Z.Sadygov, A.G.Samartsev, M.G.Sapozhnikov, I.A.Savin, O.Yu.Shevchenko, A.N.Sissakian, M.Slunecka, G.I.Smirnov, V.V.Tchalyshev, L.G.Tkatchev, O.N.Vasilyieva, N.V.Vlasov, G.A.Yarygin, E.V.Zemlyanichkina
Longitudinal spin transfer to and in DIS • The spin transfer to and in DIS are measured on the best world statistics of 70000 and 42000 • SX() SX() • SX() ~ 0 • SX() may be as large as 0.4-0.5 • Strong sensitivity to the strange quark distribution. Theoretical predictions are from J.Ellis et al., Eur.Phys.J. C52 (2007) 603
Sensitivity to strange quark distributions The spin transfer to disappears if the contribution from the s-quarks is switched off
x z c ≈ 8 cm c ≈ 5 cm ct ~ 0.1 cm Ξb Baryons(DØ, 1.3 fb-1) Phys. Rev. Lett. 99 , 1052001 (2007) • Ξb (quark content: bds) → third observed b baryon after Λb and CDF’s recent discovery of Σb • Study b baryons → great way to test QCD which predicts M(Λb) < M(b) < M(b) • Predicted mass: 5805.7 ± 8.1 MeV • Discovery decay mode at DØ:
Ξ b Mass Measurement(DØ, 1.3 fb-1) • Clear excess in Ξb invariant mass distribution • Significance ~5.5s • Number of signal events: 15.2 ± 4.4(stat) +1.9–0.4 (syst) • Mass: 5.774 ± 0.011(stat) ± 0.015(syst) GeV ( prediction 5805.7 ± 8.1 MeV) • Width: 0.037 ± 0.008 GeV in good agreement with MC expectation 0.035 GeV • Production relative to Λb →J/ΨΛ where f(b→X) : fraction of times b quark hadronizes to X Phys. Rev. Lett. 99 , 1052001 (2007)
A new member of the standard model zoo Baryons consist of three quarks, and DZero's discovery is a strangely beautiful example: it is made of a down, strange, and bottom quark. This makes the Ξb± the first observed particle containing members of all three generations of matter. For this analysis, a preselected event sample was re-processed with a special version of the DZero tracking; this significantly increased the efficiency to reconstruct particles that are produced far from the primary proton-antiproton collision point. The author of this tracking code ("extended-AA") is Guennadi Borrisov (Lancaster University, UK).
BECQUEREL – until 2011. Strong participation from the Member States, 5 advanced degrees for young scientists from 2005–2008. PAC was concerned about the slow scientific progress resulting from the labour intensive scanning technique used and invites the project leaders topresent a proposal at a future meeting including a plan for significantly improving the productivity of the programme either by significant upgrades to the existing instrumentation or evolution of the experimental technique to electronic detection techniques. NA49/NA61 – until the end of 2011. Request a report, including a discussion of the relation and balance of this proposed heavy-ion activity (NA61) to the participation in the ALICE heavy-ion research effort. NUCLEON - continuation - DLNP’s internal laboratory theme. “Physics and engineering of feedback systems in synchrotrons” – until the end of 2011. Important contribution to the LHC: high power components of the damping system. JINR group is now recognized world-wide for its expertise in this field. These expertise isimportant to JINR projects such as NICA.
NN&GDH - until the end of 2011. Importance of polarization studies of double polarized measurements at Mainz and Prague. A combined technical and theoretical participation of the JINR group in these modern experiments represents an important example of international cooperation. THERMALIZATION - until the end of 2011.
Scientific report “Spin physics at the NICA accelerator complex”. The PAC recommends continuation of the effort for a detailed elaboration of the spin physics programme that will be accomplished at NICA. The NICA spin programme should be coherently assembled with the benefit of the considerable existing experimental and theoretical spin physics expertise at JINR. The PAC looks forward to the goals of this research being documented in a forthcoming white paper on the NICA scientific programme.
MOST IMPORTANT POINTS Nuclotron-M/NICA: rapid progress. MAC should make an in-depth critical review of draft technical design report before its publication. NICA physics programme: observables for the mixed phase and potential future spin physics programmes need to be sharpened by detailed simulations and documented in the white paper. CICC: good achievements and ongoing work on upgrades.Concern was expressed by users regarding a misbalance in favour of future activities (e.g., the LHC experiments) compared to support for ongoing experiments. Regular meetings with users are recommended. LHC contribution: high power components of the damping system. Important expertise gained. Important contribution of JINR teams to the results from large experiments: COMPASS, D0.
Preliminary result is obtained, further studies go on, new data will be collected