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Student Information System is an efficient, effective & time saving tool for school/college administration and for the dispersal & retrieval of information over telephone(IVRS). SIS comes with Three Important Features. School Administration Interactive Voice Response System SMS.
Student Information System is an efficient, effective & time saving tool for school/college administration and for the dispersal & retrieval of information over telephone(IVRS).
SIS comes with Three Important Features. • School Administration • Interactive Voice Response System • SMS
School Administration Administrator can easily maintain data of all the students in the school. Data can be easily retrieved and edited. Admission Details, Fee Details, Time Table, Attendance, Fee Details, Exam Schedule, Marks, Progress Reports, Year Planner, Progress Reports, Birthday Greetings, Graphical Analysis.
Interactive Voice Response System • Parent / Students can retrieve information from SIS system. • Educational Institutions Can send Messages to the • students and parents.
SMS Educational Institutions can send SMS messages to the parent like Announcements, Marks, Day to Day Attendance etc.
Administrator Features • Admissions Handles information such as Admission number, class,section etc • Attendance Stores daily attendance of a student • Marks Stores Marks of latest exam of each student according to their respective class and section • Exams Info regarding all the exams to be conducted with dates
Groups-Sub groups Groups and sub groups can be created • Log details Details of all the incoming calls, purpose of call,time and date of call etc are logged for viewing. • Student fee details Handles information of fee details such as fee to be paid, fee paid, date of payment, mode of payment etc. • Timetable creator creates a separate time table for each class • Year Planner Administrator has an option to pre schedule the doings for the whole academic year.
Features (IVR) • Information Retrieval Parents/Students can retrieve information such as Marks, Exams Schedule, Attendance, Announcements etc over phone • Information Dispersal School authorities can send information such as Marks, Exams Schedule, General announcements etc over phone. Information can be send based on time & date.
SMS Features SIS Sends Automatic Messages to the Students and Parents. For Students : Students Marks, Fee remainders, Holiday Announcements, Greetings like Festival greetings, Birthday greetings etc. For Parents : Students Attendance reports, Academic Reports,
PSTN 3 View Log details 2 Information retrieval 1 Information Dispersal Step 1 Administrator records the voice messages and stores in the system Step 3 Messages are sent serially in order as per the dial list. Info sought is played Parents/Students call the system Step 2 Administrator will view the log details later Administrator creates the dial list and enters into the system
IVR Flow Plays Voice Messages Press 1 for General Information Press 2 for Student Information Students/Parents calls SIS 2 Plays Voice Messages Press 1 for Marks Press 2 for Attendance Press 3 for Exam Schedule 1 Plays Voice Messages Plays Voice Messages English 82 Telugu 74 Enter Admission Number Hindi A Maths 97 100# Science 84 Social 67 Percentage 67
Snap shots of SIS Admin Interface Control panel for the SIS. It have options to open the functionalities. Admission Interface Administrator can enter all the details pertaining to the student, during admission
Time Table Interface Administrator can create a time table as per the class and section wise Exams Schedule Interface Administrator can pre set the dates for the examinations to be held for all the classes
Marks Interface Administrator can save marks secured by the students as per the class wise,section wise and subject wise. Enquiry Interface Administrator can view all the details of a student either through Admission number or Class,section and roll number.
Master Data Interface Administrator can preset the details like subject, type of exam, assign subject to each class, details about Non working days, Academic year starting and closing dates etc., Fee Details Interface Administrator can enter and save the data pertaining to fee payments of a student.An option is given to view the previous payments if any.
Progress Report Interface SIS automatically creates progress report of a student, which can be printed. Attendance Interface Administrator can enter the status of the student (Present/absent) just by clicking on his roll number
Year Planner Interface Administrator has an option to preset the schedule for the whole academic year Performance Analysis Interface Administrator has an option to analyze the students performance w.r.t class/ Section/ Subject. This graphical representation gives the admin more details of performance analysis
Hardware Requirements • Personal Computer with P4 processor • 256 MB RAM • External/Internal Voice modem • Telephone Line
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