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Staying Active: some practice and ideas from Europe. Jon Fairburn, Business School, Staffordshire University jon.fairburn@staffs.ac.uk. From Hugh Barton. Oldenburg, Germany. 24 hour access to bike parking and repair shop (30 euros a year). 24 hour access to covered cycle shelter. Oldenburg.
Staying Active: some practice and ideas from Europe Jon Fairburn, Business School, Staffordshire University jon.fairburn@staffs.ac.uk
24 hour access to bike parking and repair shop (30 euros a year)
What do we know? • Raising awareness is not enough to change behaviour • Population largely aware in many cases anyway – need enabling. People in European cities are not walking and cycling more because of awareness campaigns but because they have good options • Too many short term initiatives
Regional engagement with Europe Funding • Traditionally done well under ERDF and ESF but these funds are decreasing due to enlargement • Organisations will need to look at other EU funding streams • Fairly big commitment needed initially, but once successful…
Horizon 2014 -2020 proposals Simplified processes (?) • Eligible Direct Costs: 100% reimbursement • Eligible Indirect Costs: 20% flat rate (of eligible direct costs) • Applies equally to all types of partner
Understanding European funding • Your organisation • + • Usual mainstream activity • =
Societal Challenges - Health • Objective: improve lifelong health and wellbeing • Three key areas: • Prevention – through increasing understanding of relationships in all areas relating to health: genetic, environmental, socio-economic factors, healthy approach to aging • Disease – to understand the development processes & process of disease & its spread in order to stimulate innovative drugs and therapies • Health and Social Care – to improve sustainability & efficiency of care provision, plus management & effects of emerging health threats (e.g. epidemics) Horizon 2020
Societal Challenges - Health • Delivered through: • Long-term studies of large populations to collect and process data • Developing and supporting data and biological infrastructures • Supporting and developing appropriate tools and technologies • Development of research findings into practical & marketable products and services, including regulation Horizon 2020
ERASMUS for all • Amalgamates a load of previous funding under Lifelong learning Programme e.g. Grundtvig, Comenius, Leonardo etc • Really about education and learning at all ages for all groups so suitable for health promotion • See http://www.ehle-project.eu/ for an example • NEW OPPORTUNITY FOR SPORT
Policy Reform - sport • Will support: • transnational collaborative projects • Non-commercial European sporting events of major importance • strengthen the evidence base for policy making in the field of sport • capacity building in sport • dialogue with relevant European stakeholders • Beneficiaries = public bodies / CSOs active in grassroots sport • Projects / networks will implement / monitor guidelines & recommendations adopted by Member States / sports organisations
Priorities: • strengthening good governance and knowledge-base for policy making in the field of sport; • promoting health through physical activity; • exploiting the potential of sport to foster social inclusion, promoting dual careers through education / training of athletes; • strengthen the evidence base for policy making in the field of sport; • capacity building in sport; • tackling transnational threats (doping, match fixing, racism, etc.); • dialogue with relevant European stakeholders
What to do • Find out if you have strategic support for engaging with Europe • Need to establish profile/join networks/partnerships • Establish individual profiles on Linked in and join relevant groups (see my profile) • Read around previous projects (see links at end) • Start to think about impact (size of organisation, network ties, etc)
What to do continued • Attended European West Midlands Service workshops • Network in Brussels • Network in Europe (often small grants around to support travel to develop bids) • For a large bid start work about 1 year before the call. Have a good network in place with partners that make sense
Start active, stay active in Organisational change • Your own organisation needs to practice what it preaches. What is being done to support your own staff? • The re-organisation of public health into local authorities should provide for new behaviours and practices, especially around travel. • New in house health expertise can also be deployed with the workforce
References/useful sites/contact 1. The Public Health Programme in the EU 2008-2013 http://ec.europa.eu/health/programme/policy/2008-2013/index_en.htm 2. A list of previous and ongoing projects in the area of public health http://ec.europa.eu/health/projects/index_en.htm 3. The Executive Agency for Health and Consumers http://ec.europa.eu/eahc/ 4. FP7 Phenotype project – Green space, health and GIS mapping http://www.phenotype.eu/ website not up yet but soon. Lead at Staffordshire University Dr Chris Gidlow. c.gidlow@staffs.ac.uktel 01782 294330 5.European Regions Research and Innovation network http://www.errin.eu/en/ it includes a health working group 6. UK Research Office - www.ukro.ac.uk • West Midlands European Service - http://www.wmeuprojects.eu/ very useful service although unfortunately slimmed down from what it was before • The Social determinants of health http://www.who.int/social_determinants/en/ 9. Be Excellent at Anything: Four Changes to Get More Out of Work and Life by Tom Schwarz et al ISBN-10: 1849834326, very good book from a personal, professional and organisational perspective. Worth a read.
German cities for cyclists and walkers Bremen - http://www.bremen-tourismus.de/index Oldenburg – http://www.oldenburg.de Osnabrueck – http://www.osnabrueck.de/ Meunster - http://www.muenster.de/ All these sites have English versions just click on the flag. Nice places to go on holiday too. Maybe councils could start a twinning arrangement with the above places.
Contact detail • Jon Fairburn, Enterprise Reader • Business School, Staffordshire University, Leek Road, Stoke on Trent, ST4 2DF • www.staffs.ac.uk/business • 01782 294094 • jon.fairburn@staffs.ac.uk • Also on linked in • Enterprising Times is the Business School newsletter, often has EU info in it www.staffs.ac.uk/enterprisingtimes comes out every two months
Partner search which recently appeared on Linked in Group • EU health programme - partner search • OVERWEIGHT AND OBESITY PREVENTION AMONG CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS The project wants to transmit to young people and their families the idea that preventing overweight does not necessarily coincides with the adoption of diets and cares negatively connoted, but that it corresponds to a “wealth-fare culture” based on behaviours non penalizing life quality and that on the contrary, those behaviours enhance the pleasures of the table, the amusement, and are more advantageous and responsible for the family budget and social life..The project is based on the development of integrated and multidisciplinary actions at local and community level directed to intervene on causes which originated sanitary risks, referring to different level of governance and involving public and private actors, civil society, at local and international level.More specifically, the project aims to contribute to the reductions of illnesses overweight-relatedstart innovative actions and campaigns to promote a balanced diet and to create alternatives for increasing opportunities of physical activities among children and adolescents.Facilitate the exchange of know-how and best practices through the connection with European projects EPODE and Tiger Kinds develop communication methods and instruments specifically dedicated to children and adolescentsdevelop communication campaigns at long rangerealise pedagogic campaigns on balanced alimentation, support to young people and their families monitor and measure the results obtained and compare them with those of best practices developed within the EPODE and Tiger KidsPartner profile: private local sanitary laboratorypublic local authority in the sanitary sectorsocial workers at local and international level( social cooperatives) local administrationsinternational private actors for the development of innovative communication systemsorganisation at local\national\international level which are linking the pleasure of good food with a commitment to their community and the environment (ie: we have contact with Eataly and Slowfood)national collective catering private companyprivate and public schoolsFor further information: infonetwork@igcsas.it • The list of responses to this message also indicated other organisations for you to assess as partners.