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Chapter 8 Jesus on Trial. This study is based on Matthew 26:57-75; 27:1, 2, 11-31; Mark 14-53:72; 15:1-20, Luke 22:54-71 ; 23:1-25 John 18:13-40; 19:1-16 The Desire of Ages , chapters 75, 77 —See also Messiah chapters 75, 77.
Chapter 8 Jesus on Trial This study is based on Matthew 26:57-75; 27:1, 2, 11-31; Mark 14-53:72; 15:1-20, Luke 22:54-71; 23:1-25John 18:13-40; 19:1-16 The Desire of Ages, chapters 75, 77 —See also Messiah chapters 75, 77
If you had the power to do so, how hard would it be to refrain from forcing people to choose to do the right thing? The Desire of Ages 710-3 and Messiah 376-8
If you could force people to obey God and force them to be kind to each other, would you? Why or why not? The Desire of Ages 710-3 and Messiah 376-8
Why was Peter accused of being a follower of Jesus but John was ignored? The Desire of Ages 710-3 and Messiah 376-8
Peter would havebeen willing to fightfor Jesus, but hecouldn’t bear being criticized for Jesus. Have you ever facedthe same struggle? The Desire of Ages 710-3 and Messiah 376-8
What did theSanhedrin need to get Jesus to say before the Romans would agree to the death sentence? The Desire of Ages 714-5 and Messiah 378-9
Humans in mobs are often much more violent than they would ever be individually. Why is that? Have you ever seen an example of mob anger? The Desire of Ages 714-5 and Messiah 378-9
What did Pilate notice first that set Jesus apart from the ordinary criminals he judged? The Desire of Ages 723-8 and Messiah 385-8
“What is truth?”Pilate asked. Is the truth the samefor everyone? The Desire of Ages 723-8 and Messiah 385-8
Is something that istrue for one person always true for another? The Desire of Ages 723-8 and Messiah 385-8
What threat did the Jewish leaders use against Pilate to force him to find Jesus guilty? The Desire of Ages 723-8 and Messiah 385-8
Both Pilate and Herod had Jesus beaten and then let Him die. Why would Jesusspeak with Pilate and not with Herod? The Desire of Ages 728-40 and Messiah 388-91
Why did the Jews choose Barabbas over Jesus? The Desire of Ages 728-40 and Messiah 388-91